How can I fight Instructions attacks incoming from my ISP line with F-Secure?

Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

Dear F-Secure Community,


I am basically pleading to you all for help because of this two to now almost two and half year saga of active hacking. It started with my Mac Mini and I started with F-Secure Mac Anti-Virus. What would happen is before that programs installation programs would have been deleted and passwords were changed. Then even worse they took personal information from my Google account and there were e-mails between my Neurologist and I discussing confidential medical conditions. You think Rich you moron how dare you be so careless to put your personal data and entrust it to Google. I did use Lastpass and I used a USB key as a two step authentication process and how they beat or just a person beat I have no idea. I know how to make secure passwords but, once they broke that and as you know last pass is the repository for all your passwords and that was it. Then it I did not yet know about F-Secure yet and I saw an add for Intego's virus barrier and I though reformat clean install and update the software ASAP and they can be stopped by Virus Barrier because basically Intent made a giant Firewall and a virus scanner which IMHO is what it is. This held them back for about a day or more than that more like 48 hours and then if I dared to reboot that Mac Mini what I would see is all the components inactive and in red. Then it was compromised.


Then I was so frustrated and you will not believe this one and I do not expect you too. I purchase two products one a Zywall USG20 W and I was so happy. I thought finally some hardware to fight back with and I plug it in on a laptop that was freshly reformatted and scanned by Avast as a windows laptop to be bug free. HOWEVER it did have wireless built in and that was something I should have thought about. Then I plug it in and behold I carefully set it up with my brother's help and it is stuck in an endless loop so when in plug in the address you were always sent to was the device address It was stuck like that despite reboots and attempts to reflash the firmware. My brother basically tells me at this point you are making this all up. I spring for a 400.00 USG80 or 100 then my brother does the setup and last time since I am still a novice he did the connections and everything not me. Once again a clean laptop from outside the house and supposedly all virus free. The unit worked great for about 4 hours and the same problem but, we had only enough money for the virus pack on the unit and used a different ISP line. Then we came back to the house and hooked it up and wound up returning it. I got my money back but, still someone is going through a lot of trouble and effort.


Then finally I went back to school online and it drove me insane because I had now switched to a windows laptop. I unfortunately did not know about  Mikko and F-Secure until I saw him do a TED talk on global organized cyber crimes and just how bad it is. If you read LifeHackr that does not exist not really at all. Meanwhile back at my Bat Cave where apparently my impotence just keeps on and on.I then go to my brother and he installs AVAST and I try and use that. This time it is not taken out completely but, it keep coming up with a positive on a virus in a temp directory and then when I went to clean Quarantine it. The system told me it was gone. Then there was Kaspersky 2.0 from the initial installation what happened was they nuked it when it got on the computer in the sense that I set every single setting on high and it reported in 10 minutes over 64,948 mucilaginous URL. It literally just slammed that computer into a wall. I am really sorry I am using all these non technical terms but, I am so tired and I am just trying to get this story out and get help from anyone I can from who ever or what ever is doing this. Then how to stop them that is all that matters.


Then finally I saw the talk by Mikko on Ted and it was no advertisement at all but, I saw at the bottom of the screen his title and his company F-Secure. I was then set upon that this company is the answer. I went back and forth on the F-Secure Mac Anti-Virus solution and how and what I could do. I told the techs what I could see is that with Applejack and the only Rootkit software for Mac is that it stated ARDA agent connections and just as worse I was seeing SSH connections when I had Little Snitch fire wall application version 3.0 running along with F-Secure. I finally made a phone call to F-Secure and finally I got the best suggestion just start with the ISP and they will fight you which they have and have at Verizon FIOS.


Then after Verizon telling me that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the network they have to be infected it was really time to leave. I switched to Cablevision and it is the same thing all over and it is the same virus physicals actions. Here is what the person or if not an active intrusion works. The computer is reformatted and then immediately upon boot the wireless network adapter knows my wireless AP password or it seems to and instantly connects. It is why even go through the set up process. Then the Bluetooth starts immediately too. I have tried uninstalling the Bluetooth software from broadcom with rev. I have tried installing the driver and instantly on reboot it always looks for the driver for the Bluetooth and I deny and deny and still the prompts to install keep coming.


