Issue with F-Secure blocking our website

Our users are complaining that F-Secure is blocking our site, if they have internet banking protection enabled.
From what I read and understood, only websites classified as safe by F-Secure are allowed to access when the internet banking protection is enabled.
Apparently it's easily left on, thus disabling access to our website.
Where can I contact F-Secure to resolve an issue with your internet banking protection?
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
There is such place:
It is possible to choose ""I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results""; then 'URL type' as 'Banking Protection related troubles'; then 'Trouble type' as 'Website should be allowed during banking protection session'.
In general, only 'safe for banking' websites are allowed (or banking/payment pages). It is good to note such 'concern' during discussion with F-Secure Labs after F-Secure SAS ticket (noted URL).
Also, it should be possible to allow your website locally under your users' F-Secure installations. Just like workaround. For example, for Windows platform:
Thanks for your reply, I actually found that page right after I posted here, and already filed an issue with them, but thank you anyway!
So, if I understand correctly, non-banking related sites should be blocked when Internet Banking Protection is enabled?
We tested, and we could access a wedding website and a few newspapers' websites while having the protection enabled, but not ours. So I figured it *should* work?
So, if I understand correctly, non-banking related sites should be blocked when Internet Banking Protection is enabled?
In general, yes. But just because it is not really 'logical' -> there is common sense in use. And some of potential 'safe for banking' (or whitelisted) sites are not blocked. For example, because it can be useful (or needed) for transaction. 'safe for banking' is not means 'banking/payment related site' (with my understanding). And, yes, domain is also should be rated as 'safe' (most likely) - it is kind of 'rating/reputation' - but only 'safe'-rating may be not enough.
So, there are potential two situations:
-> safe (for banking) website is blocked during Banking Protection session;
And it is unexpected; There is potential ability to transfer such URL to F-Secure Labs for re-rate it.
-> strange website is not blocked during Banking Protection session;
There is also possible to transfer URL to F-Secure Labs for re-rate it as 'should be blocked during Banking Protection session'.
Also, user do able to allow any URL/domain locally (if he is administrator of system).
It is not known for me what is 'requirements' for website (non-banking/payment related website) being whitelisted for banking protection session. But it should be possible to discuss with F-Secure Labs and to explain situation and receive some advice about.
With my own experience - I also met many strange websites which are allowed during Banking Protection session; and some of websites - which blocked, but maybe it is completely safe pages (for banking).