F-secure and Symantec running at the same time good idea?

I have both F-Secure and Symantec installed and running on my laptop. Is this okay to do? I have heard previously that using two AV softwares simultaneously can prevent one another from working properly...
If I have to pick, which one should I keep and which should I uninstall?


  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    No this isn´t a good idea.

    Install ONLY one Security Suit, which is running fine on your system. If you want to make an scan beside your "normal" install suit, you can use scanner like malwarebits or hitmanpro to check your system.


    You asked which one you have to keep Smiley Happy

    Of cource F-Secure. I used Symantec this year from Juni until October to test it. It really running fine on my system but it has many many false positiv. So changed back to F-Secure. The detection of both systems are really good but F-Secure makes less false positiv Smiley Happy and i like the really good support. 


    Greetz Hexo

  • 2eemeli
    2eemeli Posts: 95 Enthusiast

    Hexo is right having two antivirus running is not a good idea at all.


    It will slow down your system as the two AV's will be all the time in a race condition, who will get the file first.


    Some years back your system would have just blue screened when doing that. Luckily these days you can do that stunt without breaking your system and having it to recover via safe boot.


    Further more if you would have multiple firewalls how to make sure all is working in the network?  Going to be fun to trouble shoot connection issues.


    I am using F-Secure and haven't tested any other Security Suite for years never had bigger problems with the service.


    Just decide which you would like to run and than use the tools mentioned by Hexo ot some other online scanners offered by F-Secure or whom ever.

  • @bishvabis wrote:

    I have both F-Secure and Symantec installed and running on my laptop. Is this okay to do? I have heard previously that using two AV softwares simultaneously can prevent one another from working properly...
    If I have to pick, which one should I keep and which should I uninstall?

    Two AVs running in real time protection can cause many issues. Definitely not a good idea.
    Neither one is that good, but I suppose Symantec is a bit better. You can still use the other as an on demand scanner

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    funny to post that here.

    Either, use that, for which you pay, and if you don't pay at all - use whichever you want. Go to independent AV testing web-sites, and look into result. Then you choose yourself.

    If you want good security suite choose symantec, if you want software, what will just protect you and don't give you a lot of usually useless "features", but in fact don't bother you when in use - use f-secure
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