one of the NSA tools???
Watch this for your Awareness! NSA infected Malwares http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HVSEc301As Project Echelon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_suyRP1jBNQ Apple on NSA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKN1S3azOL0 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDsFO2F-vNY This is one of the victim of Electronic Harassment.…
Gen:Variant.Kazy.79682-virus - How to remove it manually without losing files on computer?
F-Secure found four viruses titled "Gen:Variant.Kazy.79682" from my pc last night. F-Secure said the files infected by the virus are packed (like in a zip-file) and F-Secure can´t handle them automatically. F-Secure said the files infected by the virus are titled "fi6F51EA7D8..." and "stream 3". F-Secure suggested me to…
My pendrive is affected by a virus which converts all my folders into shortcut scanned by antivirus also it is not being detected.
Inside F-Secure labs (interview)
An interesting article "Virus hunters that never sleeps" from a Swedish IT-magazine. Interview with Mikko Hypponen and Sean Sullivan. In English (Google Translate) Original: http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.539073/virusjagarna-som-aldrig-sover
Installing internet security problems
Hi all can anyone offer any advice please - am trying to download the internet security via the link from the virginmedia site. It says it is installing but gets to 100% and thens says installation failed!! Have removed the virginmedia software, the f-secure says I am not using any of my licences!!! - what am I doing…
F-Secure on AV-Test, Nov-Dec Results.
F-Secure IS 2014 tested on Win 8.1; http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/home-user/windows-8/novdec-2013/ 1. Protection Score-6/6 2. Performance Score-5.5/6 3. Usability-5/6 Overall, a very good performance by F-Secure as usual.
Loss of Cisco VPN connection
Since installing F-secure I appear to have lost my VPN connection. I get "Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter." Everything else checks out OK as far as I am aware. Can anyone help please? Thanks in anticipation
This infection just keeps coming back!
I keep disinfecting my PC and I keep getting this infection. It CONSTANTLY changes my third browsing tab to http://search.conduit.com/?ctid=CT3306058&SearchSource=48&CUI=UN31726402552896421&UM=2 I have tried of course the first step deleting ALL of my Google Dashboard data in the thought process that this coming through my…
Virgin Licence expired
I have installed successfully on 3 devices as a Virgin customer but have received 'Licence Expired' desktop display warnings on each device. What should I do to ensure I do have F-Secure as I have over 340 days remaining through Virgin?
I have today registered with f-security and been accepted for PC cover. However I have applied in four separate passwords and each has been rejected - what is going on? I now have an account with no password!
Current detection of Bitcoin miners.
Up until recently F-secure flagged Bitcoin miners as Riskware; http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/F-Secure-treats-cgminer-and/td-p/28988 http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/F-Secure-blocking-cgminer-after/m-p/42259#M7839 And Application.BitCoinMiner.BU still appears in the threat detections; But very recently…
Ways to protect an external hard drive?
Are there any ways to protect, or isolate, an external USB hard drive, while it remains connected to the computer? I'm asking in relation to backups, and the unfortunate risk of losing data in the event of an infection such as CryptoLocker getting through. I understand that this malware can even 'lock' the data on…
Space on Disk C used by temporary updates files
Hi, The Disk C on my laptop is rather small. (Don't blame me for that, please. This is my only laptop and I use it for work). The FS temporary updates files are automatically downloaded to this location: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\fsaua.tmp\guts.sp.f-secure.com_##_#########_infopak.zip Usually, downloading goes on until it reaches 0…
F-Secure won't let Steam update my game (Virus Blocked)
F-Secure is detecting an update to a game as a virus (Variant.Barys.835). I cannot dismiss the Virus Blocked dialog, at most I can tell it to Block the file only, with the intention of unblocking it. However when I do the file is not present in the blocked files list. (Tasks -> Allow a program to start) I also cannot find…
Hi and how from F-Secure Safe to Virgin Media customers
We are excited to welcome Virgin Media customers to F-Secure Safe. We have prepared a little video for you, introducing our service and guiding you through the installation of F-Secure Internet Security to protect your PC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADIYVc0YVEw If you need more information, check out our FAQs for…
E7 f secure locked
