Windows-Tablet Mode for automatic/scheduled scans to reduce CPU usage/heat
Hello, since scans often need over 90 % of The CPU power it would be nice to add some kind of a "Tablet-Mode" for Windows tablets (x86/x64). CPUs can get pretty hot and fans are often running at high speed. That's pretty annoying, especially when a scheduled scan is running in the background while working. Regards.
Auto upgrade from Policy Manager
Hi! Not sure if this forum is also meant for Business related feature requests.... I would really like to see an option that when a client with an old version of Client Security (9.31 for instance) connects to the PM it automatically receives an upgrade to CS 11.60.. Globally we use the PM to upgrade clients that were…
iOS 8 Safari extension
Any plans on this?
Add Changelog, Known and Fixed Issues and Bug-Reporting (Button) to Website or Forum
Hi developers, would love to see some kind of Changelog page, a list of known- and fixed-issues as well as some kind of a Bug-Reporting Site or Button on your site or forum. * Inform customers about changes, fixes or new features. * Tell customers which bugs or issues you already know about, so we can be sure, that's on…
Gaming Mode options
Set gaming active always when a selected game is started, then exit game mode when the program is closed. Could have an option to "always activate gaming mode for this program" in the right mouse button menu on desktop.
Option to exclude files or apps from scanning
Hi, it would be great if there would be an option to exclude files or apps from scanning if some maybe malicious is found in the Mobile Security.At the moment there is only the option to deinstall the files/apps.
More user depended options
Hi, I would like more user depended options in F Secure. Settings and in general behavior. I want to decide when something is found what to do in real time scanning and for example in Email Protection. And scanning is a bit buggy at the moment. It often abort scans when use the option to scan compressed archives. CPU is…
New deeper clean.
Just a thought, you should "teach" at least some of your programs to recognize those nasty browser infecting bloatwares. I'm talking about Astromenda which was a pain in the a** yesterday. It was easy to remove manually but some kind of one-button resolution would of course be nice. As in e.g. SpyHunter 4
Key grouping
Hi! is it possible to create key groups? For example Games - Pitfall - Boulder dash - Raid over Moscow - UBISoft (a group inside a group) - game 1 - game 2 - Mojang - account 1 - account 2 WWW - Google - Facebook - Randomsite 1 CreditCards - VISA - Mastercard - Amex
Re: Missing features in F-key
A possibility to store pictures e.g bank codes and written notes would be handy.
Feature suggestion
Hi, i am really liking the protection features of Freedome but sometimes feel it is too simplistic and not transparent enough. Whilst i appreciate it comes across as ideal for novices, an advanced mode would be great, with better visibility on what is going on in the background of the existing features. A feature i'd like…
Add start and stop times to scans
When malware is present, it sometimes messes with scans. I would like to see start and stop times added to scans so I can determine if the current scan is taking the same time as usual.
Unload Alert
It would be nice to log and forward and alert when the "Unload" function is enacted on by a user on the PSB client. Also one when it is "re-loaded" would be helpful.
Policy Manager, Software Updater and Offload Scanning
After using the Premium version of Client Security for a while as well as the Offload Scanning I believe the software is in need of several improvements. Here is a list of the ones I can think of right now. Software Updater * Would be greate to have more options for Automatic installation. Today you can only select "every…
Key - Option to change listing of passwords
Suggested feature - I use apx 5 passwords alot ( banking, email etc) and would prefer to have them at the top of my list, instead of scrolling everytime. I would like to have either a Favourites option or a most popular listed top to bottom. Thanks Gav
Cloud managing
I m a Bit defender migrator to fsecure. I quite a fan of cloud managing various scans,parental control etc so that i can keep an eye even though i am far away from PC. I would feel more secure when my subscription code key registering to an account permanently rather than a device ID .
Auto-fill Credit cards
Please make it possbile to auto-fill credt card information. Card number, expireing date and name etc.
feedback when synchronizing/Transfering Stuff
it would be great if we can see what is being synchronized/Stuff_Transfered. Thanks
Automatic password entry of single characters
Many financial websites require random characters from your password to be entered. Can we have an upgrade to F-Secure Key to facilitate automatic entry of single characters e.g. Ctrl+2 for 2nd character, Ctrl+b for 11th character etc. while selecting from the drop down list of password entries. This suggested method is…
More informations in "Statistics"
Hello, I think that Statistics window give too few informations about cleaned files or denied applications. I see how many files were cleaned or denied but i can't see WHICH. Here is a image that can clearer show my suggestion So i want to know WHICH files were cleaned and WHEN.
Easier maintenance of passwords: A one-glance password sheet grouped by (various criteria)
A flat list of passwords works well when searching for a password. A flat list does however not solve the following management issues: 1) "How many unused discussion forum accounts did I have? Where?" or, analogously: "Do I have some webshop accounts that I used six years ago but do not use anymore, and that should be…
KEY: stronger indication if you have successfully copied username or password on iOS
Please make it more visually clear or stronger indicated if you have successfully copied the username and or password from KEY on iOS. I find myself going back and forth, because i clicked on copy, but either I'm clumsy or back at pressing precisely. Perhaps it could change colour or hue slightly. Or perhaps it could…
Feature request: Search to include "Notes" field
I have the habbit of writing stuff in the "Notes" input field. And then I try searching for it, I come up empty. And realise I have to search for whatever i typed into the "Description" field. Which is fine. But sometimes I wish I could include the "Notes" in my searches, when using the app or client; not when using…
Multiple passwords per account for Keys
Now theres option to have 1 url, 1 username and 1 password - the way of thinking is just for basic websites. I would love to use Keys also for servers etc, there you would have 1 address, multiple usernames and multiple passwords. Example could be linux server, there could be ip or name of the server, then a basic…
New typeface!
Can you please choose anynother typeface for the passwords! On old display and on new ones. It's sooooo hard/impossible to read, and with auto generated passwords that doesn't make sense. I can't see if it's 0 o O etc. Now i just locked out of goverment logins for days, because they use **bleep**ing java and doesn't auto…
Game Mode Icon
Can you make the icon change in the bottom taskbar so I know when Game Mode is active.? Sometimes I forget to change it back after playing a game. Internet Security 2014/Windows 7
web portal(ish) kind of approach to F-secure Keys
Yes, I know that topic has been discussed earlier*, and result has been that web-portalk does not meet Fsecures security standards. *) http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Web-based-service-as-alternative/idi-p/39459 But since I'm stubborn Finn (and proud of it ;-) ), I would like still suggest new approach:…
Whitelist Malwarebytes
Perhaps this idea has already been implemented, but I will suggest it anyway. Every now and then F-Secure has a major update requiring an installation, not just adding files. I assume it actually uninstalls the old version and installs the new one, which includes a check for competing AV products. I am not the only…
F-Secure Key
Can you please provide a variable time out parameter for KEY.
More than one install for trial version.
Why should users be limited in this way? There are now a number of threads on the Forum where this limitation has lost F-Secure potential new customers. I have used MANY security programs over 18 years and F-Secure is the only one that limited/limits a trial version to one install.