Missing the FREEDOME Menu in the Menu Bar (Mac Big Sur 11.2.2)?? HERE's THE ANSWER
The Freedome menu bar disappeared after I installed Big Sur. Well, actually, it didn't. It's just invisible. Literally. There is no icon present, but if you find the right spot on the menu bar to click, the FREEDOME menu is actually still there!! It's just a black logo on a black background so it is not visible. It took me…
Setup Freedome VPN on Windows 10
Greeting, hackers and users. This issue is driving me crazy... Would like to setup a VPN connection on Windows 10. I do have a valid Freedome VPN but the only thing I can is to download their own program and run it... Ok, pretty good solution... just download and run! No more thinking... Come on, F-secure, I want to be…
Freedome keeps cutting my connection
Freedome kerps changing frommobile broadband to WiFi and back and cuts my connection. It is not usable. Im using iOS 13.7.
iPlayer in Afghanistan
I can't view iPlayer when I'm working in Afghanistan, which I do for 9 months of the year! I have a full subscription to Freedome. Can anyone offer any advice? Thank you.
Will Freedome VPN work with Asus Modem Router Combo-AC2600 WIFI gaming modem?
Hey I am an online gamer and want to use Freedome VPN. I want to know that will Freedome will work with the Comcast network and the Asus Modem Router Combo-AC2600 WIFI gaming modem?. Also if anyone knows any other good gaming modem of any other company with good wifi reception?one of my friend reffered to techmotherboard…
IPTV in Spain
I have F-Secure TOTAL for 5 gadgets and works well both in Finland and Spain. In my holiday apartment In Spain I have a TP-Link router connected with LAN to Samsung smart TV. I want to use MAG box for IPTV, but probably VPN is needed? What to do?
When will F-Secure Freedome be available to download from Google Play Store on Android TV:s & sticks
When will F-Secure Freedome be available to download from Google Play Store on Android TV:s & sticks? I'm now using and other vpn to be able to watch tv Swedish tv channels despite the fact that I'm not living in Sweden. However, since yesterday I'm not able to watch Sweden's TV4 channel when I'm using Windscribe VPN, but…
How can I use freedome on my LG webOS smart tv?
Hello How can I use freedome on my LG webOS smart tv? There is no Freedome app in the LG content app store. Is it possible to get and use freedome smart dns on my tv? Regards
Should I be worried?
I am in Sweden. Freedome is connected to Sweden. But Web-browsers Edge and Chrome (Language)were starting on Netherlands. La After I started the Computer and Router again, problem is gone. Again **** 3rd time My userprofile on win-10 is big. I created a new user (with new profile). But www.f-secure.com/nl came again as…
Teamspeak not working when VPN enabled
Everytime I turn on my VPN on FREEDOME my teamspeak looses connection but everything else works
Chrome and Freedome
HI all Has anyone had the same problem, on a Chromebook. I use a Pixelbook Go and have the sense router and the total package On trying to use the seetings function in Freedom it just closes the app..... I have cahted with the team on here and found out its not supported on the chrome platform. Seems strange
Any way of overcoming...................
I recent bought Freedom, installed it onto my MAC desktop and also 3 other devices. On my desktop it has now become apparent that I have to switch Freedom off to be able to run BBC iPlayer because I’m told that “this content is not available in your location”. However switching Freedom off permits the use of iPlayer - it…
Skype don't work with Freedome
It seems that I cannot login or make calls with skype when Freedome on connected. Any ideas on how to approach this issue? It's a bit of a security issue when I cannot safely roam the internet when having calls.
Should I be worried?
I'm in the UK and for the last 2 days , Google and YouTube seem to think I'm in Russia. The language and movies are all Russian. If i go to my own website and use Google Analytics, it thinks I'm in Russia too. However a check on my ISP shows as in the UK. If I switch off 'Freedome' the problem seems to go away, despite…
I did not received the Freedome last update
Hello, it seems that Freedome got updated to a new version recently, the Update Check section within program won't update it to the new version tho, I srsly don't like to download and reinstall the programs whenever they update to a new version, is it the only way for Freedome everytime a new version is available? or i…
Not working in UAE
Can anyone recommend any troubleshoots for the freedome VPN not connecting to U.K. server? I’m currently trying to connect to U.K. server from Abu Dhabi in UAE.
Are there command lines to change location?
Hello everyone. I'm wondering if I can change location in this VPN (randomly) using command lines or a command line client. I am looking to create a batch file with instructions for this app to change its location so that I can do it regularly on a scheduled time interval that I can operate with another application. I can…
Subscription Validity
Hi.. I have had various Freedome subscriptions, and now wish to ensure I have a single ongoing subscription running for my devices. However, for a specific subscription reference, the ‘valid until’ date showing on my Mac is about 3 months before it appears to expire on the original email, which offered 1year plus 3 months…
howto samsungtv
appon tv how do install on smart tv
No virtual location available
Hi, today was the last day of my subscription, so I paid my money and entered the code into Freedome. After restart, the window showed 'no virtual locations' and there was no internet connection at all! In the end, I had to go back to my last restore point, which I had made before I put in the code. Then everything went…
1-year Freedom VPN from Chip.de Christmas calendar already expired.
Hello all and hello customer service, if you might read this, First I am completely new in this forum, so my apology if I make mistakes. I have got a 1-year F-Secure FREEDOME VPN from Chip.de Christmas calendar but it tells me that is is expiring by end of the day now after 4 weeks. Did I something wrong at installation? I…
FREEDOME service struggling on laptop
I have bought FREEDOME recently. I have had no problem with it working on my phone however on my Mac the connection is very intermittent. Is there a reason for this?
FSVpn Upstream Service notification keeps coming up on Mac Big Sur 11.1
FSVpn Upstream Service notification keeps coming up on Mac Big Sur 11.1
Freedom takes a long time to connect
Hi! I’m a Mac used and Freedome takes ages to connect. I’ve un and re-installed it and sis the killswitch thing I fould on anotjer thread. Also, is it possible to change which servers it uses? It is very frustrating not to be able to switch servers if the current one is blocked ny a site. Feeling disappointed I chose this…
Refund Request - Zero Response
I'm having zero luck getting a response from anyone regarding a refund request. Any suggestions? So far it's looking like there's absolutely no customer service support; what a disappointment.
Problem re-installing Freedome with regards to License
Hello, I recently needed to re-install Freedome on my device. I have the subscription that allows for 3 devices to use the program - 2 are used on other devices, my device is the 3rd. Anyway, after re-installing, I put in the code, but a box came up telling me what you can see here in the picture I've attached - that I'm…
Error: The app could not be configured. Restart Freedome and try again?
While opening FSecure Freedome at startup I get the above error message "App can't be configurated. Starte Freedome again and try again. But anytime I do this the same error message appears. Any idea where the bug is? Any help is appreciated Thank you
How do you get back on Freedom on new PC ?
I recently bought a new computer after my old one went kaput !. I have an existing subscription for three devices though I only ever used one device ( my old PC), I need to know how to reinstall and use my existing code to verify the installation, On the download page it seems there are only options to buy a new…
Hi, updated to Win 10, 2004 and Freedom is unable to connect since then. it just tries and tries, spinning the wheel. I'm on the most updated version of Freedome, version, 2.37.6557.0 . the same problem occurred in January 2019 after an update.
Yle Areena watching for finnish only profram not working anymore since today ?
Moi, Anybody out there with same problem than me, not able to watch Yle Areena´s finland only restricted material anymore ? I think F-secure server in FInland has been blacklisted by Yle Areena and F-secure need to find a workaround for that ! //Wide