Freedom VPN connected to Poland

Daydream Posts: 5 New Member

When connecting to poland it does not work. If I use another VPN service like HOLA! then it works. I have the same issue on mac, windows and IOS. When i try to open a page i get the error that my ip-adress is not in poland


Best regards



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    You could try this:
    - clean browsers history and cookies < might gossip
    - shut browser
    - open Freedome > check location
    - open again browser

    After these operations, do the test, what is your location: (IP-address)
    If IP-address is yours or F-Secures.

  • Daydream
    Daydream Posts: 5 New Member

    The test sshows

  Internet S.A.


    But for some reason the service i want still dont recognize my IP-adress as polish.


    As soon as I turn HOLA on it works. and has ip


    Maybe it Freedom VPN that uses a ip adress that has been blocked by services in poland?



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    I don't understand this.
    K2 Internet S.A. is polish domain name.
    Is this K2 F-Secures partner in Poland?
    Perhaps someone is able to tell.
    In anyway, it is polish, I made Google search about IP-address

    I'm confused.
  • Hi Lennart,


    May I know in which website do you see the message that your IP address is not in Poland? You may also have a look at this article.


    All the virtual locations available for F-Secure Freedome are located in those countries that we show in our user interface, even if a GeoIP service may suggest otherwise.


    Does your VPN connection work when you connect to Poland location?

  • Daydream
    Daydream Posts: 5 New Member

    Hi, site im looking at is and its when i try to login i get the message, illegal ip adress.


    And its the IP as shown in earlier post. Same thing using other devices so it has to be something with the IP F-Secure is using in their VPN. Safari, explorer, Firefox, same issue (all works with HOLA!)


    And VPN is connected and working, no problem surfing on web pages


    Best regards


  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    This case is so interesting, that I did my test:
    - I changed my location to Poland in Freedome
    - then browser >
    > no error messages, logging in to website
    - on the other side: I am using F-Secures own browser: Safe Browser

  • Daydream
    Daydream Posts: 5 New Member

    There is no issue browsing to that page, the error of wrong IP comes when i try to log in to the service. One has to be logged in to watch channels. Will try the safe browser later today and se if issue rmains.


    Skärmavbild 2017-10-20 kl. 11.08.31.png


    Best regards


  • Daydream
    Daydream Posts: 5 New Member

    Got this answer today:


    With regards to your inquiry,  based on the screen shot, we can confirm this is F-secure IP address, I can understand your query that you are trying to access the streaming website, ncplusgo has started to block VPN users, including our F-Secure Freedome customers. We have limited possibilities to prevent external 3rd party from blocking us. There are multiple ways how such blocking can be done. For instance, should someone want to block connections coming from our network addresses in their firewall, they are completely free to do so, and they do not need our permission to do that.


    So Freedom VPN does not with some polish services (will have to stick with HOLA)


    Best regards


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