Option to stop automatically logging on.
I would like the option to turn of automatically logging onto a website. My passwords are not complete and (as extra security in case your website is comprised) I add my code to complete the final password.
Game Mode Icon
Can you make the icon change in the bottom taskbar so I know when Game Mode is active.? Sometimes I forget to change it back after playing a game. Internet Security 2014/Windows 7
scheduled scan
A pop up appears to advise a scan is starting similar would be appreciated to let know when scan is complete
Scheduled scanning should not be dependent on manual scanning setting
While doing setting of "scheduled scanning" I came to know that it depends on "manual scanning" setting to tell which types of files to scan. Also the exclusion list is taken from "manual scanning". Same exclusion list is used for both manual and scheduled scanning. Suppose I don't want to schedule scan D: drive. So I…
Event History - Clear All
There used to be a 'Clear All' feature on the Event History page. This was removed with the last F-Secure update. As a result the list of blocked sites just builds up and they cannot be removed. Can this 'Clear All' feature be put back.
More informations in "Statistics"
Hello, I think that Statistics window give too few informations about cleaned files or denied applications. I see how many files were cleaned or denied but i can't see WHICH. Here is a image that can clearer show my suggestion So i want to know WHICH files were cleaned and WHEN.
Automatic scan of USB pendrives
A decade ago malware spread through floppy and cd. Now the have new medium which USB pendrive. Pendrive gets connected to many computer thus getting infected and further spreading the malware to more computers. So ability to automatically scan USB pendrive would be very good feature to add in F secure.
Suggestion : Browser addon for x64 browsers
Newer versions of some security solutions I've also tried (Bitdefender, Avast and -I think it was- Kaspersky) have their browser addon also available for x64 Internet Explorer. Since I'm mostly using IE 9 x64 for browsing, any chance F-secure will release x64 compatible browser addons?
F-Secure icon/tag in all Windows and in the Action Centre.
A number of pop up Windows and the Action Centre just have the Computer Security tag. Since many fake/rogue AVs have the characteristic of not labelling their window pop ups can we not have the F-Secure name in ALL relevant places-context menu/pop up windows/Security Centre. I have used many AVs and ALL of them have their…
exclude directory on scan - F-Secure secure Anti-Virus for mac
When selecting what to scan it would be very helpful to be able to exclude a directory from the scan. For example I would like to scan the complete hard disk "Macintosh HD" but exclude the directory /Volumes that is the mount point of the Time Machine backups that take forever to scan.
Add a gamer mode
I was just in the middle of intence action when my game crashed to desktop because F-Secure IS 2012 wanted to inform me some mundane information about it's status. When I'm playing games or doing something as intence I would like to put everything else on the background. As I can just close my emails and instant messengers…
Change a little bit in interface
Hi, I think a lot of users of F-Secure have noticed, that often in F-Secure Window text is not fully displayed. For example: http://i.imgur.com/KqYn0.png http://i.imgur.com/OggNe.png http://i.imgur.com/1mp4B.png I did not notice this in any other program and i think this looks not aesthetic. It would be nice, if this wille…
Windows context menu logo.
I think I have never seen the F-secure symbol on Widows Context menu (right klick)? We use F-secure client security and at least in this product it's not included. Is there any special reasons for this? Why I think it would be good is the simple fact that you will spot the "Scan for viruses and spyware" much faster when…
Add Browser Protection for Google Chrome - Now No 2 Browser behind IE according to StatCounter
Please investigate and add Browser Protection for Google Chrome, as it has now overtaken Firefox to become the No 2 Browser behind IE in use worldwide according to StatCounter. See the following link for more information: http://www.engadget.com/2011/12/01/statcounter-chrome-leapfrogs-firefox-for-the-first-time-still/
A new tool which allows users to upload files for analysis
Just like comodo add a tool which allows users to submit files for analysis. Users will be able to upload files with extension that are most susceptible for infection by malware.
make f secure lighter on system resources
Hi, Add an option to scan files only when it changes. Scan and create a databse of cryptographic hash of scanned files. The files which has already been scanned will not be scanned unless it changes dues to updates & upgrades. This will lower the hard disk usage, making F secure much lighter on system resources. Thanks.
