Android shell warning
for a while the F-Secure freedome android app on a phone that does not have updates for android the app has started warning about a malicious app with description name: shell, Application:Android/Generic.3d2680c826!Online I have installed the F-Secure Mobile Security however nothing is detected when scanning the whole…
Account Info
I have paid for a subscription with Apple App Store but can activate it on my PC Can you contact me with my login information please.
Which information collects F-Secure?
Hello, I just wondered what information F-Secure - and the provider offering the gateway - collects while using Freedome?! I read about VPNs which do never collect any detail about the user activities. How is it with F-Secure? Thank you Claus
Worst tech support of all time
It's undeniable. F-Secure support for Freedome might as well be non-existent. I have NEVER come across such poor quality tech support for any VPN client; or indeed any software product for that matter. You guys don't even know whether Freedome uses UDP or TCP protocol! On the one time I got through on live chat (99% of the…
Stopped Working
My vpn hasn’t worked for about an entire week now. It takes ages to connect and then when it does, it seems to freeze and I still can’t use. Even though I have an active subscription for a year, I am having to pay for other vpn services or I can’t access anything at all.
FD on Mac while (dis-)connect iPhone
Hello, for "ages" Freedome on Mac (MBP 2016) reconnects the connection to the gateway when connect or disconnectn my iPhone via cable to the Mac. Little bit annyoing because on my Mac the connections to the WWW gets interupted for a short time. Using the newest versions of FD and iOS, MacOS. Is this a normal behaviour of…
My Freedome code could not connect to the server
Have tried to activate Freedome with code but it says: Could not connect to the server. Check your internet connection and try again. Even after uninstalled previous Freedome file, the activation does not succeeded. Firefox Quantum on Mac Sierra 10.12.6. What to do?
DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
Mozilla Firefox - and now Google Chrome - are introducing support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH): https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-enable-dns-over-https-doh-in-google-chrome/ Should this browser feature be enabled or disabled when using FREEDOME? Or, is this setting irrelevant? My understanding - based upon Whoer.net (and…
Irish IP blacklisted
Not the world's most vital website, but... Your ip address XX.XXX.XXX.XX has been banned. If you think this is a mistake then please contact xxxx@xxxxx.com immediately and make sure to include your ip address. Edited: IP
FREEDOME and my Privacy
Hello, I use Freedome VPN of F Secure not concerned from a 5/9/14-Eyes country and it is a good product But I've just read on a review there are several VPNs that claim to be no-log services but have later produced detailed user data. The link for your information https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/best-no-log-vpns/ On this…
Freedome and iOS 13?!
Hello, Freedome does not work anymore on the iPhone 8Plus with the newest iOS 13. I wonder why F-Secure made no tests with the beta version of iOS 13?! Thanks for an answer, Claus
F-secure blocks wifi
I have F-secure total on two devices, a HP laptop with windows 10 and an iPhone 6s. Whenever I try enabling either the VPN Freedome or F-Secure however, I am disconnected from the WiFi. It worked fine for a few days, until suddenly it removed my connection from the WiFi upon activation.
Android 9 - Freedome stops ethernet connection
Hi, I recently purchase a new android box with Android 9. Ethernet worked fine. Installed Freedome and F-Secure Safe and no ethernet possible. Tried changing settings, rebooting, changed cables - impossible to connect to ethernet. Returned the box as faulty. Bought a differnet make of Android box with Android 9. Box worked…
Problem after WindowsUpadet TODAY
Hello, I have a problem with Freedome. Today on 11.09.2019 an update of Windows 10 was installed. After that we are no longer protected via Freedome in WLAN. See photo. Also a new installation didn't help.
Could not verify your code, please try again later.
I had trouble with my android device failing to connect so have uninstalled and reinstalled Freedome. I now am unable to log back in using my three item subscription. Error message reads "Could not verify your code, please try again later" Grateful for assistance please.
Price of Freedome app from Google Play store?
Hello, I am trying to decide between buying the "multi-platform" variant of "Freedome VPN" or the Android-only app variant (from the Google Play store ). The price for the former is on the F-Secure website, but I seem to be unable to determine how much the app will cost. As far as I can see, the Google shop lists it like a…
Huge packet loss
Hi, I have similar issue as reported here: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Packet-loss-using-Freedome-VPN/td-p/86502 Freedome VPN on for example SPEEDTEST reports 70% packet loss, and none with the VPN off. Is this some server related issue?
24h logging doesn't detect any trackers despite heavy and varied browsing
subject says it all any ideas? any questions?
Freedom (running windows 10) disables internet
Hi, seems to be difficult to get except of calling direct support from F-Secure (payed product though). I have searched via google and found only similar and old posts. I am using Freedom here and there and now when I activate it, my WLAN adapter says it is disabled and I do not have any internet connection. Nothing…
Freedom VPN Cmore.se and tv4play.se problems
I have been using Tunnelbear VPN for a while but when Cmore.se and tv4play.se stopped working I was recommended Freedom and yesterday I extended my F-Secure with Freedom. I tried it on cmore.se and it worked! I was really happy. This morning I tried again but now it doesn't work. It says that they can see that I'm using a…
How do I update my Portal account to show my Active Subscription?
My F-Secure Freedome is working properly - no problems there. But when I log into the portal I get the message "your trial period has expired" as of 01/13/2019. In the Freedome app, it shows my subscription is active until 12/18/2019. How do I get my portal account to show my account as active? Some background: I…
FREEDOME & Network Resources Conflict
When FREEDOME (v 2.28.5979.0) is switched "On" on my Dell Windows 10 desktop PC, it cannot see or access any network resource on my home network, and other computers cannot see or access it. Switching FREEDOME "Off" immediately solves the problem. Internet access is unaffected. I do not have this problem with my Dell…
Does not work
Used a translator. Installed F-Secure Freedome. I launched the program, clicked to connect, there is an endless connection, after 1 minute the main Internet will be lost. After clicking on the shutdown. Internet is working. I wrote to a consultant, he proposed a solution. ipconfig flushdns netsh winsock reset netsh int…
Freedome & HomePod speaker does not work?
Hello, I use Freedome on my Mac. Just today I ot a new Homepod and tried to install it. The Mac gets a connection (via WLAN of course) to the HomePod ONLY when Freedome is OFF. Still in the same WLAN. Via iPhone it works well: Same WLAN and Freedome activated (ON) -> Homepod connected. Hmmm ... Any idea how to get run…
Privacy Pro / Freedome VPN on iOS
Hello, I'm using the iOS Privacy Pro app along with Freedome VPN. iOS indicates I'm using two VPNs (one for each). Seems to work well together (both vpns work) Any security problems with this setup? I notice Privacy Pro uses Cloudflare encrypted DNS which is ok with me and Freedome encrypts data and madks ip address. I…
F-Secure Update pop-up message on iMac
When I start my macjhine I am getting a pop-up messge for an available F-Secure update. How can I validate that the meesage is authentic?
Freedome only works on one device
I have ordered Freedome in App Store, at first 2017, and then 2018 renewed my subscription on Freedome (for 3 devices). But it only works on one device now?
Freedome takes long time to connect on VMWare
I am running Win 10 quest on VMWare(, which is not a supported environment). Usually I suspend the virtual machine instead of shutting it down thus avoiding the loging to all things I have open. When I restart the VM it takes about five minutes to get connected, becaus the DNS server is not responding. There are the two…
Falkenstein Location Not working at times
I use freedome on my phone and at times I have to disable freedome to access Internet again. Initially when I couldn't browse, I thought the problem was with my router, but the moment I disabled freedome the websites were accessible. Not the first time I have observed this. Is there a status page where customers can see…