Invalid key???
Hi, I've recently formatted my pc and re-installed F-Secure, but when I enter my product key (that's valid until April 2016) I get the "invalid key" message. I need some help because my trial is expiring. Regards, Ana Eliza
Installing on windows 7
Ialready have f-secure on my pc but I want to add it onto my laptop which is windows7,is there anyway Ican install it without using email, Thanks
F-Secure DLL Hoster causes BSoD on Windows 10 (build 10122)
Just upgraded to Windows 10 Tech Preview 10122 (64 bit) but I kept getting a BSoD and reverting to my previous build. Then switched off all services and the update went through. When I reactivated all services, I found that activating the F-Secure DLL hoster would instantly BSoD the system. I know it's just a tech preview…
F-Secure Booster on Android, how to activate with license
Good day Have Free F-Secure Booster installed on my tab running Android 4.2. Have bought a license to activate the advanced funtions. But can't for the love of god not find anyplace to activate. Any help will be appreciated. Brgds Mikiniki
Windows media center window keeps poppin up, F-Secure do not find virus
When one of users of my computer tries to use computer, every application seems to pop up a windows media center window. When he tires to shut the window, it pops up once again. Under his user name also clicking of F-Secure icon (for scan) only opens a windows media center window. It is possible to scan computer with…
‘Jellyfish’ proof-of-concept malware may inject keylogger on Macs
Go here for more details.... http://www.macissues.com/2015/05/12/jellyfish-proof-of-concept-malware-may-inject-keylogger-on-macs/
F-Secure Booster Activation Code Not Working
Hi everyone, I've just purchased F-Secure Booster, only to find that the activation code does not work? I'm using it on a W8.1 desktop PC, the code was pasted in from my e-mailed receipt, but is does not work?
Free password manager
I have used F-secure for two years and been happy with it. Today I received an email offerring Free Password manager. Only after installing did I find it was only a 1 year licence and it looks as though I will have to pay after that. If this is the case how do I cancel the Password manager and remove it from my computer. I…
Renewal Price not right
I bought my F-Secure AntiVirus license for 1 computer / 1 year for 19 USD from F-Secure's site now when I click on renew subscription from F-Secure's site to extend the validity of my current license, it shows as 66 USD! That`s insane! there must be some glitch in the online shop please report this to the concerned…
Anti-virus serial
helllo i watn to activate my anti virus my personal kod isXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX Edit:REMOVED PII
Banking protection activated only once after booting
I use F-Secure since several years. And I also use a banking program called VR-Networld. This programm use an HBCI connection to submit my banking transactions. Details of may F-Secure Installation: F-Secure 15.2 Common Component Framework 2.33 build 220 CCF CUIF 10.03 build 584 CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 542 CCF Guts2 2.01…
Plugins under Mac?!
Hi, Where can I find the chrome-Plugin for F-Secure on a Mac?! I need it for Opera (I want to import it there) Thanks
Laptop stolen a week after activating booster.
Hi, Yeah the title kinda says it all and the license was for one laptop, just wondering if my account can be reset for booster but i cant find anything for it except my reference number and key code. Can anything be done? Thanks,
Need to reset a code for my stereo honda accord 2003
Reset code
F-Secure Cleanup Tool fails to operate
Today, 13th May 2015, an F-Secure update was downloaded and installed. I then ran a Full Computer Scan. But at the conclusion of the scan, when I clicked on the Cleanup Tool button, a box appeared informing me my version of Internet Explorer was not supported and that I should obtain a newer version. The Cleanup Tool then…
NEW PC - F-Secure install guidance
Windows 8.1 The main problem with trying a new download to your new PC of F-Secure is it asked for your Key-Code only, and you don't get an option to tick "I have paid for F-Secure protection already". But if you have already "paid for F-Secure protection" and cannot find your licence/key-code just follow as below Click…
SAFE Private browsing is BROKEN on iOS
Hello everyone. After I heard about F-Secure Privacy Test, I wanted to also try it on my iOS device. Turns out, even thought I have Private Browsing enabled, I have cookies turned on. I tried to login to various services, including Facebook, and I succesfully logged in. So, this bug has a pretty serious impact. Please find…
jqueryvalidation.org blocked
jquery-validation is a quite well-known jQuery plugin. Now its home page (jqueryvalidation.org) is blocked by F-Secure. Why?
Request for SAS team to unblock our public SSL web page, certified by THAWTE
Dear SAS team, we are security alarms making company, named Jablotron Alarms, located in Czech Republic. For our CLOUD services, we do have SSL web page , with valid THAWTE certificate. We do have tens of thousands unique customers and all, with F-Secure program, are blocked from accessing the web https://www.jablonet.net…
F secure can not check for updates because alocated disk space is full
Hi my Fsecure security won't update, leaving me unprotected, thanks to not having "enough allocated diskspace" is there a way i can clear this up or add extra disk space for it to be able to update? feedback is very much apreaciated
Subscription renewal reminder is giving broken link
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I am getting the F-Secure style "Page not found" when clicking the "Renew now..." button. Hopefully this issue is not affecting too many people. I have F-Secure Internet Security 15.2, Common Component Framework 2.33 build 220 Regards, Jarkko
A lot of the sites I've been visiting for a long time on Chrome are now causing F-Secure to throw out notifications of a malicious website, which is pixel.quantserve.com/(a bunch of gibberish). To my knowledge, quantserve is just a tracking cookie thing. Why is it doing this? Am I being redirected or hijacked? Is this…
Customer Care and F-Secure Booster malfunction
Recently I purchased, downloaded and installed F-Secure Booster (Version and I liked it. I'm not liking it so much anymore. A pop-up box began to appear, asserting I'd passed the limit on numbers of computing systems—or words to that effect. Since I've but the one computing system, I of course contacted Customer…
Hi I did receive email looking like information from Polish national forwarder with almost identical side with references to real side. Funny because it contain information about not delivering future dispatch. It has zip file pretending to be acrobat reader file but it is a exe file. So obviously virus. Yours antyvirus…
Is there's someone who can help me how to get back may security phone lock so i can able to open my nokia c3 mobile again? I forgot my code...please help me...
Add websites that I trust to a safe list for F-Secure help please, thanks - Jason
Although (links are provided so you can help me out and help others out as well) all link, links etc. mentioned on https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/f804a661293db3f80900d95c71d89005674044422fc72f5b85b1e39e01313f05/analysis/1431332456/ and also…
Compatibility of Malwarebytes
I had a problem with a virus last week and was advised to use Malwarebytes and found a virus with it. I am worried about running two malware programs at the same time. I have F Secure Internet Security including firewall. Will there be any conflict if I also run Malwarebytes. This is very important to me, please help
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.3 released
2.0.3 (Oct 13, 2014) New Features * Scans may now be set to run as lower priority processes to improve multi-tasking under Advanced Settings * Added support for keyboard navigation of user interface * Added support for JAWS and Windows Narrator screenreaders Improvements * Malwarebytes Chameleon enhanced to be more…
Can only view text version of https://forum.vodafone.co.uk/
Running F-secure SAFE on PC. Can only view https://forum.vodafone.co.uk/ correctly if I disable browser protection, otherwise I can only view the text version. Entering this website into website exceptions has no effect. Problem persists using http: //. Problem is apparent in all browsers and also on a laptop with F-secure…
Some questions about tracking and privacy online
Hello, I am a Freedome and SAFE user and I'd like to ask a few questions that have been troubling me. 1. How come I always get a Google cookie just by opening Chrome or Firefox (I am using Windows), even thought I have all cookies blocked on both? The cookie is a google.com PREF cookie. My home page in both browsers is…