Freedome window not visible after update

After a recent Freedome update I find that the Freedome window is no longer displayed, I just see a small white rectangle on screen. The system tray shows Freedome is present and ON and I can select other locations successfully but the main dialog fails to display.
This is on Windows 7. I've tried restarting the laptop, and also shutting down Freedome using the system tray icon menu and then restarting Freedome from the desktop icon. The results are always the same: system tray icon appears and message saying I'm protected but no main dialog window when I click on the taskbar icon, or when I select Help or About from the system tray icon menu.
When it starts up I also see a brief pop up from the system tray announcing a Happy Anniversary offer.
Please clarity: Is it the Freedom Icon in system tray you are talking about or the real Freedome program window?
I have not seen the icon for a while and cannot tell if Freedome is on or not (the setting is not to start Freedome when Windows starts) but the Freedome service is started automatically.