Other Firewall Options

We need a more comprehensive firewall option to use with f-secure. Depending on the windows firewall might be easy - but it's not as robust as it should be. Compared to comodo firewall, zonealarm, agnitum's outpost firewall options - the windows option is not only lacking features, but it is likely less secure.
I am setting up a new computer this week and started with better firewall - now trying to install f-secure I get the message it needs to remove comodo firewall (and malware bytes) - I think this is a poor choice, and after reading some of the forums replies, it appears that f-secure will only work with windows firewall - and unfortunately I am going to choose not to use f-secure now, in light of having a better firewall option.
I am clicking to give kudos to other people that have posted in years past saying this program needs to include the old firewall options and similar.. this is a major issue.
windows 8 or 8.1 - fescure safe or whatever they are calling it these days.