How to use OpenVPN Protocol on iOS
Hi all, I am not able to establish a VPN connection using Freedome VPN on my iOS device, I can do it using Windows 10 and Android, Probably IPSec (IKE2v and 1v) are being blocked by my internet provider. I definitely need to use it also on my iOS device. Could you please tell me how can I import the Freedome VPN profile to…
When an extra licensed device is a friend's Ipad
I recently renewed my F-Secure Freedome subscription. I subscribe for three devices but use only two. I want to let a friend use the third license for an Ipad. How can my friend download F-Secure Freedome and subscribe using my subscription code?
𝝣 F-Secure Freedome 𝗩𝗣𝗡 Version Analysis 𝝣
QUESTION: Protection wise, what is the difference between the F-Secure Freedome VPN Version 2.32.6293.0 and the current version of the F-Secure Freedome VPN for the MacOS?
Freedom do not work in Turky. Why?
I have allways use freedom in turky but now its not working. Have goverment done somthing?
outdated database
im getting an outdated database im my prog. please help
why connection failed?
Hello there, i use vpn freedome in a restrictet wlan to go to free internet. But freedome dont connect any server. WLAN works, the newest version of freedome works, licence works... windows 10 in newest version, works. 👍️ But connecten ... waiting for...waiting..and waiting... 😴 Fun fact: the kaspersky solution works fine.…
How do I add Freedome VPN to my SAFE subscription?
I have F-Secure Safe, Version 18.0. What would it cost me to include a VPN protection program?
Unable to turn Freedome ON
I have an Android phone and with the latest update of F-Secure Freedome, I am unable to turn on the VPN on my phone because when I hit the ON button, I get a message pop-up from Android which says the following. ANDROID PREVENTS TURNING ON VPN PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANOTHER APP SET UP AS "ALWAYS-ON VPN" IN…
Hi, help, please
Hola, Quería saber si los 6 euros mensuales que me cuesta la app para mi smart tv a través de la play store, son de por vida.
Process "F-Secure Freedome UI" (Freedome.exe) still running after turning Freedome off
I noticed that the process "F-Secure Freedome UI" (Freedome.exe) used 5-7% CPU. I don't use Freedome so I turned it off from its icon in the system tray and it disappeared from there. However, that process is still there, making my CPU busy. How do I turn it off completely? I use Freedome from time to time so I don't want…
Hi I am from sweden and I was trying to watch viaplay now in USA.
Why is that
Safari bookmarks on MacOS and iOS won't sync using Freedome?
This has been the case almost a year now. So Freedome is practically useless on Apple devices. Can it be so that I am the only one who has noticed this?
Esa Pietiläinen, viitenumero xxxxxxxxx
I have Freedome VPN xxxx-xxxx-xxxx and it is valid to 28.december 2021. Now I get a message that Freedome in my phone do not work any more. Why? With best regards Esa Pietiläinen email: xxxxxxxx@xx.com Mod. Edit : Removed PII/Edit Title
VERY CONCERNED: Exactly How Does F-Secure Freedome 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻 𝑴𝑬 On My iPhone Today?
I recently read F-Secure's "Apple iOS may leak traffic outside the VPN tunnel" 09/10/2020 report. To read the above F-Secure report, click here: https://bit.ly/2GYMo7M. Reading this report got me to thinking ... QUESTION: (1) Exactly how does F-Secure Freedome protect me while I am surfing the web on my iPhone ( Software…
Still having problems accessing particular site though danish node
Hi support, Way back I asked noted a problem I have accessing a particular site using the danish node of freedome. The original post can be found her I never really got a proper answer from support and the problem still remains. This tracert is from 12-08-21 C:\Users\michael>tracert motomatters.com Tracing route to…
Why does Freedome make audio streaming stop after about 3 - 4 minutes?
When using either Simple Radio or TuneIn Radio Pro aps the audio stream stops after 3 - 4 minutes and does not recommence. The aps act as though they were buffering, but nothing happens. Both aps work fine streaming audio when I turn the VPN off.
Freedome is using lots of phone battery
After installing the latest version of Freedome (version, the SW is consuming a lots of my phone's battery. Battery runs out very fast. If I turn-off Freedome, problem goes away. I attached a screenshot of my phone's battery usage.
What is the location when you choose Finland?
What is the location when you choose Finland? When I choose Finland as the location Twitter tells me that I have logged in from Helsinki. Yesterday connections were acting up and Twitter told me I had logged in from Karkkila. Today it is Helsinki again. Why did I get Karkkila yesterday and was that OK or was there…
Help Needed Desperately: How long will iOS 12 be supported???
Hi, I hope I'm not being an annoyance, but I tried searching for an answer to my problem and I couldn't find an answer. My problem: I'm running the FreedomE App on my iPad Mini 3 is my main device and it's running iOS 12 because my iPad Mini 3 doesn't support iOS 13 and iOS 14... My worry is that F-Secure will stop…
Italian servers DNS not resolving Apple App Store
Hello, I've reported this bug to an Italian F-Secure representative and through the Freedome app feedback, but the issue was not resolved. The Italian Freedome DNS servers do not resolve both iOS and macOS App Store, so when you open the App Store there's an alert "impossible to connect". The odd thing is I can update the…
Does Freedome VPN have Split Tunnel Features?
Hi, does anyone know if this VPN has the following features? -Double VPN -Split VPN -Zero Log policy
Paid twice.......
I got a message from F secure saying my subscription had run out. So I paid by Paypal. Then found out that the original subscription was valid to 2022. How do I get this recent payment back. ?
Where can I see my Freedome subscription?
I´d like to know when it ends, and if it´s on automatic renewal,
with F-secure Freedom on I cant log in to Facebook
Strange thing but, windows 10, Crome or Firefox, Facebook, 2 different laptops, Lenovo and HP, Freedom and e.g. Sweden. All is updated. Cleared cockies and all that, restarted..... If I have Freedom on and try to login to Facebook it will just ask me, in an endless loop, about my mail and password and no time to fill in…
Subscription code don't work.
Subscription code don't work. I've just payed £69.99 for this and the code don't work. Just comes up saying "ERROR" TRY LATER Been reading the comments on here and seems alot of people have the same issue. I've done every thing what on the comments board and still nothing. Not very happy. Please help or any chance getting…
Can't print with my LAN-connected printer with D_Secures VPN on
I can't print with my Ethernet-connected printer on my home network - WHY? I can only see my 2.4 GHz WiFi-net when I try to accept a trusthworty net - WHY not my 5 GHz WiFi-net or my Ethernet ???
Application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect??
After, essentially, overriding Microsoft objections to Freedome when downloading, this is where I hit a dead end. Any ideas on how to address?
How to finish my subcription f secure
How to finish my subcription ??
Freedome drastically slows down my internet speed?
pic freedome on, 2. pic freedome off
Freedome and split tunneling
My understanding is that split tunneling is used to overcome the reduction of speed due to use of VPN. I see no option in Freedome for that. What can I do if I have several tabs open in the browser and some of them i consider "safe" not to use VPN. Can I do something?