ID monitoring & OTP and other feature suggestions

I appreciate the fact that you have detected sites that have accidentally leaked my account password.
But now there are two problems:
The first one: The website that leaked my account password no longer provides a member login system, nor does they have a member database. The second one: leaks from unknown websites, which I have largely ruled out.
But the APP still jumps out of my two warning messages, how do I close it?
In the following suggestions: I hope that OTP can be provided, whether it is another APP or an ID PROTECTION. In addition, I hope the icon of ICON can be a little more.
When I was a child, because GAMANIA knew you, I paid a monthly fee for anti-virus every month. You taught me the importance of safety. Hope you guys keep up the good work. :)
(Although I gave up using Windows for my personal use.)
Welcome to our Community page. Thank you for your post.
Currently, it is not possible to archive/remove old notifications/breaches.
Moving this post to Feature request for better reach.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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We can check with our ID Protection experts if the option to clear old breach notifications will be made available in the nearest future.
Meanwhile, there's one additional way to use an HW key even with our current setup: as an alternative login method to the app itself, when the key has either NFC or lighting/USB-c connector for the phone, for instance. Or if not used during login (as I'm sure most users prefer FaceID or fingerprint for convenience), having a 2FA code generator function behind the HW key would add an additional layer of security (so a potential adversary couldn't log in to your phone, password vault and 2FA codes with the same authentication method).
I really enjoy your new feature with ID monitoring.
Once passwords have been modified, I really hope you will implement the feature to hide the notice for secured passwords.
Another suggestion: now you should add a new feature with a password feature for the browser. It could be connected to your ID monitor and directly display a warning on the compromised passwords, suggesting modifying them with a random password creator. Then the plugin from secure could store the password with a new security level since it's connected to your security software.
Best regards.