F-Secure tops AVLab's Real Time Testing.

F-Secure IS, one of six scanners to scores 100% in real-time testing in September;
But not so hot on Malicious URls; http://avlab.pl/main/table/C/all/desc
But not so hot on Malicious URls; http://avlab.pl/main/table/C/all/desc
i think that is some-what of an understatement don`t you..........the words pretty pathetic sum it up alot better.
I don't beleive in 100 % protection. There is no antivirus that can provide 100% protection.
F secure is very good. But its not 100% . May be between 98% to 99% realtime protection.
A security product must have good malicious url detection. Thats blocks the malwares from being downloaded.
It must have very good detection rate & removal capability.
If some new malware got passed undetection by virus engine then there must be very good behaviourial detection so that it protects from zero day malwares.
"I don't believe in 100 % protection. There is no antivirus that can provide 100% protection"
Agreed. That's why I run an AV in a layered defense and do not rely solely on it for protection.
AVLab has just started testing in the last year or so and it runs a very small malware sample for its tests.
The type of malware being used in the test, the sample size, the used product versions will all influence test results.
But the AVLab tests together with those at av-comparatives, av-test org, PCSecuritylabs,VirusBulletin all suggest that F-Secure is a good AV choice.
But I would like a sandbox and a secure browser instead of BankGuard, for even better protection.
Hi guys
I'm an admin avlab.
Let me explain:
1. Our provider samples viruses is malware.pl, and we have other source malware samples (any vendors antivirus not provided us his samples)
2. Test Malicious URL consist of
a) malicious code
b) phishing
a) + b) = malicious URL
3. If someone does not believe in the result of F-Secure 100% - this is our checksum MD5:
If you have any question about our tests and methodology, let me know on kontakt@avlab.pl