Local media player blocked
I use computer security 12.62 on pc. I have a mediastreamer in my local network which i connect normally with winamp. But it doesn't work anymore because of f-secure, it started when i got the new version without the firewall. If i disable all features of fsecure and firewall it still doesnt work. Only when i uninstall the…
Where's my post gone?
Cannot activate firewall in F-Secure
I can not activate firewall in F-Secure nor in Windows.All I try, it immediately turns off firewall after activation. Even the option with standard windows does not work. With the F-Secure option to put the standard options on for firewall will returns an error code 0x80070424. Once I try to update windows I get error code…
how to subsribe
my subsription has expired on my mobile phone :how can i subsribe(buy) but not with mastercard...any other way?
to uninstall F-Secure Internet Security 2012
to uninstall F-Secure Internet Security 2012 from my computer
New Mac Malware Dockster A and Dockster B
Please refer to this posting with URL references:- http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Mac-Protection/New-Mac-Malware-Dockster-A-and/td-p/19310
Windows 8 interface and F-Secure
F-Secure still does not seem to work with the windows interface. Are there any plans or any way to get it working? I know you can have a tile on the start page that will launch F-Secure by taking you back to the old desktop. My problem is when I download an app and install it. The app might need internet access and…
Mac Malware got arrested
Is this a Flashback Mac Malware got arrested??? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002470.html He is using Macbook Pro and iMacs! Apple can phone home and trace your location. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/08/steve-jobs-home-robbed-burglar-stole-computers/…
How can I fight Instructions attacks incoming from my ISP line with F-Secure?
Dear F-Secure Community, I am basically pleading to you all for help because of this two to now almost two and half year saga of active hacking. It started with my Mac Mini and I started with F-Secure Mac Anti-Virus. What would happen is before that programs installation programs would have been deleted and passwords were…
how can we setup f secure 2011 on windows 8?
hi we have 15 work computers and each computers has a fsecure internet security and last 7 years we are using f secure internet security and it was perfect.. but now we have two new computers and we cant setup f secure internet security 2011on windows 8! then we set it up f secure internet security 2013 but we were…
What is the "evidence of harmful behaviour" ?
Hello! Your website http://browsingprotection.f-secure.com/swp/result?x=5Jg2kWKC8d86b4F-H5cdoS8dyu04vtzGtEXhQL6COLIX0k4wrv-N*w shows that someone in your company "found evidence of harmful behaviour" on my website http://archive.is/ I believe it is not true, but being listed this way causes some problems to me (for…
My F-Secure says it has detected a spyware: Type: adware Name: Adware.Agent.NMW Location: C:\Windows\Temp\mrt5D99.tmp\stdrt.exe I can't remove that with any anti-virus program i have tried. Any ideas how to remove that?
Mac OS X Trojan.SMSSend.3666
Hi Please take note of this trojan which Dr Web reported. Cnet also reported this virus. See the reference link below:- http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Mac-Protection/New-Mac-OS-X-Malware-Trojan/m-p/19736#M130 I recommended to do a full scan with Dr Web Light for Mac or Macscan if you are infected by this trojan on your…
My sites are said harmful
I am the ownner and webmaster of 3 web sites which are declared harmful by f secure. these sites are vision-abstraite.net club-cmb.net jlnpx.net I have sent owner evalutations an get "no reply emails" with numbers T905280 T905265 T905279 I have made test on other evaluations systems For example the results for club-cmb.net…
Allowing EVA 2000 Digital Entertainer Live to Connect to the Internet
I am guessing it is very simular to the article: Allowing Xbox 360 to connect to the Internet, but with maybe different ranges of initiating & responding ports. Any help would be greatly appreciated. NeonRose
fogot f secure code
hi sir, my phone model is nokia 500. And unfortunetly i had forgoten my f secure code number. So pleas help me to slow this problem. Thank you and waiting for you reply. Sincerly.. L rodrigo
Excessive update downloads
I have Internet Security 2013 and have installed the parallel Mobile protection on my SE Experia Arc s. I have a 100Mb data allowance, before fsecure I never used hardly a fraction of this. With F secure it has used it up with hunger. 1 day into my allowance period it has taken 7.6 MB! Which means I run out after 13-14…
F-Secure and Mac email app
Uhm... F-Secure for Mac seems to not check for Virus coming from email! I've sent myself a message with the classic EICA string "X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*" as text body but the email was not blocked and reached my inbox folder Am I wrong or F-Secure is not so "secure" for Mac…
cannot detect some viruses
Hi, One thing caught my attention using F-Secure IS 2012. I'm scanning folder with manual scan, it's detecting virus but i'm copying the infected file one directory to another directory, it's not detecting any virus or not showing any message . The name of the infected file acad.fas, name of the virus…
Renewal of subscription key.
Hi, I recently just bought the F-Secure Internet Security for 3 computers on the 7th of November 2012. I registered my first subscription on my laptop running Windows 7. Then, I updated the same laptop to Windows 8 and also registered with it. I checked the subscription, it said that 2/3 of the subscriptions were used. Can…
Minor BUG: Online F-Secure Health Check wants to use 'OLD JAVA VERSION'
The current (pr. 22.Nov 2012) Java Runtime is 7u9. Running the Online F-Secure Health Check opens with a warning (from JRE) that it wants Java (1.6.0_10). It runs fine if you click on 'Run with the latest version' button. The other text on the popup window is: <quote> Name: com.fsecure.lanchpoint.JLaunchPoint From:…
F-Secure unable to got updates from Server
Dear all Since 3 weeks, I try together with the F-Secure support to solve my problem of not receiving any updates. The history was: * I got a new installer for F-Secure Internet Security 2013 * I installed it and since then I do not get any updates. * on several websites I saw, that maybe the uninstallation of version 2012…
icslap abuse (packets redirected to my friend's PC)?
Hello, I've just accidentally check my TCPView and noticed something disturbing. As You can see in the log my communicator (wtw.exe - soft for interchanging messages) is connected to my friend's (networking expert) PC to port icslap. We are in the same LAN net (we share a flat), but I don't talk with him using this…
Deep Guard - Internet Security
I having just discovered - after much mucking about - that Deep Guard has been the cause of a severe reduction in internet speed. I recently had Fibre Optic Broadband installed and couldn't understand why the speed remained the same after it was installed (according to the online speed checker). After activating and…
F-Secure is turned off
My F-Secure is turned off, but not by me. Sometimes severel times a day and som times a couple of times a month the prorogram is turned off. All "X"-s is blanked and if I put them back it doesnt stay "X"-t. The is turned off. All squares where ´the "X" is to be are white and possible to change exept the the squares on…
Hello, forgive my bad english, it's my first day with f-secure i am trying it for 30 days. I see no firewall and the settings for this go to windows firewall... i suppose that if i buy the licence, the firewall will be inclued ? Thanks for answering.
My F-Secure/My Status.
On the page concerning the topic above the My Status is completely blank so how am i supposed to check my licence details? The My Account works and shows all my personal details but My Status is blank.
Problem in installation of internet security 2013
i bought upgrade of internet security 2013 for 3 pcs and when i installed it on my first pc, i have no problems. but when i try to installed on my second pc the installation procedure tells me: "the subscription key is already been used the the maximum number of times allowed" what is the problem? excuse me for my english…
Hello, I am new with f-secure and i see that it uses windows firewall. I would like to know if i can use another firewal (comodo or else) or if windows firewall is the only one that can be used with f-secure internet security. Thanks.
i forgot f-secure code how can i open it ?
I forgot my f-secure code and i want to change my SIM so how can i open it ?