Scan Engine not loaded, Scan Module nicht geladen

hi i have a problem the email my f-sercure is with has bin shut and i can not access.f-sercure keeps say malfuction pls restart.i try to scan and it comes back with no scan engines loaded there are files not installed but i check updates and it says up to date can any one help or do i need to ring f-srecure.also try the reset tool didnt help thanks
Hello @spudmcfc,
I moved your post to the Home Security board as you are using the SAFE product.
Could you tell us which reset tool you use and give us more details about your change of email address?
Also you might want to contact directly our support so that we can take a better look at your installation and SAFE account status.
hi i have emailed the request support section u said a few days ago but not heard anything yet.i made new email on my virgin account as they shut my orginal email down because i didnt access for months.f-secure now show most sectoins as not installed dont no whats happening i dont feel safe on my computer at the minute up till now you have protected my me but now keeps saying malfuction pls restart.pls help i give my number on the request support can some one pls ring me or send reset to my new virgin email.thanks
can someone pls help computer not protected for a week now custmer sevice not got back to me yet this is a poor service would just like repair tool to sort f-secure safe out so it installs all it files as more files keep coming up saying not installed could be a viruis needs fixing.thanks