Computor not protected!

Hi All,
I have got the above message along with 'virus protection not up to date'. I have tried to do a virus scan but all I got was 0% done for about 20 minutes. Tried to contact support team but apparently they only work Mon to Fri and not on bank holidays (lucky them!). Now I dare not use my laptop, what do I do?
ps. I'm not very computor savvy, well since i got Windows 10 anyway!
Firstly, do you have any other security products on the machine which could be conflicting with F-Secure? These would be anti-virus / anti-malware products, especially those with real time protection. Also, have you checked to see that your F-Secure subscription is still valid, and that you have all the latest essential Windows Updates?
Assuming No to the above, in relation to other products, if you right click your system tray icon (by your clock), you should see an option there to Check for Updates. If that fails, then go to the Support Tools page, and download and run the FSAUA-reset Tool, followed by the fsdbupdate for Windows tool, and hopefully that will sort it out.