- Malicious website blocked

I usually log in to something called without any problems. Today, I received the message: "Malicious website blocked" !? Why?
If anyone can Swedish who reads this and knows what to do then I would be grateful if we can speak Swedish!



På Svenska:
Jag brukar logga in på något som heter utan problem. Idag fick jag meddelandet: "Skadlig webbplats blockerades"!? Varför?
Om någon kan svenska som läser detta och vet vad man ska göra så skulle jag vara tacksam om vi kan prata svenska!


  • Hi Fenix,


    If you suspect that to be a false positive, please submit the URL to our labs for analysis here. Tick the option 'I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results' to get the results of the submission.


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