I really do not care about the inconvenience to me at this point but, the only thing I can figure is that our five laptops are not all infected but, maybe two and then it hits the other three with an infection and with Bluetooth in the equation it is just another avenue of transmission or communication. I am trying to seek recourse with this ISP but, once again it is like I am speaking Klingon or something and the evidence at this point is overwhelming. There is a paper trail of work orders,receipts,phone calls,dates and times of all these actions taken and how careless Verizon is case numbers.


What this really is all about is my little sister and friends. When she lived in her dorm or with her friends and sometimes came home is the issue of the cameras in the laptops. If someone or they pleural have been doing this all along then something needs to be done to stop who ever this. I am appealing to you Mikko and F-Secure to help me even if I can just ship you a hard drive and you can say this what they have done and this is maybe who they are with what software they have.Thank You So Very Much for all of you to read this post and please try and help me in this matter.



Rich Walston








  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    I have the same problems with Macs!


    Someone remotely control and take control of my computer. Many times.


    He changed my password. And changes everything.


    I have made the matter known to the police.



  • Hi Rich!


    Wow! This must be the most longest post in our Community. I am very sorry that you have a problem but you are in the correct place!

    You told a nice story about how you got to know F-Secure. I think that Mikko is a great speaker. I enjoy his TEDx speeches a lot.

    If somebody doesn't know what those are, check this out. And here is another.

    I will follow up that you get an answer Rich.


    Thanks you for your comment and feedback. Cheers!
    F-Secure Community Manager


  • Thanks Rusli for your reply for Rich!

    Let's hope that helps.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    If Little Snitch detects ARD Agent.


    You have to blocked it.


    I suspected that your computer have been Remote Desktop into.


    Check your System Logs.


    You have to check the System Preference settings.


    Do a full scan with Macscan and Dr Web Light Cure for Mac. See if detects any form of Malware.


    I think there is Avira for Mac.


    Do check it out.




    Disable all Remote Login, Remote Desktop, Screen Sharing and Remote Managment,SSH.


    Disable the root account. Make sure it is disable.


    If your computer have been hacked into.


    Backup all your important files and format your harddisk to zero out. And reinstall Mac OS X again.


    Well it's a good thing that you use LittleSnitch.


    I thought Intego did a good job with the firewall????


    Someone must have physically access to your Mac. 

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Check your Bluetooth if anything is paired to a handphone.


    Disable your bluetooth.


    Take down the bluetooth pair device id.


    Or print screen to your printer.


  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Chek your Network Settings and Airport settings.


    See if there is any abnormallity in configurations.


    If you have to check with your Doctor via Email. (Which is very common nowadays)


    Inform this matter to your Hospital Doctor immediately about this case. Do not keep quiet about it.


    Have them send the hospital documents via mail posts.


    If possible, go to the hospital and take the medical documents personally. (Go to the hospital and take the medical documents if you think sending via email or mail giving you problems.)


    Notify the hospital not to send via email. If possible have them to call you directly via handphone.


    By the way what version of OS X are you using??? 10.6 snow leopard??


    Check via the Apple support knowledgebase website on how to disable ARD.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Here is the problem on that one.......

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    I have made my Physician aware of it and unfortunately I work in Healthcare and it is like a bunch of washer women. The fact that you collapsed on the job with a medical condition is kind of well known so if it effects future employment aspects by the actions taken by those that hacked and or leaked the information and it can be directly proven I definitely have a legal case. In the United States there are laws called the Americans with disabilities act and a much stronger law called HIPAA which all Government officials must follow. These violations if they can not be proven on legal grounds then I at least have civil law suit recourse via monetary damages. In this case it could be significant.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    I love my Airport express but, I moved to the Cablevision router and then I was advised that a much more flexible and secure firmware called DD-WRT is available. I installed that with the help of someone much more knowledgeable than I and in freaking two days someone had enabled Telnet. This is freaking ridiculous.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    You are correct SSH had been enabled on my little Mac Mini. In addition when I keep trying to get to super root exactly as you said it is impossible to do so. Finder actually shows up as Samba is this even possible? All the exploits you mentioned are being used and wipe after reinstall and reinstall. It just starts all over again. Does anyone know anyone over at Interpol or something? The local police have been no help.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer



    You need to read this via US-CERT (USA Government Homeland Security Computer Emergency Response Team).

