win7 fsecure antivirus hybernate mode> malfunction
Hi does anyone face a fsecure antivirus latest version when the PC in windows 7 goes in hybernate mode?
Date of exiration of f secure came too soon in my laptopnothing works.
Date of expiration came too soon in my laptop 8 months earlier. I can not open internet explorer. I can not remove f secure, although it says it is switched off.
I've bought a new laptop how do i add it to my fsecure protection
How do I add my new laptop to my fsecure protection?
why won't f-secure find and remove xp internet security 2012
why won't f-secure find xp internet security 2012 ?
F Secure 2012 installed on a laptop 3 license ver. Now I find the wife's wi if is not working.
Hi Can anybody help I installed F Secure on a laptop and the wi-If connection has gone, I can connect with a cable (ASDL) I think its called. This has happened since the install is there any way of turning off F-Secure to check this out or not.
I have licensed F Secure Internet Security 2011. Tell me how I upgrade this to 2012.
I have licensed F Secure Internet Security 2011. Tell me how I upgrade this to 2012. I have subscription key for 2011 till 12.12.2012.
no deepguard update since 25days?
Hi.. My FIS 2012 updates his database daily, but deepguard and mail filter shows that it hasn't updated since more thant 20days. It's normal or it's only problem with my installation (win 7 x32)
Browsing protection has disappeared from Firefox 8. When will it be updated so that it works?
Browsing protection has disappeared from Firefox 8. When will it be updated so that it works?
Dropbox and Vista
Since I have installed F-secure, Dropbox does not work any more on my Vista machine. On my Windows-7 computer it is OK. How should I configure F-secure so that Dropbox works?
site has green check but browser says its harmful. Why?
get installer could not create the communication file for the launcher server. not enough server s
Installer could not create the communication file for the launcher service. not enough server storage is available to process this command. win32 error code: 1130
Video-test FIS 2012. VERY Poor removing.
Hi everyone! I present to you the 2012 FIS test on YouTube. In the test DeepGuard coped well, but deleting inactive malwarewas very bad. Unfortunately, this is a known problem with the program and do not understand why he has not been resolved. Here is the test…
Extensive cloud and Sandbox with new versions?
Will future versions of the F-Secure plan to add Cloud and Sandbox (Safe Run)? I know that these modules are already in DeepGuard, but they areprobably very complex and it would be nice if there is a cloud, such as Eset Live Grid and Kaspersky Security Network
Renewal date
I have disc which clearly states the insertion date as 09/07/2011. although my order number XXXXXX my email address is XXX@XXX.XXX and the date ordered was 31/05/2011 and it clearly states cover for 12 months. So i will look forward to renewing 30/05/2012. Please correct me if I have mis read any part of this printout.
another instalation FS 2012 IS
I have instaled F-SECURE IS 2012 again on this same SSD HARD DRIVE - and i must cancel my key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-.. ?- can you help me? my key: key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
How can I tell if I can use my subscription on more than 1 computer?
windows live mail
After installing F-secure I cannot send email anymore (Windows Live Mail). When I switch off f-secure entirely (which I don't want to do of course), i CAN send email without problem. Any suggestions on how to solve this are appreciated.
File sharing and firewall
I have 2 computers, one on Vista and one on Windows 7. I used to have Mcaffee, and a network printer was installed, as well as access to certain files (filesharing). I have now installed F-secure, and there are so many possibilities that I am unable to find the right parameters for the firewall. Is there an easy way to…
what do i do if my f-security has been hacked?
what do i do if after using f-secure's online health check and i descover i've been hacked and the program is spooffing me?
I have recently been infected with the Gen: Variant.buzy.3764 and f-secure is unable to clean
I have recently been infected with the Gen: Variant.buzy.3764 and f-secure is unable to clean. I have found f-secure to be a superior product, however the cleaning tool as well as online scan was unable to remove it. If there is anyone with information to remove this threat, please email me at <removed> Thank you.
Please FIX this bug with Opera as fast as possible
I really need to use Opera its my main browser with emails and important feature I cannot lose, please fix this bug with the latest version and F-secure 2012 http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1141522&t=1320967710&page=1#comment10757302
Recently downloaded the 2012 version - in Control panel Icons appears FSM32.EXE?
Have been a user of F-Secure Internet Security for many years. Have recenently downloaded the 2012 version (F-Secure Internet Securiity). In the Control Panel - Icons and notifications appears FSM32.EXE. On "Google" searc a number of sightds suggest it is harmful i.e. virus. Can anyone advise or has anyone else seen this…
Hello i have this question...
Hello i have this question... I see that my firefox have connections to a domain called xxokoriq.cn and 5starsblogs.com they are directed back to my computer by the entries inserted by spybot search and destroy. These connections disappeared when i uninstalled the foxit pdf reader which i think installs the opencandy…
Terve Kun verkkopelin aloittaa, tulee ponnahdusikkuna, joka kertoo ettei kone ole suojattu. No silloin sulkee tietysti viestin konetta en ole saanut takaisin suojatuksi muuten kuin boottaamalla. Sitten pelaa oki. Aikaisemmin ko pelin kanssa ei ongelmia. Kiitokset avusta etkäteen toivottaa maksava asikas.
Je suis sur F Secure depuis plus de dix ans, mais, ayant renouvelé mon abonnement, j'ai plusieurs fois par jour le message "Votre ordinateur n'est plus protégé, veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur" et, parfois, je dois redémarrez pour avoir mes protections activées. Merci de me répondre en précisant pour ne plus avoir ce…
Program suddenly classed as virus
I have been using a program for a while now, and it has always been fine, the definition update now flags it as a generic trojan and quarantines it, how can i get f-secure to understand it's a false positive and allow me to keep using my program? I even re-downloaded the program from the author and checked his virus-scan…
StatCounter: Chrome leapfrogs Firefox for the first time, still trails Internet Explorer
Chrome now the no 2 Browser worldwide according to StatCounter: http://www.engadget.com/2011/12/01/statcounter-chrome-leapfrogs-firefox-for-the-first-time-still/
Logon screen nor recognized
Since a few days (may be after an update by F-secure?) I can not get logged on by the fingerprint detection. On one logon screen I am getting the response that the password manager does not recognize the page as a logon screen and another time it say that Firefox can not open the ?? because it is not connected to dpql. Can…
Change language for F-Secure AntiVirus 9.11
Is there any way to change the language of the installed software from the local language to English? I don't live in a country where English is the main language, but I normally have everything on my PC installed with English langauge for consistency. Best regards, dm
Adobe Help.exe / Trojan.Generic.6993620
Hi all, I'm using F-Secure IS 2011. I got this message real-time (no manual scan or scheduled scanning on) : Virus found. Removing... Adobe Help.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Help Trojan.Generic.6993620 I have Adobe Creative Suite 5 and the Adobe Help has been installed with that. I've been using that program for…