CCF Scanning V2 to V24 Defect

Am verrrrrrrrrrrrry Angry.
Not 1 of the PC's I maintain has a working CCF Scanner (All are Dutch).
This is since 21 may 2013. !!!!
Fsdiag where sent more than once and still the problem persists.
It downloads the updates but just doesn't install them!
This is all I get;
2013-09-13 11:24:41.583 [078c.13a4] I: Downloaded 'CCF Scanning 1.23.124' - 'CCFSCAN_1_23_124_WIN32' version '24' from, 848029 bytes (download size 740458 bytes)
Not followed by an Install success line.
So It got stuck AGAIN after running; fsaua-reset.exe for the 10th time.
Am really angry that I got no decent reply -even tho the the diagzip was sent in by my provider -
After sacrificing another license, and doing a complete! uninstall using:
It seems that the CCF scanner is no longer used, or absent in the new install.
So why is this issue not fixed by the normal auto updates?
Yes tried it before -reinstall AND newinstall - (3x) but then the CCF Scanning "hung" every time.
And tried the;
at least 10 times.
Didn't solve it either.
So how to fix this, without losing a license?
(and yes, I can squander licenses)
First of all, you don't lose licenses by uninstalling even with uninstallation tool. They can be recycled.
CCF scanning being downloaded but not installed sounds like a minor configuration problem. There are two requisites for any installation to apply, downloading the package from channel and also configuration backend telling that the version needs to be installed. They should normally be kept in sync - so that there is no download if the configuration hasn't been published. In your case it sounds like the backend is not giving green light to installing that version, so it just gets downloaded and stays there.
Short answer: there is nothing you can do on the client side to force the installation.
Can you tell which operator you are with and what version of Launch Pad you have.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi Ville, Thanks for the explanation.
First things First
The Operator-id 54599.
Am at a guess were to find the launchpad version. So here are some numbers.
Launchpadplugin.dll 1.2.1786.0
LaunchPadWidgets.dll 1.2.1786.0
BTW up and running is; CCF scanning 1.18 build 127.7931
These are the numbers from the only PC in my possession that still has F-Sec installed.
After more then 1 PC fell victim to the FSHoster.exe issue, followed within 3 weeks after the "solution", by this "minor" "fault", I decided to uninstall all but 1.
- Depends what you call a minor fault, after the initial(1st) download the PC can't close the register (userenv) -
Now about the licenses, it might be that they can be recycled, but in my experience it renders the used(old or new) reg# useless because it is already registered.
- If you restore a backup(ghost), you encounter sort of the same problem, that is the reinstall will hang on the update. -
Also thanks for the short answer, with that in mind, I at least have an temporary "solution".
- Takes a "few" hours, because you must do a fresh/new/full BU, but that's my problem -
D. -
Aloha Fendy,
Yes we talk about that version and they have all the requested info.
- Can you keep privacy (and other stuff) in mind next time? -
For those who don't know; in these cases support is given "trough" the provider.
Now, don't tell me that there are so many similar CCF complaints that support can't find it.
In this case we talk about license keys, until my own solution all the systems that are running the afore mentioned version, have the same problem.
Please realize, I am on this message board against my will.
Have wasted more than enough time on this (and other) problem(s) with F-Secure.
Just want an answer, not more questions and a higher workload.
Hello Enraged1
Fendy only meant to help speed up the process as you are already experiencing this issue for so long. Be assured that in no way we are trying to add to your workload.
In order not to post personal information directly in the community, you can always use Private Message to send the information to an F-secure agent.
Thank you.
Hiya Ben,
Have send a private message to Fendy, with "a" code.
But want to point out a few things.
First of All; Why is there no "normal" email address on the contact page?
Second; How to address "support" in private message?
Third; Why not send a private message FROM support.
My provider is still mentioned !!!! (that's a class A breech of trust) what else will be published?
Forth; The insane support request form.
Fifth; FSDiag.exe and the terms of usage. (effectively you have to give up your privacy)
Will stop here otherwise it turns into a rant.
Have a nice one too.
@Enraged1 wrote:Aloha Fendy,
Yes we talk about that version and they have all the requested info.
- Can you keep privacy (and other stuff) in mind next time? -
For those who don't know; in these cases support is given "trough" the provider.
Now, don't tell me that there are so many similar CCF complaints that support can't find it.
In this case we talk about license keys, until my own solution all the systems that are running the afore mentioned version, have the same problem.