    To secure you computer and computer network.



    Read that.


    Secondly regarding about your Mac.


    There is a problem with the User Account Security Settings.


    Maybe you did not do correctly. That cause the attacker to gain access to your computer.



    Make sure you disable root.


    Make sure you disable everything on the System Preferences.


    Also pad lock all System Preferences settings.


    Disable  Automatic Login.



    Do this:-



    On  a Mac OS X own firewall.


    Select Block Incoming option.


    Here is the top tips that can help you:-


    Lastly:- Informed your Doctor and the Hospital about your computer being attack by someone.

                Asked them not to send any emails to your Google email.

                Get your confidential document from the Hospital. And if any important matters ask the Hospital talk to your phone/



                If you see X-Files Fox Mulder says "Trust No One!". Ha ha ha. Just kidding. But it's true in any way.

                Just add in a little humour.


    Okay okay jokes aside.


    Before you format download the Mac OS X combo and burn it to a cd.



    Then Back up everything. Only your important data not the programs.


    Then format your harddisk to zero out.


    And reinstall OS X.


    Do not connect to the internet yet.


    Apply the patches which you download the Mac OS X combo via the CD.


    And then connect to the Internet and do the follow up Mac OS X updates!


    Download CCleaner for Mac to clean cookies.



    And follow the security tips above.


    You need to learn Unix commands.

    Remember, Linux,  Mac OS X have different Unix commands. (Completely Different)


    If you want to learn about Mac OS X unix commands. You need to buy a book about Mac OS X Unix commands.



    On Windows PC check with:-



    See if all of the Windows PC is clean.


    Clean Windows PC cookies with CCleaner



    Keep in check with Security Updates via US-Cert if that's where you are staying.




    US-Cert contacts


    Follow my previous tips that I told you.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Thank you RUSLI I think your posts are the best ever for intrusion prevention and detection education. I really appreciate them all and all the time you took researching them. I was looking for research after research web site and I was trying to organize a site where there could be some sort of collection of specific responses to intrusion threats and responses. I was looking for EU and Interpol contacts because I may have made sure that some of those records taken were on foreign servers which hopefully violated some sort of international law of privacy or security.

    @Rusli wrote:



    You need to read this via US-CERT (USA Government Homeland Security Computer Emergency Response Team).

    To secure you computer and computer network.



    Read that.


    Secondly regarding about your Mac.


    There is a problem with the User Account Security Settings.


    Maybe you did not do correctly. That cause the attacker to gain access to your computer.



    Make sure you disable root.


    Make sure you disable everything on the System Preferences.


    Also pad lock all System Preferences settings.


    Disable  Automatic Login.



    Do this:-



    On  a Mac OS X own firewall.


    Select Block Incoming option.


    Here is the top tips that can help you:-


    Lastly:- Informed your Doctor and the Hospital about your computer being attack by someone.

                Asked them not to send any emails to your Google email.

                Get your confidential document from the Hospital. And if any important matters ask the Hospital talk to your phone/



                If you see X-Files Fox Mulder says "Trust No One!". Ha ha ha. Just kidding. But it's true in any way.

                Just add in a little humour.


    Okay okay jokes aside.


    Before you format download the Mac OS X combo and burn it to a cd.



    Then Back up everything. Only your important data not the programs.


    Then format your harddisk to zero out.


    And reinstall OS X.


    Do not connect to the internet yet.


    Apply the patches which you download the Mac OS X combo via the CD.


    And then connect to the Internet and do the follow up Mac OS X updates!


    Download CCleaner for Mac to clean cookies.



    And follow the security tips above.


    You need to learn Unix commands.

    Remember, Linux,  Mac OS X have different Unix commands. (Completely Different)


    If you want to learn about Mac OS X unix commands. You need to buy a book about Mac OS X Unix commands.



    On Windows PC check with:-



    See if all of the Windows PC is clean.


    Clean Windows PC cookies with CCleaner



    Keep in check with Security Updates via US-Cert if that's where you are staying.




    US-Cert contacts


    Follow my previous tips that I told you.


  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer



    As for Samba. It is File Sharing. You have to disable File Sharing via System Preferences.


