F-Secure Safe for PC is blocking Roblox Player

Starting Roblox Player fails with "initialization error 4". You have to disable DeepGuard in order to play Roblox games.
As shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBoYuNmwRiU
Could F-Secure fix this please? It's not a good idea to disable Deepguard, especially if you forget to enable it again after finishing playing.
You can use F-Secure SAS as potential try to fix situation:
Maybe F-Secure Labs and their investigation can be useful for re-rate/fix certain flow.
Knowledgebase article (how to transfer file):
Another suggestion is to try use "Exclusion list". Should be possible to open F-Secure Main UI -- Settings -- Exclusion list and add certain executable or folder.
Potentially it will reduce 'security' - but it is better than to disable entire DeepGuard.
Knowledgebase article (based on Bussiness solutions; but about exclusion's recommendations):
It is also possible that noted application with own internal security protection and launch is broken based on F-Secure analysis/hook. Possible to ask application's developers about potential whitelist/exclude security software for their security/integrity checks.
But I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions) - so, it is only unofficial feelings.