Can't access to internet

I'am using Freedom VPN since a month, and I never have any problems.
But today, when I turning the VPN on, the VPN is connected but I can't access to any website, internet.
Google Chrome show me this error code : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET
I am on Windows 8.1 OS and it's my private wifi.
thank you, best regards.
Sure, it happen with all the locations (I don't have try all but a big part of them). I live in France, so I use it here but I placed the VPN in Espoo or Germany or Copenhagen.
I can access to internet when Freedome is tunred off.
The problem was before the upgrade of the lastest version. I Have upgrade to see if the problem will disappear but no, I still have this problem !
Edit : Now I can't connect the VPN