"Something went wrong, we are sorry" Error for Freedome

Hi there,
I updated Freedome to the latest version and now whenever I try and turn freedome on I get a generic "Something went wrong, we are sorry" error.
I've already gone through the forums and the only solution I've seen posted is "Sorry you need to re-install windows 10". That isn't a solution for me. I updated Freedome because it was supposed to be better. Had I know it was going to break I wouldn't have ever updated.
Freedome if still working on my other devices, just not on my main desktop where I need it the most.
I couldn't find any ticket system for this site so I assume this is where I'm supposed to post.
Hi there Ben.
I've gone through that link and I still can't get it to work.
There are no pending updated when I check for them and also when I navigate to the Network Connections window via `control ncpa.cpl` there is only my local network controller. When I open Freedome and press connect that is when I get the error message.
Here is what I see: http://tinypic.com/r/2mxh8w1/9
Hi Someguy,
Sorry to know about your issue, I recommend that you create a support ticket in order for us investigate further on this issue. We might need the logs from Freedome to check this.
Thank you.
Hi there Chameni,
I've lodged a support ticket (almost a week ago) and still haven't heard anything. Is this a normal response to tickets?
I understand that you guys might get busy but I'm basically wasting my subscription for every day I can't connect. I just don't know why I can't be kept in the loop so I can get a gauge on how long this process might take.