Is it just me or is the VPN insanely slow ?
I am trying to watch crunchyroll from Japan trough a VPN in Europe but no matter which Server I try I only get about 1mbit at best when doing a speed test while being connected to any of the European servers .... The Asian ones are like 20mbit which would be sufficient but don't work with crunchyroll. its the only thing I…
What to do if my VPN breaks down every now and then
my VPN breaks down without any signal. Resulting in no access to the internet. What can I do to get rid of these interuptions. I have a Mac/iPad/iPhone and the cut off happens with Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc. Thanks for a suggestion.
I cannot connect to the internet using Firefox while the F-Secure VPN - TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber
Lieber Support, die Probleme bezüglich "" bestehen noch immer ! Es ist nicht mehr möglich mit eingeschaltenem Freedom-VPN zu Arbeiten eben auch bei "security.tls.enable_kyber=flase" . Die Verzögerungen sind nicht mehr hinnehbar :-(( Ich verstehe nicht Ihre Ignoranz, hier seit Wochen keine Lösung erarbeitet zu haben !? MfG
VPN too laggy/slow to use
VPN has been extremely slow for the past days. I have to load most pages at least twice before the website loads at all, videos are impossible to watch. I can basically only use internet when I turn VPN off. Is there anything I can do?
Number of tracking capsules blocked has not changed for the past few weeks
I’ve noticed that the number of tracking capsules blocked has been stuck at 15,528 for the past few weeks. Is this a potential issue that could affect functionality, or is it purely a cosmetic glitch? M
My iPhone will not connect to a mobile network abroad
is F Secure blocking my phone from automatically connecting to a mobile network abroad even if I turn the VPN off????
iphone 16 - VPN compatible with CarPlay/Airplay?
I have a new iPhone 16. On this device, CarPlay/AirPlay only works if I disable the f-secure VPN. However, on my old iPhone 12, f-secure VPN and CarPlay/AirPlay are compatible. Is this a f-secure bug, or do settings need to be adjusted?
Now that I have learned that F-Secure is bowing to the regime's rules, and blocking the free information (like e.g. rt.com) I have decided to end my and my company subscription. The question is, what is another alternative, allowing free speech? I do not mind paying, even expensive, as that has never been an issue to us.…
Possible dnsleak/android
Device= Android: 15 (Pixel 6a) F-Secure: 24.11.9132029,VPN-gw= Ficolo/Espoo dnsleak.com: Suspection of DNs-leak with VPN on(client)=ipv6,DNS-server=ISP=DNS-server Should i be worrying of my privacy in any way? Edit: PII removed
F-Secure VPN will not connect, iOS 17.5, F Secure app v23.0.301700
Hello - longtime Freedome user, per direction I have uninstalled Freedome on my iphone (15 pro) and have installed the new F Secure app. My subscription shows as valid until September 2024, which is correct. The VPN does not connect. I was having connection issues with iOS 17.4 however they seemed intermittent. When it was…
VPN switch missing
Hi! On top picture is a view from my new computer and under that a view from my old computer. Why isn't the VPN available? Both computers have the same licence and same version of software.
Taboola intrusion
I'm currently trialling F-Secure Total hoping that it would detect and remove Taboola which is very intrusive on my Android lockscreen but, despite running a full scan, it doesn't seem to detect Taboola which Ithink must be embedded somewhere? I'm not very techie and would love to get rid of this annoying ad generator. Any…
VPN problems on iPhone
Iv'e FSecure on my iPhone. And very often it looses connection with the networks due the VPN. I've to reconnect very oftenly. Any idea what can be done?
F-secure Total Reinstalation.
VPN hasn't been working for over a week. Advice was to uninstall then reinstall. Uninstalation was straightforward, but I can't find out how to reinstall on the same laptop. Any advice?
Freedome Internet connection keeps breaking.
Websites not always loading and having to refresh to open it, otherwise it may take 20 sec. I have problems with chess.com pairing, not always working, they said connection issues. Sometimes I get disconnected mid game and have to turn freedome off. YouTube videos suddenly stop loading. Everything works if I just turn it…
Deco mesh routers offer possibility to add VPN
Deco suggests Nord vpn and others but how can i use my Freedome vpv?
Privacy VPN
Hi, i install Fsecure Total on my new laptop, but the Privacy VPN is missing from the app on my new laptop. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but still the same, could you please assist. Regards James
Privacy VPN stuck on Loading... Please wait.
As per the title, I am stuck on Loading… please wait on the VPN. I have already tried reinstalling the program on my laptop. Its on a Windows 10 Home OS I have seen this problem raised a number of time in the forums but am yet to find a solution.
iMessage not working on Mac with Privacy VPN
Since the last update of MacOs to 15.0.1 and Total F-secure to 19.8 when I try to send an iMessage from my Mac, the message is never sent. When I deactivate the VPN the message is sent immediately. I have searched the topic in the net and found out that there are reports that other VPN providers have the same problem since…
Bypassing certain web addresses with VPN
Hello, I have F-secure total, and it seems that certain web addresses cannot be configured to bypass its VPN? For instance, the Finnish Broacasting company has a service (areena.yle.fi), which cannot be used if F-secure's VPN is on (I've head that other manufacturers' VPN Products don't have this problem?). Therefore, the…
F-Secure VPN Not Functioning Properly on Windows and iPhone
This discussion was created from comments split from: New F-Secure app is still not working.
subscription renewal done last June
Renewed subscription to F Secure in JUNE 2024 Ref.No. 469194462 cannot access account
Unwanted F-secure window popping
Running F-secure VPN on an M2 Macbook Pro. A window pops every 5 minutes or so, with no interaction from me. I have been unable to stop this. Please advise a solution. Currently I have to turn off the VPN, which makes the product useless. Screen shot attached
Horrible user interface after switching from Freedome
Dear F-Secure, The switch from Freedome VPN to the new F-Secure app severely degraded the user experience. You cannot turn the app off anymore. Previously, this was possible by right-clicking on the task bar icon and selecting the exit option. You can no longer turn the VPN on or off directly from the task bar right-click…
Snapchat Best Friends Planets Not Working After Installing F-Secure
Hi everyone, I recently installed F-Secure on my device, and since then, I've noticed that the Best Friends Planets feature on Snapchat is not working properly. It seems like the feature either won't load or is glitching out whenever I try to access it. I've tried restarting my phone, clearing the app cache, and even…
Can't use VPN on mobile data at Turkiye
I tried the steps that you said on forum before even that still cant use vpn when my mobile data activeted. I can't use vpn without Wi-Fi. Vodafone Turkiye mobile operator.
VPN region assignment
So, I chose NW USA as my VPN region, but for about a week I have been getting Canadian news article prompts. I checked and my VPN was now Toronto, Canada. Then a few days later I was assigned to Mexico City, Mexico; both without choice of myself. I don't mind so much being subject to Canadian rules, regulations and laws,…
VPN activation immediately canceled...
…because my mails were no longer send from Windows Live Mail. Suus
-Secure Privacy VPN do not activate om MacOS rerturns message "Turn of Freedome VPN..."
I have MacOS Monterey 12.7.5. And had Freedome installed and it worked fine. I then uppgraded to the new Freedome VPN. And got an error saying the I needed to turn of Freedome VPN to get the newVPN to work. After deactiviating Freedome FSecire VPN started to work. Afterwords I uninstalled Freedome. Since then the F-Secure…
VPN bypass doesn't work for some applications