This infection just keeps coming back!

I keep disinfecting my PC and I keep getting this infection. It CONSTANTLY changes my third browsing tab to I have tried of course the first step deleting ALL of my Google Dashboard data in the thought process that this coming through my Google's Sync witht he Dashboard and then it comes back and changes my search again. I have reset Google completely after using multiple malware tools please any suggestions would be appreciated.
Have you tried Malwarebytes?
Or this may help: -
I suggesting if you can submit the vulnerable URL to F-Secure SAS.
Like Simon said,
In Windows Platform always keep this software handy for your PC. Download the Free Version. If you do not have the $$$ to pay.
Also download this and burn to the CD-R.
Download the AVIRA ISO file, and burn in to a blank CD-R and burn it. Keep that handy. And you can boot it righ up from your computer. And do a full scan.
And as for Kaspersky, if you are running any software on that do the same thing. Create a Rescue Disk and Burn it.
Other wise you can get it here. Download the distributive.
That might help you out in the future.
On a mac,
Just don't download anything from CNET Download for both mac and Pc.
They are just adware prone!
Take note of that!