Virgin Media Superhub
When trying to access my Virginmedia Superhub to change wi-fi channels F-Secure prevented me from gaining access, switching off F-Secure allowed me to do so, always a dangerous thing to do. Could a fix be possible to allow access to the hub without switching off the security? I have noticed this complaint from others on…
Products pricing - Family package etc.
Greeting! Since F-Secure has launched more products I'm suprised there's no packet deals. For example a family package for X devices (X €/ 1 Year) and get for every member/device: * SAFE * Freedome * Booster * Key * X GB storage in Younited SAFE has an option to buy for 1-10 devices, which is good - but Freedome and…
Add websites that I trust to a safe list for F-Secure help please, thanks - Jason
What I mean is that for each (at least new F-Secure but if possible all F-Secure) F-Secure a person on his or her own computer can add websites that are trusted so that they do not get blocked.
make f secure lighter on system resources
Hi, Add an option to scan files only when it changes. Scan and create a databse of cryptographic hash of scanned files. The files which has already been scanned will not be scanned unless it changes dues to updates & upgrades. This will lower the hard disk usage, making F secure much lighter on system resources. Thanks.
Possibility to configure Freedome VPN connection on unsupported devices
I have this idea, which I think would be useful in this world of many different OSes: I suggest that you would make it possible to, for example, configure the VPN connection on Windows Phone. Windows Phone has the possibility to configure VPN profiles at the settings, and so do many other OSes that are not supported by…
Addons for Opera...
It would be great, if the F-Secure addons would also work under Opera (it is based now on the Chromium-Project). So it should be easy for you, if you have already made a Chrome-Plugin, to port this to Opera Thanks a lot... And let us fight for a save and free internet :)
F-Secure Subscription Packages
i notice new stuff being added to your website, but to be honest you should have like 3 packages. because to have all your products for a year is very expensive maybe you should follow other company's and packaging products together. F-Secure Pro Includes: F-Secure 50GB Cloud Storage F-Secure Internet Security F-Secure…
Internet Security UI scaling on Windows 8.1 and high resolution displays
Please make the Internet Security UI scale properly on Windows 8 and high resolution screens. I have a 13" laptop with 3200x1800px screen resolution and Internet Security UI is pretty much unusable without a magnifying glass. Here's a screenshot (scaled down to 1920p). The text is physically about 1.7mm high...
Ui; Card labels
Hi I currently have 40+ passwords saved on my galaxy S4 mini. I love the app but find my choice of clip art (when setting up new site login and secure password) are limited, forcing me to use duplicate cards I must rely on colour. I'm hoping that a future update might include additional options to change this, inc. User…
Verknüpfung von Lizenzen
Zur Zeit ist es technischen Gründen nicht möglich gekaufte F-Secure Safe Lizenzen welche aus unterschiedlichen Quellen stammen, z.B. - gekauft über den F-Secure Shop (cleverbridge) - gekauft über online-shops (z.B. amazon) mit nur einem MySafe Account zu verwalten. Somit ist das Feature "Verwaltung aller Geräte (PC's,…
Let F-Secure key mark old passwords
It's important to change ones passwords, can we get F-Secure key to mark passwords as obsolete or due after say 60 days?
awesome app but absolutely hate all the intrusive ads everywhere can you guys make Fsecure Safe ad free please and thanks :) :)
Einsenden von suspekten Dateien
Der Quarantänebereich sollte eine Möglichkeit bekommen suspekte Dateien direkt an F-Secure zu versenden. Viele Antivirensoftwarehersteller bieten diese Möglichkeit an. Ich finde das es auch am einfachsten ist. Einfach Datei in der Quarantäne anwählen und mit einem Button "Datei einsenden" direkt an F-Secure senden.
Please,Please add a built in firewall for Macintosh and PC versions.