Extension for Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Edge now supports extensions, so could we have an extension for F-Secure on Microsoft Edge now?
Logs Manager
I would like to suggest adding a Task/Logs Manager, to all events, such as scanning or update was in one place, easily accessible. At the moment I can see only the log from a last scan: http://i.imgur.com/umu1F.png but i can't see a rest of scans. Logs of updates are in "Open typical settings", but it will be cool, if all…
Banking protection BAR
could we have the option to chose where the big banking bar displays on screen as when im trying to select another tab in chrome the Banking protection bar keeps poping up, also make it smaller and maybe put it in the bottom right corner as a logo
Please !! add browser extension support for Vivaldi Browser (also other chromium based browsers)
Since there are still plenty of users that in the world are using various chromium based browser no just microsoft edege, for myself personally I'm a Vivaldi user and also a F-secure SAFE user. I know that without the browser extension, the internet security function from the f-secure safe will be extremely less effective,…
Turn off VPN for fixed time period
There are a few websites that block usage when using a VPN. Ticketmaster is an example. You can’t purchase a ticket if using a VPN. There plenty of other examples. I have to turn off Freedome in this case and always forget to turn it back on. can there be a feature to turn it off for say 15mins and the have it…
ID Monitoring : number of mail adresses per people, not per subscription
Hello, I began to use Total for me, then, after a while, for my family ... and friends. I do now have 25 licences, for 9 different people... The ID Monitoring is actually limited to 10 mail adresses... For the subscription, no matter the number of licences, nor the number of people behind ! I wish to show them the utility…
Monitor addition: find breached pwd from vault
Current monitor finds breached data nicely but it wont tell what service got breached. Okay that may be unavailable but in vault the search could search passwords too so the changing would be easier. (I dont have time to check 240 services that which one has that breached randomly generated password)
Freedom Disconnection Alert
ISSUE #2 A. The F-SF tray icon is very small and tends to blend with the surroundings. A.1. This has resulted in missing when, for whatever reason, connection was lost. B. I offer that F-SF tray icon should be (1) at least 5mm in diameter (2) bright red and (3) pulse rapidly when F-FS is off/inactive. This alert will allow…
[improvement] Set focus to input boxes
Hi, When opening ID Protection, always focus cursor to password box for easy and fast login. Now I need to either tab into it or use mouse to click the password box to activate and only after that I can enter my master password. Same when opening the Vault view. Always set focus to search text box. That's what I need 100%…
ID-protection entry time stamps, please
The vault is piling up with outdated ex-versions of logins. It is darn difficult to identify the valid one, as there are no creation time stamps visible. Could you add this functionality, please?
A feature request for ID protection: add a feature to selectively stop showing security breaches
In the Android -version of ID protection, you allways start with the security breaches (monitoring) window, unless you specifically set the keys (vault) -window as the first one. First, it takes a good while of running untill you can get back from that to the keys. Can get a bit frustrating. So enabling an immediate change…
Split tunnel / exclude app feature for windows Freedome
Hello, This is second time I'm writing this to you. Why can't we have the feature that mobile Freedome has. Split tunnel / exclude app, where user can define which apps bypass Freedome. Now days I dont use Freedome on my pc because it so annoying to use. Nice to have product that you don't want to use. Freedome on PC is a…
F-Secure SAFE App needs to be 4+
How are my kids able to use F-Secure SAFE when it is classified as 17+? I have parental restrictions on both my daughters iPads and would like them to use SAFE instead of Safari, but unable to as it is classified as a 17+ App.
Setting to allow "Scan for viruses" option to use cloud security for scanning.
I recently discovered a situation whereby the realtime scanner and right click "Scan for Viruses" would not detect a suspicious file within a compressed zip file EVEN when the scan within compressed files is enabled. Apparently the file will only be scanned once extracted for performance reasons. Big concerns if you were…