Slow internet
I have talk talk f-secure and it slows my internet. When i unload and allow all traffic the ping drops and no lag as soon as i reload the ping increases and lag. It can take 20 seconds for web pages to fully load.
I have forgot my mobile security security code
I have forgot my mobile security security code and I can't access my mobile, thanx.
Blocking a lost Mobile
How can i block a lost mobile? Can F-secure provide any help in finding the person who is using that. Thanks __________________ “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems.”
F-Secure web protection
Hi, I'd like to know if F-secure Internet security 2012 web protection supports Palemoon browser?
Difficulty installing F-Secure2012 as upgrade to FS 2011 on Windows 7 NetBook
Hi , I finally worked out how to set up a new thread. Here goes..... When I tried to install FS 2012 I got an error message about a conflicting security program and the installation froze. The message urged me to remove the conflict manually. My problem was that the dialogue did not tell me what or where the conflict lay,…
F-Secure web protection
Hi, I'd like to know if F-secure Internet security 2012 web protection supports Palemoon browser?
F -secure not cleaning virus after scan...
Ran scan software...F-secure discovered two viruses....but doesn't seem to clean or delete or quarantine viruses. Keep getting F-secure popup continuously saying 'virus removed..can continue to use computer'. Not sure if I have virus or not... Any help appreciated
F-Secure Mac and Little Snitch
In the (slim) documentation for its antivirus for Mac, F-Secure recommends against using other antivirus or firewall products at the same time. I wonder, however, if this should apply also to Little Snitch, which is just an outbound-connections firewall, and does not interfer with the standard OSX firewall. F-Secure does…
ITunes being blocked by FSecure
Cant fix a problem with FSecure blocking the log onto ITunes, what is the fix if any, I can access the web via wireless router but with wired connection from PC and FSecure no such luck. Been over the settings with Apple support and the issue is identified as FSecure. Help needed.
F-Secure failing to launch - no warning, no status
I have just encountered a nasty little problem. When I tried to open Control panel, one option only opened a web page to sell me the product (again?) The computer security tab brought up a window saying it was trying to START; but failed and never did so. * No warning, but found the **bleep** thing inactive - I'm very…
Want to download the standalone installer for FIS 2012
I don't want the indirect file installer which is being offered right now. I have to do a clean installation.
My sim card is blocked in the output of GPRS, MMS, 3G. What should I do?
My sim card is blocked in the output of GPRS, MMS, 3G. What should I do?
Firewall blocking
Can i have the utility for blocking my office network firewall to browse internet?
F-Secure not scanning properly
Hello, When I try to run a Full-Computer Scan on my F-Secure, it runs the Scan, but stops between 800-1,000 Files (And I know my computer has way more files then that). If anyone could please help me, it would be most grately appreciated. I really do not want to have to wipe my system and then install it and have it still…
Parent control
How do I get rid of Parent control. No child nor teenager is using this computer!!!
Firefox 12 - Browsing Protection
This was just sent: Subj: Browsing Protection will be released to production on early Monday morning Kuala Lumpur time 23.4.2012 Those that are already on FF12 please start testing and report problems asap via support channels. The release contains support for Firefox 12The update in question is currently available through…
How do I allow Itunes through F-Secure ?
Hi, Which F-Secure product and version are you using? To check the product and version, right-click the F-icon and select "About".
Network drive not connected message after login
Hi, using IS 11 and for some reason OS claims that not all network drives are connected after log in. My OS is Win 7 64bit I made all firewall rules to get the drive connected. Allowed bi directional from "My Network": - windows network and printer sharing - smb Network access is working, it is just irritating to keep…
My computer will not open internet or documents, nor will it delete items, do i need cleanup
I have allowed others ( family) to use my computer while I'm away, the result is that I have a unusable, slow computer, that will not open any thing . I have some important documents that I need to retrieve, incase I have to trash it or clean it, can you help?
Firewall blocks boxee box
Hello! I`m having some trouble with the F-secure firewall and the Boxee Box-streamer. When I turn off the firewall, Boxee Box finds my computer (on my home network) but not when I use any of the other standard-settings like "normal" or "home". Any idea how to go about this? I tried to include a rule that opened up three…
My site is rated harmful !?
Hi there, I found out that my domain otwthemes.com is rated harmful. Can you recheck again please because I believe it is pretty safe? I did a report here http://browsingprotection.f-secure.com/swp/?x=pA5UCNjtCqgJSX12LHExug but nothing really changes... How long time does it take to rate it safe again because this is…
Protection against identity theft
Hi, I and many others aways read Protection against identity theft in the feature list. What(or how) it does really protect?
Does F secure run in windows 7
Does anyone have advice about Windows 7 Ultimate and F Secure
How do I allow War Inc. on my F-secure?
I want to play a game (War Inc.), it's a free to play game and I know I can trust it. But F-Secure keeps on deleting a vital part of it and says it a virus called: Gen:Heur.Zygug.4 How can I allow War Inc to run how it should run?
PC and Mac
Hi I have a 3 computer pc licence but only using 2. can I use 3rd on Mac?
How to get pokertracker working?
F-Secure keeps removing a file (a false positive). So I want to allow that file to run or to be able to ignore the message. I have the option to "decide myself" (translated from Dutch) but that option doesn't really let me decide anything. The problem could well be in the poor translation into Dutch, that is clearly done…
I need help getting rid of the last Internet-Server/Security program so F-Secure will work
I've Windows Vista - Dell Inspiron 530S Intel Pentium Dual CPU E 222- @ 2.40 GHz 3:00 GB 32- bit Operating System. I can fix things if given really good instructions, sometimes enough to keep my computer going blue but...... Most computer stuff is a little over my head.So I need a very patient person to help me if they…
Hello, I just realized that I have been relying on Windows 7 (X64) to protect me from the evil world on the IPV6 side. My IP recommended F-Secure, looks like a great program. The problem, it keeps my computer from getting IPV6 info from the router. If I uninstall F-secure and turn back on Windows firewall, all goes back to…
Registration failed
I'm trying to install f-secure internet security 2012 on a laptop, but registration failes. I should not be worried by that, I can try again. But it has been like this for three days now. I have tried to upgrade to win 7 (from vista), no difference.... The error (it is in norwegian, so this is not exact): "Registration…
Firewall Blocking Unity
I downloaded Unity game engine from the internet and installed it on my laptop but the only way I can get it to connect online is by unloading the firewall ( I use f-secure from charter internet) once I get the program up and running I can turn the firewall back on and everything works fine. The strange thing is that in…