    Make sure you Untick All options in the System Preferences.


    Do not turn it on.


    Disable your Internet Sharing under Network  Preference.


    Disable you Bluetooth. Do not pair the device.


    Pad lock all your System Preferences.


    Pad lock your User Account.


    Make sure you disable Root Account.


    Block All Incoming in your Firewall Settings.


    Update your Xprotect,



    Do not turn on anything.


    Turn off File Sharing, Printer Sharing.


    Make sure you turn off everything on System Preferences settings like I said earlier.


    Turn off iChat as well.


    Don't ask someone to do it for you.


    You must configure the system yourself.


    Contact Zyxel on your Wifi Router Configuration via this link:-








  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer



    See this video from President Obama on CyberSecurity from Homeland Security!


  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Here is President Barack Obama Recommendation on Cybersecurity.






    Of course




  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Yeah, I helped Barack a few times but, it is not like he knows it nor does he owe me anything. They only care about other people not me unless you live in Europe where civil rights really mean something. I am seeing some really strange things on using your helpful advice. I used the hitman pro and the Norton one installer which was supposed have been unstalled over four months ago was picked up as malware and scanned into thier cloud. The first thing I should report though is that on the laptop there is a significant delay in F-Secure Internet Technology 2013 full release starting at the begining of the machine booting. I have used auto run manager on revo to make sure that F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure backup are the only things running. This is the exact same thing I had with Kapersky PURE 2.0 and I had to stop using that because you know the history in my novel of a post. The other strange thing is outlook keeps self starting and then when I tried to uninstall it using REVO I could not so I used Malwarebytes tool and then as soon as I tried to do that. I go a messsage there is an immediate threat to your system you must restart to deal with it. I wonder what Malware or Virus this really is on my system?

    @Rusli wrote:

    Here is President Barack Obama Recommendation on Cybersecurity.






    Of course





  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Ha ha ha! It's like the president is looking at the Cue Card while he is talking about CyberSecurity.


    Well at least he give us some pointers man.


    You mean you're not in the States? I thought you are staying in the U.S.A.


    Pardon my mistakes.


    Well did you try Norton Power Eraser??



    If you run F-Secure 2013 you cannot use Malwarebytes.


    If you only use Malwarebytes and if it pick up something, the possible case is that your computer is infected.


    Back on Mac, I didn't like to use Mac because someone did terrible thing to my Mac.


    I have the similar problems that you have. I have people take control of my computer while I am doing Beta Testing.


    I cannot do any work done when you have someone disrupting my computer. I've dead lines to write Beta Testing reports.


    These people cannot understand a thing. He took over my computer remotely and starts copying files in my computer.


    How am I suppose to do my work. He copy everything on my computer.


    The stupid thing is that he can download the files via the Internet. But why he wanted my computer so badly.


    I've been the subject of their targets. Every single day.


    I know I've been spied by them. And I became one of their victim. For no valid reasons at all.


    I sit there in my room, busy doing Software Beta Testing and reply some people in the forum.


    The only thing that they know is to mess up my computer.


    I know the fustration that you gone thru. And so am I.


    I don't feel like buying another Mac.


    This is my personal point of view. Mac have no security. They fumble every software updates. They did not updates their unix system properly. I did feedback to them. And they did not update their OS.


    I told them about the exploits. Which someone in the internet have reported. Apple is very slow at Patches.


    Unlike other Unixes variants. They update everything. And to be honest with you Linux is not easy meat.


    You have to be technically incline.


    If you get the grasp quickly you learn something new. And you want more.


    Mac unix command are not the same with Linux. It's different. Only the basic stuff are the same. But under hood it's different.


    If you have the foundation in any BSD Unix . It's much easier to play with Macs.


    Like I said, you have to know Mac Unix Commands..

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    I did not want to buy another Mac anymore.


    Because someone keep messing up my things. (My Computer)


    How am I going to do my Software Beta Testing.


    How am I suppose to do my work this way.


    I get very tick off with this people at home.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    You're welcome.


    You do a research???


