F-Secure ends support for Windows 7 on August 14th, 2023
Hello F-Secure users, How are y'all doing? I hope y'all are in good health and stay safe in this digital world. F-Secure will stop supporting Windows 7 as the operating system on August 14, 2023, since Microsoft ended it on January 14th, 2020. After the support ends, we cannot guarantee the safety of the machine even if…
Firefox poisti F-Securen lisäosastaan, koska se rikkoo heidän sääntöjään. Voiko selainta käyttää tur
Firefox ei salli F-Securea selaimen lisäosaksi. Onko selaimen käyttö turvallsita?
id-protection(latest),windows,notification field
id-protection(latest),windows.The notification field cannot be defined as "hidden" in valt item view.Ok in the mobile app(android)
Mozilla Browser Plugin violating policies
Sorry, but how can it be that such an important plugin simply gets removed as "harmful" - and that F-Secure seems not to be able to solve this "before the weekend"? I just switched from Kaspersky to F-Secure, but this leaves a very bad taste and doesn't look very professional... 😣
Browsing Protection cannot be installed, reported as causing serious problems
All of a sudden F-Secure SAFE prompted me to take action. The problem stated by SAFE was that I need to configure the Mozilla Firefox extension to protect my browsing. I had already configured the extension a long time ago, and when I decided to reconfigure by clicking Configure, Firefox displays the message "Browsing…
Browsing protection add-on not working on Mozilla Firefox
Hello, Here is some background information about the blocked Firefox extension: Mozilla rejected our add-on submission on 18th of February. They notified us that our add-on is breaching their policy by 1) not displaying a privacy consent prompt after add-on installation and 2) the add-on executes remote code. Our legal…
How to install the Mozilla Firefox browser extension
Suddenly F-Secure reports on my laptop: The Mozilla Firefox browser extension must be set up to protect your browsing. If you install the browser extension, this app can protect your online banking while also improving browser security in other ways.” But when I click on 'install' I get the following message: "Browsing…
Why has Mozilla Firefox blocked Browsing Protection by F-Secure add-on?
Hi. This evening my F-secure Safe wanted again to install Browsing Protection by F-secure add-on on my Firefox web browser. I have had that add-on activated since I installed F-secure on my pc. But now Mozilla has blocked the add-on. Mozilla's reason: This add-on violates Mozilla's add-on policies by executing remote code…
My FS Protection license expires tomorrow the 16th
My FS Protection license expires tomorrow the 16th. Is there no more automatic renewal?
FS Protection license expired
This discussion was created from comments split from: FS protection license expired.
ID Protection won't import recovery code
I installed ID Protection update (I think) and after that I can't start ID Protection because when I try to upload recovery code picture application does nothing. Before update I just started IDP with recovery code QR-code picture and it did encrypt the code and showed it. After update window stays the same. I can browse…
ID Protection
Can no longer connect (iPadOS) All other apps that require an internet connection work
F-Secure SAFE super high memory usage
About a month or so recently after the update, fshoster64.exe would use up a lot of memory and had to be rebooted before it would be resolved, but it would continue to happen after running for a while. The operating system has been completely reinstalled, excluding other software problems Provide fsdiag.zip as analysis…
Uusin PayPalin avulla vuosimaksun F-Secure Safesta, mutta
..mutta tietokone ilmoittaa toistuvilla ponnahduksilla, että F-Secure ei ole voimassa. Maksun välitti Clvarbridge GmBh niminen linkki. Onko minua huijattu? Peter Ö.
CNC Intelligence Reviews
CNC Intelligence Reviews, Artificial Intelligence is characterized as the capacity of an advanced PC or PC-controlled robot to perform tasks regularly connected with insightful creatures. AI is likewise described as, An Intelligent Entity By people Equipped for Performing Tasks cleverly without being explicitly taught.…
Hello everybody !
I just write here to tell everybody : A Good Year 2023 ! Take care all of you ! r h
Router checker,complete test
https://www.f-secure.com/us-en/home/free-tools/router-checker. After running the test(without vpn) it gives me an answer: ""Everything appears to be fine, but the check was incomplete. View results in detail."" Couple of questions? when becomes the test perhaps complete by informing so? How long do i have to usually wait…
Opiskelija-alennuksen koodi ei kelpaa
Tämä uusi keskustelu luotiin viesteistä jotka lähetettiin alkujaan aiheeseen Opiskelija-alennuksen koodi ei kelpaa.
Valkoinen Lista
Hei! Missä F-Secure:lla on niin sanottu valkoinen lista? Eli se lista, mihin voi kirjoittaa osoitteet, joita ei pitäisi koskaan estää käyttämästä....
activation code
I have not get my activation code forf-secure freedom
SAFE frequent crashes at startup on MacOS
Hello, I will start this post by acknowledging the great improvements for the apple silicon support made in the version 18.4. I believe that it took quite some effort to get there and it's paying off. SAFE is now usable on my M1 Pro mac. Thanks for the good work. I will still ask for some effort to iron out some issues…
total ei päivity
xxxxxxxxx viitenumerolla ostettu 2v sähköinen lisenssi pitäisi luoda uusi tili ei onnistu samalle sähköpostille. Edit: PII removed
Virheellinen tilaus
Piti vain katsoman, miten saan pienennettyä tilauksen käyttöoikeuksien määrää. . Käyttöoikeuksia on 7, mutta haluan vähentää 5:een. Olisin poistanut tilin, ellei mahdollista, ja aloittanut puhtaalta pöydältä. Nyt F-Secure olikin nopea ja uusi tilauksen, vaikken vahvistanut ostoa. 🤬 Miten toimitaan, että saan vähennettyä…
Android 12 & iPadOS 16 reject Masterpassword!
what is this? unfortunately I deinstalled my android version - thought I'd just make a new connection through my PC... Masterpassword was never changed and I also have the QR Images. The word is correct, but on the to named devices it won't be accepted! Please help!!
Recovery F-Secure FIP
I lost my F-Secure FIP recovery code, how do I recover? I can't log in to the link below as it asks for two-step authentication
Freedome prevents various iCloud sync features on macOS
This is a reasonably longstanding issue I have noticed, and it seems to affect other VPN providers—see this GitHub issue where (on 12th Dec 2022) a Mullvad developer says that they have figured it out and are working on implementing a solution github dot com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app/issues/2401 Sorry, my account is too new…
I have paid för 5 units av Freedome and got the subcriptioncod.
How do I do then to start Freedome on my units?
How to get freedome renewed??
My freedome just expired and I want to renew it. If I try to purchase it page says my email is already an account and forces me to log in. And from there it seems impossible to renew or purchase freedome?! It claims I have Safe in trial and I have never tried or trialed Safe and if I try to purchase anything it just…
How to update old anti virus bank?
Hello, My F Secure says my anti virus bank is outdated, that I need to update it, but nothing happens when I push the right button.... Waste of time and money.
allowing school websites/apps for SAFE kids
Hi I have a big problem regarding how safe is blocking my daughters samsung galaxy. every app/link we open gets redirected to the safe browser and end up getting blocked. The age rating is 7 to 12 and parental control is activated. Especially is this a problem when it she\s trying to do her homework in the showbie app and…