Please realize, I am on this message board against my will.
Have wasted more than enough time on this (and other) problem(s) with F-Secure.
Just want an answer, not more questions and a higher workload.
Hi, I've edited a relevant post due to user privacy concerns.
Hello Enraged1
I'll try to answer your worries and questions point by point.
-There is no normal email address and the form is a necessary step so that users can provide us with much more accurate data when opening a case, supporting a smooth case handling significantly.
-Concerning Private Messaging to support, we want to keep the community as open as possible, trying to help the broadest audience is the goal here. Private messaging therefore should be kept only to provide sensitive data.
Having a Private Messaging to support would defy that purpose.-Fendy could have indeed send you a private message but was posting directly on the thread so that other people in the community with similar issue could follow what was happening.
The name of your provider was edited out as it was of a concern to you.
-Finally, concerning the form and fsdiag, the more information you can provide to our support, the better and the faster they can understand -and resolve- the issue.
Be assured that we treat and handle the information provided with the highest care.Finally fsdiags can always be edited if certain information are considered "too critical" before sending it.
Thank you.
Hi Enraged1,
I do apologize for revealing the your provider name on this Community. I have received your Private Message. I wonder if you have opened a Support ticket at F-Secure with a FSDIAG?
If yes, please let me know the SR-ID via Private Message, so that I can take a look into it.
@AniaC, thanks for editing my post---
Best regards,
Fendy -
Hiya Fendy, (others too)
First of all, thanks to AniaC for blanking out the provider.
Apologies accepted, (I) should have been clearer the first time.
Never did the support ticket myself, case went trough the provider.
All the systems that I encountered, had the same "bug" - from XP to Win7 -, so the provider seemed the right wat to go.
(Did send in the diag twice)
As I approximately said before, a/the "new" networkinstall solves it in a sort of haphazard way, but in all that takes 2 hours. (ever did a 160G BU for someone else?)
All the earlier versions, still have the problem. (Reason why I still have one running.)
Whole point is that it is like Ville said;
Short answer: there is nothing you can do on the client side to force the installation.
So the only thing I can do is wait until I see it fixed for the other users of the same provider.
- My own solution sort of works, but is very tedious and must be performed separately on every PC (think Time = $) -
Have to go now, I'll be back.
Have a good 1.
Will try to get SR-ID from my provider, but that will take some.
Hiya Ben, (and others)
Thanks for your reaction,
I Will try to sort of rebut in the same way.
- I do understand the need for problem related info, but just an email instead of all the personal information, should be enough.
- Have to admit that you are right about defying the purpose.
In my defense; It was sensitive data that was asked. (reg key)
A tip; If sensitive case related info is needed, ask for it by "name", sort of this idea ;
Can you send me (name of case handler) the info by private messaging , do not post the info here.
- All for knowledge sharing, that's the main reason I'm still here.
The name issue is as water under a bridge ;o)
- Then to the fsdiag, again I see the need but the disclaimer states that you (F-Secure) can share the data with third party's, if you deem it necessary etc. Etc. (don't pin me on the exact words)
There is no explicit permission asked for, or objection possible against, "out house" data handling.
(Think of a personal computer -Notebook- that logs into a lawfirm "privacy" level needs)
Even I have to admit that FS performs very well against zero-day treats, his "main" reason for using FS.
BTW that one is "fixed" too.
The editing is a good suggestion, but in a system "crisis" that kite doesn't fly. (KWIM?)
Ever thought of encrypting it(the zip) with the reg# or user id?
-That kinda stuff belongs in the idea section.-
So calling it a day for now.
Gonne have some fun,
Have a good 1.
Hiya All,
The easiest way to say it;
2013-10-22 09:49:48.546 [066c.00f0] I: Installation of 'CCF Scanning 1.23.124' : Success
2013-10-22 09:49:48.890 [066c.0694] I: Connecting to (no BW proxy, proxy.######.##:8080)...
2013-10-22 09:49:50.312 [066c.00f0] I: Installation of 'CCF Scanning 1.23.124' : Success
2013-10-22 09:49:52.031 [066c.0694] I: Update check completed successfully. No updates are available.Thanks!
The extra "update check" could be my "wrong doing", due to my impatience and a much faster bootup and UD check.
- The behavior changed so much, I couldn't believe it did an UD Check! -
The version if have now; CCF Scanning 1.23.124 build 8831
The CCF was installed "early" in the F-Secure start up.
Thanks Again!
Have a good 1.