Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
Asetukset ovat olleet samoja monta kuukautta ja tämä tuli ensimmäistä kertaa.
Problem with Chrome Extension
Trying to get Chrome Extension to work and copying the auth code over to the extension after installing the Beta extension from the chrome link keeps giving error "Invalid Authorization Code" Any idea what is going wrong? Tried removing and reinstalling the extension multiple times
Otter pr reviews
Otter pr reviews on F-secure. F-secure also excellent online protections and a handful of good additional features, for example: Parental controls. VPN Password manager. Data breach monitoring. Otter pr reviews: I prefer F-Secure’s parental controls. They work good, they’re simple to set up and manage, and they don’t block…
your freedom VPN
your freedom VPN connect but not internet access android please help me
Getting so frustrated with Freedome - FREEDOME activation requires login
My old laptop died but fortunately my daughter bought me a new one. I now want to transfer Freedome to this laptop but on the download free trial there is nowhere to enter my subscription code (i had managed to copy the subscription code before the old machine died) I turned out that I had to log into my account but…
erheblicher Geschwindigkeitsverlust (90%) bei allen VPN-Protokollen
Bislang mit VDSL 50 ohne Bedeutung, nun mit Glasfaser 500MB/s ein KO-Kriterium... Download ca. 55 Mb/s upload ca. 65 Mb/s. IKEv2 sogar etwas langsamer als OpenVPN. Laufzeit statt 10 ms 25 ms
No payed Freedome VPN Licenses visible under my account...
Hallo, yesterday on 28th Dec I bought 7 Licenses Freedome VPN 24 months. The money was quickly burdened on my VISA credit card, but I cannot see or download them under my account. Whats going wrong, who can help? Thanks, Peter
Safari Extension iOS - Set up
Simply not working, it can be activated but doesn’t do anything The license is active and valid on the device „Not logged in Log in to F-Secure SAFE to protect yourself while surfing.“
⑆ F-Secure's Freedome VPN vs. Sucuri's Firewall ⏚
F-Secure Freedome VPN Support ... When I navigate to my website, using my FireFox browser on my macOS laptop (Big Sur), with my F-Secure VPN on and in Finland, there is one page on my website that does not show all of its content. This particular page uses the following HTML code: <div style="position:relative;…
Free VPN for people of Iran
I admire you and your beloved team. When Ukrainians did not have access to the global Internet, unlike other VPN companies, you did not sit quietly and supported the equal rights of everyone to access the Internet and provided 6 months of free VPN services for Ukrainians. I am here to write to you, who support the basic…
Freedome vpn - FaceTime
Hi, after updating to the latest macOS- Ventura, my FaceTime is not working anymore with Freedome VPN enabled. I cant recieve any calls, and when I am calling there is a ringtone but it is not ringing in the recieving mac/iPhone. Anyone having this problem after updating macOS?
SAFE on Synology NAS?
Can I install SAFE on a NAS (Synology)? If yes, what to do? The default is to let the affected device receive an email or SMS. This is not possible with a NAS.
License code
I have an active subscription on my iPad and iPhone (Oct 2023), when I use the code to install on another device it says the code expired Sep 2021. I have auto renew through Apple store. How do i mange my subscriptions to allow another device.
Connection problem
1. I am looking for an email for a few hours to ask the question but not find Have a very bad support and site. 2. I am from Iran and some servers are connected but after 2 it will be cut exactly The rest of the servers and protocols will not connect
My F-secure
Hei, Päivitin eilen TOTAL:n 2-vuodeksi nyt en pääse kirjautumaan My F-secure tilille ja tekemään laitteille muutoksia. Kauanko katkos kestää??
On a single desktop, 2 users want to access 2 different vaults
On a single desktop, there are 2 users. Each of them wish to reach a personal vault. How is it possible ?
Ostin TOTAL:in mutta en saanut mitään tilauskoodia.
