F-secure is tempering with my 3D-program

ManoelN Posts: 2 New Member


I  have F-secure running on my  (Mac-)computers by courtesy of my provider XS4ALL (Netherlands).

A few months ago I suddenly started having problems with my 3D-program Strata Design 3D CX, a program I use about 80% of my office hours. 

Every little action (like selecting an object, or changing windows/views) triggered a 20 seconds 'beachball' delay.

One can imagine that production is out-of-the-question like that.

I had to start a big investigation with the support of Strata to solve the problem, including eventually in reïnstalling the program and updating the OS X. Nothing helped though.

Then I remembered that shortly before the troubles there had been an F-secure update. Switching that off immediately solved the problem.

Now, everytime I start working 3D I have to swith of FS and remember to swich it back on when finished.

No need to explain this is NOT a smooth way to work.

I hope you can solve this conflict with Strata (Strata.com).


Thank you,




Operation systems were OS 10.10 and OS 10.12

Version Strata is 8.1.2 (latest)

Mac Mini late '14

2,6 Ghz Intel Core i5

F-Secure SAFE version 16.2


  • Hi Manoel,


    This might need further investigation on what's causing the trouble between the 2 products. I would recommend to get in touch with the XS4ALL support team with the logs so that they can investigate this deeper.

  • ManoelN
    ManoelN Posts: 2 New Member

    Hello Laksh,


    Getting in touch with XS4All was the first thing I did after finding out FS was the problem.

    They couldn't do anything for me, so I'm turning to you directly.

    The problem lies between FS and Strata!




  • Hi Manoel,


    If XS4ALL is unable to resolve the issue, they should be getting in touch with our respective F-Secure support team in order to troubleshoot this further. You can ask them to get in touch with us and escalate the issue.


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