    I already Google it for you.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Thanks so much again Rusli. I have another problem after following all your great advice and a lot of is priceless. I see a third host process on F-Secure call Host Process Service host but, it is followed by an 666? On apache serves this means based on my research that the fill can be read/written by anyone? Does this mean the program is compromised and someone can read and write as per your advice someone is still able to get in? Thanks Rusli. I have to use this computer for school and I do not go to adult websites or anything ever again since my curiousity is overwith with that how can a brand new formated laptop give me such trouble and us there a run command that can tell this computer to delete everything? Do a whole wipe? Thanks and this is my final question because I am very behind on school and I need to fix all this. I have a lot of ideas for writing also ande I put them down and I want to put them on my PC but, I do not feel safe so I start my stories and stop because if I feel like I have a good idea for three stories like my novel which I already have three. I feel someone could steal it and then I would have nothing not one single book or good idea. Thanks for all your help Rusli.



    Richard Walston


  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    In response to you not buying Macs Rusli. I still use an Old G4 and it works great but, I am stuck on 10.4 and it is like heaven without the internet connection. I have a brand new power supply,ZIF and it is only a G3 so I can not live the ILIFE but, it works Virus free Brother. I can use my old Appleworks and everything. Watch DVDs or listen to my itunes. It is intrusion via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth because as soon as I added PCI cards for that then there were problems. It is well worth restoring my old Power Mac tower Rusli. OS X installs was done via DVD rom updates.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    If you are using 10.4 Tiger stick with it.


    I can't buy another Mac.


    It's too dead expensive here!


    Because I have people here who is so called "Control Freaks" who like to remotely control my computer. Regardless what OS I am using.


    I am a busy guy who do alot of beta testing work. (Beta Testing Pilot team for Software Evaluations)


    I cannot tolerate with people messing up with my Computer while I am busy doing beta testing.


    As for your Router. You have to disable Telnet. Consult your Zyxel for Support. You have to check the configurations.


    I'm not so sure if your Wireless Router have a Firewall Configuration built in to block Incoming Connections?


    There are other brand of router which you can consider.



    If you are okay with Zyxel. Then stick with it. Make sure you read the Manual that comes with it.


    If you are using Wifi. On your Mac you need to disable it Apple Airport. Check the Network Settings. Disable IPV6 if not in use. If you are using only IPV4 connections.


    Someone must have Remote Desktop into your Computer. It could have been your brother. If he is not the one then it must be the guys from outside who did this.


    Same here with me. Someone is a Control Freak who likes to Remote Desktop into my computer to make World War 3!


    These people did not know that SSH and Remote Desktop is meant for maintenance.


    They abuse these technology.


    If you don't use it, don't turn it on via your system preferences.


    Make sure your System Preference settings are turn off.


    Read the link which I gave you from Apple Knowledgebase sites.


    As for the Europol and Interpol sites.


    Here it is. Click the link below (in blue) Your source to Intelligence.





    You have to go to the proper channel.


    You have to trace the bad guys and check with your ISP.


    Your ISP network system Engineers need to do the tracing. You jot down their IP address.


    Don't do any Bit Torrent. Some of which are virus prone.


    Don't use any pirated software.


    Do a full scan on all of your computers which the software that I recommends.


    Don't go to any illegal sites. Which put your computer at risks.


    I have the exact similar problems when I encounter this attacks like Brian Krebs.


    You have to be fimilar with Apple innards.


    I can't trust Apple. They are very slow at software updates patches.


    They tend to ignore any security issues.


    Until the exploits are found and being targetted then they (Apple) starts to implement their patches.


    I really hate that.


    Yeah out of their ignorance.


    As compared to other Unix Variants. They updated everything!


    Buying an apple is like buy buy buy buy.


    Then when there is OS X updates you have to buy buy buy buy.


    What I really don't like is that somone SAMBA into my computer.


    I don't know what he wanted to copy.


    Everything is done via Apple Apps Store.


    You cannot copy a program from someone else computer software from Apple Apps store into another computer.


    Because the software which you download and purchase from the Apple Apps Store is registered under your accounts.


    How are you going to do any software updates with it?


    Don't download blindly from Apple Apps Store there are times there are Malwares.


    Most of the AntiVirus companies like Kaspersky,Sophos etc detects it and report the matter.


    On your Safari disable Java and Adobe Flash.


    Zero Day Exploits is the really scary.