How to buy and include one new license to my existing subscription
Instructions guide me to login and choose ”buy more” selection. Unfortunately I cannot find such a selection. I have a Total with 5 licenses and would like to introduce one device more.
Tilauksen uusiminen ei onnistu
Tilaukseni umpeutuu tänään, mutta My F-Secure sivusto ei toimi millaan laitteella eikä selaimella: pääsen kirjautumaan, mutta "Osta nyt" -nappia klikatessa ei tapahdu mitään Mitään ei tapahdu myöskään painaessa "Jatka kassalle" -nappia. Kun vihdoin sain pitkien kiertoteiden kautta F-Securen kaupasta ostettuani itselleni…
Tilauksen siirtäminen toisille koneille
Hei Minulla on F.secure Easy -tilaus voimassa (as nro 954066). Miten voin ladata tuotteen uudelle koneelle. Minulla ei ole tallella tilauksen yhteydessä saatua koodia, mutta tällaisen koodin löysin siltä koneelta, johon tuote on alunperin asennettu. xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. Tämä koodi ei toiminut kuitenkaan tilauskoodina,…
Microsoft Edge - onko pakollinen?
Pitääkö käyttää Microsoft Edgeä, jotta F-Secure toimii? Minulla on versio 7, ja pitäisi varmaan olla 10.
Old F-Secure Safe in old hard drive
Hey, I have the old F-Secure Safe in my old hard drive, which was taken recently out from a dead laptop. I now have the old laptops hard drive in an enclosure and via USB I can attach it to my new laptop. With the two (new laptop+old hard drive with enclosure box) I can see the old F-Secure Safe files but I have no way…
How to know the last software version
Hello everybody, I'm building a tool in order to keep track of F-Secure software updates. I would like know if there is an API or somewhere in the website providing the last version number of the F-Secure Antivirus software ? Thank you for your time & your work, All the best Ninjeneer
MTV Katsomo ei toimi enää..
Katsomo lakkasi toimimasta, "ASSET_PLAYBACK_PROXY_BLOCKED / Ip address " is known proxy and is blocked. Voi ei. Katastrofi! 😔 Onko mitään tehtävissä, pystyykö tuota katsomoon päin näkyvää osoitetta muuttamaan jostain tms kikkoja? Uusimmat versiot Freedomesta että Katsomosta, kaikilla 3 laitteella sama virhe.
Tilauksen uusiminen
Hei, Sain jo marraskuussa ilmoituksen Total -tilauksen loppumisesta sähköpostiini. Maksoin vuoden jatkon PayPalilla 19.11.2022. Nyt tulee s-postia että tilaus on vanhentunut tänään 26.12.2022. Mitähän on mahtanut tapahtua? My F-Securessa näkyy että tilaus on voimassa 3.1.2023 saakka. Aiempina vuosina tilauksen uusimisessa…
Using plex media server
HI, I recently purchased a licence for F-Secure SAFE and am very happy with it so far. Unfortunatley I dont seem to be able to run my plex media server within my home network from a laptop with SAFE installed. Ive tried adding exceptions to the ignored programs list and to the web address for the plex interface with no…
Ist this from your page? - The new Safe Browsing extension for iOS
when I’m going to use the browser I became this… could somebody tell me what is this?
norton overrule Freedomebody is collecting knowledg7es about me
Thank for s very good program. I'd been using Freedome for several years . But recently is Norton starting overruling freedome saing it had seen that som connections are knowing my activities , even though Freedome should bloc the possibility to know that. Norton tells that someone are collecting knowledge about me. How-…
I requested to give PayPal Honey? Access that’s why I don’t know what to think. I accepted at first to extend my browser. All the things they asked me and today I became an SMS where supposedly it was a member of my family asked me for money. It’s possible that both scammers are?
Freedome disconnecting frequently for no obvious reason
During the past 2 weeks or so Freedome has suddenly disconnected for me multiple times (at least once a day) and often in situations where a stable internet connection is essential. The service worked fine previously. As such, I cannot use the service during those activities, because the risk of disconnect is too high...