Dear sir, I had forgotten my f secure mobile security code and had replaced the sim in my phone and now its locked. My phone is Nokia E7 My trusted mobile number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX I received message with unlock code on my trusted number but I cannot type as even keypad is struck n does not work after it got locked. Also I…
Internet security
Hi everyone need some help I have downloaded secure it says I have a license for my computer but I thought there would be a desktop icon showing its working and been installed any ideas ??? Thanks for any help
F-Secure blocking cgminer after update, exclusion from scan not working
Hi So I've been using cgminer for almost a month now without a problem, but few days ago my computer got Anti Spyware Definition Update and ever since my F-Secure has figured out the program is a virus. Creating a folder excluded from scanning and then extracting miner there, won't solve my problem. This is the download…
NSA known malwares
7 Chilling Ways the NSA Can Spy On You Chandra Steele By Chandra Steele January 15, 2014 08:00am EST If the news, or perhaps more accurately Russian propaganda, is to be believed, spy gear for U.S. covert operatives consists of an ill- fitting wig or two, sunglasses, a paper map, a compass, and a pocket knife; the items…
F-Secure will not install
I have been Beta testing F-Secure for a year on 2 computers. I just purchased a valid subscription for the internet security. The problem is I cannot install the released version after removing the Beta version. I have also tried safe mode. Any ideas on solving this issue?
Why does it keep quarantine my file even after i exclude it from scanning?
I use windows 8.1 and F-secure internet seucrity 2014. Every time i open this file start F-secure quarantine it even after i exclude it from scanning, both real-time and maual, and it´s getting annoying. Can you guys help me with this? Thanks!
AV-Comparatives summary report 2013
Product of the year goes to Kaspersky Internet Security. Top Rated products for 2013 are Bitdefender, ESET, F-Secure, Avast, BullGuard, Fortinet and AVIRA. File Detection Winner(high detection rate of malware without causing too many false alarms): F-Secure (99.6%) Additional F-Secure notes Sophos, Avast, F-Secure,…
Anybody know how to remove this piece of malware F-secure does not appear to be able to detect it
Installation from Virgin Media
Are there major problems transferring from VM? Mobile version loaded on Galaxy S3 OK but nothing on laptop, windows 7, chrome. Not happy with the layout of F-Secure. It's not very intuitive. I'm reasonable on computers but this is too complex and I'm thinking of trying another software.
Use Linux Live Distro
If you did not want to get infected by Windows viruses. Use a Live Linux Distro to surf the web on your PC. Download and Burn it to a DVD+R. http://zorin-os.com/ or use http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora or http://www.linuxmint.com/download.php or http://www.pclinuxos.com/get-pclinuxos/kde/ After you burn to the DVD+R,…
Yahoo says malware attack farther reaching than thought
Hi All, Please take note, that these did happen last week ago. In Europe. It's a Java Malware. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57617082-83/yahoo-says-malware-attack-farther-reaching-than-thought/ Yahoo says malware attack farther reaching than thought The company posts guidelines for Yahoo users worried about infection…
Security researcher finds clues to malware in Target heist
http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57617315-83/security-researcher-finds-clues-to-malware-in-target-heist/ Security researcher finds clues to malware in Target heist Brian Krebs reports that the malware used to steal millions of customers' payment card information was uploaded through a compromised server. by Steven…
NSA: It's TRUE, we grab 200 MILLION of your text messages A DAY globally
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/16/snowden_leak_shows_nsa_collects_tiny_fraction_of_sms_messages/ NSA: It's TRUE, we grab 200 MILLION of your text messages A DAY globally Small fraction of global traffic stored in spies' servers By Iain Thomson, 16th January 2014 Documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden have…
Kaspersky discovers Java variant of Icefog malware
Take note. Please update Firefox browser, Google Chrome browser and Java. Apply all your windows patches and other OS (such as linux, apple mac os x ) patches. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2323098/kaspersky-discovers-java-variant-of-icefog-malware Kaspersky discovers Java variant of Icefog malware Targeting an…
how to add another device
After much patience and 2/3 days of trying to add my lap top to the desk top pc F security (including ringing virgin tech support and F Secure on line chat to no avail) I have just got my second device connected up.This is how I finally succeeded: Log into F Secure on main device where you have it installed. .(Persevere as…