home protection product for Linux

makan Posts: 18 Observer

i believe lot of f-secure home users use linux as their primary/secondary OS.

linux is not immune anymore, please make a new security product for linux platform with home user oriented.


your product don't have to be compatible for all linux distro, just pick up some well known distro e.g fedora, opensuse and ubuntu.


thank you


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    @makan wrote:

    your product don't have to be compatible for all linux distro, just pick up some well known distro e.g fedora, opensuse and ubuntu.

    as my own feelings or feedback:

    for me more actual such ability with Debian (for example).



  • Bart4
    Bart4 Posts: 2 New Member



    I would like to express my fully support for makan's idea of a home protection product for Linux!

