Confusing subscription management


When I bought a Freedome subscription for 12 months 3 devices I recived an e-mail with subscription activation instructions:

  1. Download here (check)
  2. Install Freedome (check)
  3. Choose subscription from the sidebar menu and enter the code (doesn't work) - instead I get to choose from:
    1. Subscribe now (takes me back to the site so I can buy a subscription again),
    2. Have a code?  which sounds like the correct way of activating the product but it does nothing, it just says "Validating Voucher please wait... " (I don't have a voucher code?...),
    3. Log in - I created an account thinking maybe this is the place for the activation, but no - instead I get three months free trial for F-Secure Safe and I cannot add any other types of subscriptions when authenticated on My-F-Secure. 

I tried to chat with support but no technician connects to my chat and it automatically disconnects after 20-30 min of waiting. I tweet to F-Secure about the chat support issues - no reply. So, this is my last attempt to get some answers: How do I simply activate Freedome?


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