    I don't like the idea that Apple copy Google with the Apple Apps Store.


    It's like running mobile phone apps on your computer.


















  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Turn off your bluetooth when not in use.


    Even bluetooth can be a source of attacks.


    That goes the same to your handphone.


    Disable bluetooth when not in use.


    If you are using your handphone.

    And you suspected that someone is spying.  And your handphone gets warm.

    Take out the handphone battery.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    F-Secure host process???


    Check with F-Secure Tech support  and email them.


    Create the FSDIAG and attach the file for their analysis.



    Contact Line are here.




  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    If you buy a new brand computer. It usually did not comes with a recovery discs.


    You have to make them.


    On the other hand, if you buy a new Mac. It didn't come with recovery disc now.


    You have to download a hefty of more than 4 GB of OS X 10.8.


    Then you have to go to Apple apps store to download the iLife.


    It's sucks!


    If you buy a PC make sure the OS is legit.


    Then don't connect anything to the internet yet.


    Create the recovery disc that comes with the computer to burn on a blank DVD.


    Keep copies of it. And put in a safe place.


    To be honest with you.


    I have the similar problems that you face now.


    Similar and it's very hard for me to explain everything here.


    I've been the subject of abuse by them. (At home)


    They get on my nerve every single day.


    They keep asking me to buy a computer.


    But They remote control my computer.


    Change my password.


    Read my emails.


    They SPY on me!


    I did inform the matter to the POLICE.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Rusli I am stuck on Tiger just to let you know because G3's can not run anything faster Smiley Sad. It is nice though since it was a wonderful Mac adn my first now 12 year old mac bought back to life :). If I could get another upgrade G4 ZIF at a reasonable price I would buy one but, for the prices they are charging for a  10 year old replacement pulled part uhm no way! Warranty nope! Thanks for the Correspondence Rusli it really helps and since I have almost drowned twice in my life this is little in perspective to that. It was really all about the Laptop cameras and my little sister and her friends. You see have to let the sleepy dogs lie and not stir the waters on somethings in life while protecting the things I love. People can see me naked anytime. I have in these hard economic times had to take all cash side work as a Chunkadales dancer dancing under my old stage name of "Naughty Pineapples."  Enough joking  aside it's all about the little family what small happiness I have left.

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Apple is going parted ways with Intel.


    According to sources the next Macs are using iPad CPU. Yeah that's right they are going to use Apple own's ARM CPU on the next Mac. It's not going to be Intel. When??? I do not know.


    So it's like every 10 years or so Apple will change everything. They are going to make that transitions.


    As for your Firewall on the mac, I forget to tell you to Enable Stealth Mode and Block Incoming. You need to enable both in your Mac Firewall settings.



    Download those updates for your Mac here and burn to the DVD-R.

  os x 10.4


    Economic Downturn. Kill us all.  (Everyone!)


    In fact all over the world. South East Asia, Japan, etc.  get the hardest hit first forllowed by U.S.A then Europe.


    Save up if you intend to buy a new Mac Mini.


    I don't like Intel Graphic card. It's horrible.


    But you have to prepare that Apple no longer gives Recovery Disc anymore.


    You have to download via the Internet. (You need Fibre Internet Connections to download. Apple does not care what Internet you use)


    It's a painstaking process. And a waste of time downloading the OS X and iLife.


    It;s does not come in box form. Both OS X and iLife.


    The moment I read your post I knew that you need some help. I try my best to give a helping hand.


    What I know, I will try to help.


    You take good care with your family.


    I got to go. I'm busy beta testing. So dead busy.


    I hope you solve your problem at this stage.


    I already show you the ropes.


    I am throwing the towel to Apple. I'm so fed up with life and Macs!


    You've got to be familiar with Macs.


    There certain things I am not familar with Macs.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Thanks I have a huge update coming on all of these situations and how I made out after implementing all these tips and advice.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    In all honesty will come down to hounding the ISP day and night over issue after issue which is what F-Secure suggested in the first place. The reason being it is like you drop a 500 pound bomb then here comes incoming artillery. Then you drop cluster bombs and it will just be endless like this otherwise. The damage has been done already so, the easiest thing is to just have someone else do the fighting for you.

This discussion has been closed.