Why does it keep quarantine my file even after i exclude it from scanning?

If you think it's a false positive, then perhaps it would be an idea to Submit a Sample to the F-Secure labs for analysis. I don't see a way to 'ignore' or 'allow' files once in quarantine, and if it's also ignoring your Exclusion rules, assuming you're doing that correctly, then I'm not sure what else to suggest, other than to raise a Suppprt Ticket. When you create the exclusion, you're doing so in the screen below, which you get to via Computer Security > Settings > Virus and spyware scanning > Exclude files from the scan... yes?
To add to what Simon stated;
Some files cannot be excluded and will always be scanned, such as executable files; http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/How-do-I-exclude-a-file-or/ta-p/15398
Confirm the file is a false positive and not malware by scanning with;
1. Malwarebytes;http://www.malwarebytes.org/free/
2. Scan the file on https://www.virustotal.
If confirmed as a false positive, you can then send the file to Sample Analysis System (SAS), where it will be analysed and then the databases will be updated if necessary so it is no longer detected as a fp.