Lost mobile device, why won't F-Secure show the last known location!!!

S7E7V7E7N Posts: 2 New Member

This is driving me nuts! Please help!


I have installed the F-Secure SAFE software on my kids phone which has been lost. If I could see the last known location of the phone it may still be there!       BUT I CAN'T SEE THE LAST KNOWN LOCATION! WHY NOT!I need help with this please!


  • Hi S7E7V7E7N,


    If it is an android device, please have a look at this article. As mentioned in the article, you need to have turned on GPS in your device to receive the location information.


  • S7E7V7E7N
    S7E7V7E7N Posts: 2 New Member

    Great. Since it was a phone for my kid I probably had that turned off because of aps that show location of freinds, photo exif info, etc..  So, that phone is lost forever then.  The reason I have 10 liscensed installations of f-secure on my devices is because of the parental controls, and finder feature. Kinda spent a bit more than I needed for the piece of mind of "In the event it's needed I'll be glad I was prepared!"  it's now more like  "It isn't going to help at all? #$%$^%   #$%@# are you @#$@$#$ serious right now? $#@#$ of a @#$!#$!!!!!"


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