Can't configure the app

I have been using freedome (iphone 5) for the past 6 months in Beijing without any problems.


After coming back from Taiwan the app doesn't work. First it said - cannot connect to the server. Check your internet connection and try again. Error code = - 1001, domain = NSURLErrorDomain, desc = time - out.


However - I am connected to the internet.


I tried reinstalling the app but now I receive " Can not configure the app, restart and try again" .


Nothing works. My boyfriend however - is able to use the same app, on his Iphone 4 without any problems.


Any idea how to solve?


  • Anyone care to respond?



  • Hi silverkid,

    It seems like there is a possibility that China is actively blocking VPN solutions in various ways.

    Your boyfriend may be coming from a different operator network and it is not blocked, or, he might be connecting through a gateway that not blocked.


    Would you be able to provide us some screenshots of these error messages?


    Best regards,


  • I can send you screenshots, but it's in dutch - so unless you can read that .. there is no point.


    Translated it says

    - Can't configure the app. Restart freedome and try again.


    - Can not connect to the servedr. Check your internet connection and try again. Error code = -1001, domain = NSURLErrorDomain, desc = time-out of the request.

  • Also I want to add, that my boyfriend uses the same network as me. I can not even select a different country because I dont have that option.


    It's taking now already too many days to get a suitable solution for this problem.


    Please help!

  • Dear Administrator,


    I am still waiting for a reply.


    Can someone please help me?



  • Hi silverkid,

    Sorry this is taking longer than expected. We're consulting the experts/product team and we hope to have a solution for you as soon as possible.


    Best regards,


  • Dear khairul,

    Any news from your side? I am still waiting for a reply.

    I paid for a year - if we can not come to a solution this week. I unfortunately want to stop my account with a refund for the unused months.

    I await your reply

  • Hi silverkid, can you try these steps?

    1. While Freedome is still installed on your iPhone, go to Settings > General > Profile > F-Secure Freedome.
    2. Remove/delete the profile.
    3. Uninstall the application, and reboot your iPhone.
    4. After the reboot, download the application again from the AppStore and try installing it again.

    If the issue still persists, we suggest you to generate the logs and create a support ticket here. You can select any product from the list (Freedome is not listed), note down the link to this community post, attach the logs and once you have created the ticket, PM me the Case Number here.


    To generate the logs:

    1. Open the Freedome application.
    2. Go to About, and tap the version number 7 times.
    3. Click on the Send Logs button (send the logs to your own email so you can then attach it to the support ticket).


  • docpom
    docpom Posts: 3
    I have exactly the same problem as silverkid! Imtravel to China very often and succesfully used freedome for three month free testing period. This time I started the app in China, I received the same comments as silverkid "app could not be configuered, etc..."). I tried the last steps you recommended (remove profile, restart,...) but still the same. I will send you the Log as you told silverkid. I hope it helps solving the problem, as I can't access certain serbices since three days now.
  • Hi docpom,

    Okay, please PM me your Case Number after you've created the support ticket so I can forward it to the correct person. The logs should be able to help us to troubleshoot further. Thank you.


    Best regards,

  • docpom
    docpom Posts: 3
    Hello Khairul!

    Did you throw any switch? I just tried it once more and it is working! Any idea why?
  • docpom
    docpom Posts: 3
    Hi silverkid!

    Maybe you try it, too? Maybe it was caused by some government control?

    Good luck!
  • I did as you proposed. Deleted the profile - delete the app & reboot the phone  - reinstalled the app.


    Now I don't get anymore the error - new proposed location to use is US (before was Hong Kong)


    It seems to be working again.


    Thank you very much.


    I will keep you posted the coming days if anything may occur.

  • FYI I tried all of this last week as well, it didnt work then. So I don't know why it works now, but it does!

  • Hi @silverkid, Thanks for the update and good to know that the situation has improved and the product works now. Please let us know should the issue resurface.

  • rickcase
    rickcase Posts: 1 New Member

    I am new to Freedome, running it on a non-jailbroken/non-modified iOS 9.1 on iPhone 5S. I just arrived Beijing, and install the app Dec 9th, Beijing Time. I always get this error, 'Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again', no matter how many times I re-install or reboot, same error. The app does not ask me for any permission, so I don't have any Profile installed for Freedome, and I don't have a place to choose location. Tap the Protection OFF button, and the error pops up. Select the Subscription tab in the menu, and the error shows up as well.


    I installed Freedome on my Macbook, which is using the same network as my phone, and Freedome works fine on my Macbook.


    I did use Hide My Ass (HMA) VPN last year, so I had one (and only) Profile for HMA in the Profile list. I deleted the Profile, uninstalled Freedome, rebooted my phone, reinstall Freedome, and still get the error.


    So, overall, it gives me a feeling that this app is not supposed to work in iOS 9.1 on my iPhone 5S. I am a software developer myself, so I tried to offer every detail I can think of. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Kenneth16
    Kenneth16 Posts: 2 New Member

    Same problem for me Smiley Sad. Freedome works just fine on my Macbook but today when I downloaded the app to my iPhone 6/Ios 9.3.1 and tap the 'Off' button the only thing that happens is this message pops up that says 'Oops, Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again.' Unlike the others I am located in Thailand, not China but I am traveling to China this weekend and need a VPN there for my whereabouts. Please advise me what to do and please do it fast!



  • Kenneth16
    Kenneth16 Posts: 2 New Member

    Exactly the same problem for me Smiley Sad. Freedome works fine with my Macbook but today when I downloaded the app to my iPhone 6, running IOS 9.3.1 and tap the 'OFF' button the only thing that happens is me recieving that same message: 'Oops, Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again.' However when I do that nothing happens. My location at the moment is Thailand but I am going to China this weekend and need the VPN for my whereabouts there so please help me with this fast.



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