Can't access to internet

kyllouan Posts: 2 New Member


I'am using Freedom VPN since a month, and I never have any problems. 

But today, when I turning the VPN on, the VPN is connected but I can't access to any website, internet.

Google Chrome show me this error code : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET

I am on Windows 8.1 OS and it's my private wifi.

thank you, best regards.


  • Hi kyllouan,


    May I know if this happens with all the locations you select in Freedome? Where are you currently present when using Freedome?


    Are you able to access the internet when Freedome is turned off?

  • kyllouan
    kyllouan Posts: 2 New Member

    Sure, it happen with all the locations (I don't have try all but a big part of them). I live in France, so I use it here but I placed the VPN in Espoo or Germany or Copenhagen.

    I can access to internet when Freedome is tunred off. 

    The problem was before the upgrade of the lastest version. I Have upgrade to see if the problem will disappear but no, I still have this problem !

    Edit : Now I can't connect the VPN

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