F-Secure TOTAL

Vasil Posts: 5 Observer


I am a subscriber of F-Secure TOTAL which means that I am using Freedome VPN and SAFE to all my devices. But I cannot upgrade my home security with Sense, because of certain countries market, which brings my question to F-Secure management:
Why do not you include VPN server(s) attachment features to home user's routers, as a feature of F-Secure TOTAL package? 
After all, if we think that I got SENSE router, I will have 1-year subscription and then If I not resign subscription I will have only a router! 

Another thing is that I have a powerful router which I need for my applications and it has an option for VPN servers attachement ,  which I want to use with F-Secure and at the same time I don't want to change my router with a slower one.

Conclusion: Above mentioned feature can increase popularity of F-Secure TOTAL package and gain even more users  who have powerful network devices.

Thanks to F-Secure team!




  • Hi Vasil,


    I appreciate your feedback and sharing it with us.

    If I understand it correctly, are you referring to having Freedome at the router level? If yes, we have had similar posts before like here.


  • Vasil
    Vasil Posts: 5 Observer

    I am not talking only for Freedome VPN, but for a feature of F-Secure TOTAL package. It is one step further in home security and If F-Secure doesn't implement OpenVPN client for a home router, I would not renew my subscription with F-Secure next year.



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