Please add a comprehensive firewall for BOTH the PC and the Macintosh versions. Where you can adjust multiple rules and look at patterns of connection tivity. I know this is a lot to ask for in a newly developed feature but it could have these settings which would be advanced. Then it would have simple that would make…
Why F-Secure Search using Google ads is a really bad idea
I searched on "You Tube" using F-Secure Search and here are the results: 1) You Yuble - wow.com www.wow.com/You+Yuble Search for You Yuble Look Up Quick Results Now! 2) Funny videos, funny clips - video-funny.com www.video-funny.com/ Watch funny videos and funny clips. Funny images, funny pictures, pics. 3) You Tube -…
Rescue CD Needs Wifi
I just wanted to submit some feedback concerning the F-Secure Rescue CD. I like how simple it is to use, but most of the people I help bring me laptops with built-in wireless adapters. My recommendation is that the system ask you to choose an available wifi network and allow you to connect to that. Such as my office wifi.…
Mögliche neue Gestaltung des Programms
Ich habe eine Super Idee wie F-Secure Internet Security neu gestaltet werden könnte. Im Statusbereich der F-Secure Internet Security könnte man statt den Desktop zu zeigen zwei quadratische Fenster einfügen die eine sollte ein Virenzeichen und die andere eine Firewall zeigen mit einem grünen Häckchen als Symbol "geschützt"…
Safari Extension
It's about time Key got a Safari extension isn't it? Ever other major password manager has one...
Antivirus or VPN application for Xbox one or Ps4?
Gamers when they go against someone are such horrible people that they sometimes practice Swat ING in the U S A. A VPN for your console to make it untraceable would be terrific. The losing gamer in swat ING for those that do not know will actually locate where you are. Then call the police and say something horrible enough…
Explain why a site is blocked
Following a link, seeing a landing page: Site blocked, left there with 2 options: * homepage * allow the site. Essential informations are missing: since when, why, AND: a link to the report for that site. That is one of the reasons i possibly will not extend my subscription. Tests for alternatives have already begun...
Warnhinweis für Neustart
Hi -Wenn ein Neustart des Computers nach einem Update nötig wird sollte der Hinweis alle zwei Minuten bis zum Neustart des Computers angezeigt werden. Das kann nützlich sein wenn man gerade nicht vor dem Computer sitzt und der Neustart wird erforderlich. -Im Statusbereich wird das Desktopbild angezeigt. Es wäre super wenn…
Add Scrollbar to Password Input List for F-Secure Key
As you can see, the username and password input is in the bottom-right of the browser window (Google Chrome), and my password required is not visible due to being cut off. Even if I move down the list with the down arrow key, I cannot see which password I am selecting. Please add a scrollbar to the password list to be able…
Riskware? Stop patronizing!
F-Secure Internet Security insists in wnting to decide which application you should use, and which not. What they call "riskware" is blocked without asking, such as some of the nice tools of Nirsoft, which can be helpful in certain cases. Tis "knowbetterism" of F-Secure is going too far! First the user should be given a…
It would be fine, if you integrade an anti-adwardsoftware and so on into the internet security 2015. I must use a freeware for this (and it happes fast to get an adward and so on!). I will not buy software of this kind of comecial!
Suggestions for Key
Hi, Now having used the Key solution for a while I have a few questions/suggestions. * Why is it that it is not possible to copy selected parts from the free text field? This would be handy as I put quite some info there. * Can the free text field be longer as in visibility. I keep scrolling now forever. * When using Key…
Add password based uninstall-prevention method is worth considering, if it could be integrated with
加強自我-保護功能 ,即使帳戶管理員, 無法停止防病毒服務。
Get small but genuine application trusted too from small developers.
I'm the developer of FileOne organizer software and F-Secure sometimes sees my software (FileOne.exe) as W32/gemini malware. Such message scares my customers of course and might give me a bad name. I do not sell malware/spyware/trojans etc etc. I would shoot myself in the foot if I did. How can I get my application trusted…
KEY: Adding local Key file for advanced security log in
Hello, adding a local key file in addition to the master password for better / advanced security log in: * possibility to create a local key file for log in (in addition to master password) * improved security option -> "two way identification" * without locally stored key file master password is useless -> stolen…
F-Secure KEY: Support for proxy with authentication
Hi, I have been unable to sync my passwords from work, due to the fact that my proxy requires authentication. I've already opened up a discussion thread at the link below, but since I didn't get any reply in almost a week, I thought I'd try here. (Plus, it's not clear whether it's bug or a new feature request :) )…
Testing tool to ascertain security service/product performance.
We need a testing tool to ascertain security service/product performance for products we use.