Services in Pakistan
Do you provide services in Pakistan
Moving up from XP to 7
After going through the ordeal <<xp to vista to 7>> most of my shortcuts are no longer valid. Is there a manual file...an .exe in the Progams/FSecure folder to open the program and attempt to make corrections once FSecure (2011) is up and running. Thanks!!
I can´t use the filezilla ftp-client
I can´t use the filezilla ftp-client. There is only the massage "Can´t read the folder" What´s the configuration for all functions of the ftp-client (all ports)
Right click on folder not scanning images
Hi I have a licenced version of I.S. 2012 installed and when I right click scan on a folder which for e.g. has 5 images (jpg) in it, the scan results and report show NO files where scanned. If I then add a word doc in teh foilder it will only scan that word doc and not the images. I do not have any exclusions set up on my…
How do I move A license from one computer to another
I have a almost broken computer from which I would retrieve the 1 of 3 used licenses. It won't start, and when its up its for short period. Think something is broken. How do I get the active license on that machine over to another computer if it starts of what if it won't start? regards, Henri
Booting CD-Rom fails
Rescue-CD does not boot automaticly and manual change in booting-sector to CD-ROM/DVD as required does not help either. What else kann I do! Ihave burned the Disc normally and the 120 MB Data is there.
please help me to detect my phone locate
hi my name is Ekky Hermestianim from IndonesiaI lost my phone the thief turn off my phone what should I do in Indonesia when someone buys a new phone number then he must first activate number if you have not activated it can not send SMS
Flashback G virus on Java Vulnerability with Mac OS X
Please take note of the article below:-(Only for Mac OS X user) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/02/24/flashback_mac_trojan/ Do a Mac OS X update for Java. And untick and tick again for Xprotect updates! Update your Anti Virus!
AVG Antivirus problem Help Please
I have just started using AVG antivirus why is it when i start up my computer? avg starts to run a complete scan on my whole computer which takes 35mins, does it do this evertime i start up my computer?
I do not know the security code Nokia N800. Help please ...
Hi My Nokia N8-00 have a telephone and asked for security code when wearing another sim card and I do not know the security code. I can not use my phone please help me ...
FSIS 2012 and Firefox Nightly or Waterfox
Why can I not get the browsing protection toolbar in the 64 bit versions of Firefox on Win 7 x64?? Is FSIS 2012 not 64 bit compatible?? You all know x64 is the way things are going , should you not be keeping up on it? We going to have these problems on Win8 also?
Eliminating A Local Network Outbreak
I wana know that how musch reliable F-Secure Anti-Virus is to eliminate a Local Network outbreak? i wana fix some issues on my LAN so any good tips please? ________________ “Drive your business. Let not your business drive you.”
Computer protection via Antivrus
Hi i am using microsoft essential but sometimes my antivirus fails to clean my computer. If I wana use fsecure Antivrus for protection, do i need to uninstall microsfoft antivirus before having fsecure Antivrus protection? _________________ “Drive your business. Let not your business drive you.”
EasyClean - what does it delete?
Hi! I just run Easy Clean (not the beta, but this one: http://download.f-secure.com/estore/fseasyclean.exe ). After scanning it says: Restart your computer You must restart your computer to remove the found malware. What malweare did it found? (I just run about half a dozen other AV tools before, so I am curious what did…
services to corporate clients or any customer
Hi do you offer services to corporate clients or any customer having a single PC or laptop as well? ________________ “Drive your business. Let not your business drive you.”
como consigo codigo de activación
necesito el código de activación para mi celu nokia c6 - 01
Reformat HDD
I have to reformet my Laptops Hard Drive and I was wondering if my Activation Key would work again. I've also used the other two on my Computer and Netbook. Many Thanks,
Reboots during a rescue disk scan
Is it possible that malware can cause reboots during a rescue disk scan? I've been fighting off a malware infection for the last few days, and then today the machine started rebooting, or failing to boot. I assumed it was the malware, and so ran the f-secure bootable scan cd, but the machine would reboot before the program…
Fsis 2012 installation problems.
Hi i have 2 problems with my Fsis 2012 installation: 1 when i use launch pad for upgrade my Fsis 2011 to 2012 i have this message= subscription is already in use. costumer service reset s it then i can install fsis 2012 but installation stops at 75% 2 at 75% i have to uninstall conflict product manually; but i dont have…
Laptop unusably slow with Internet Security 2012 switched on
Hi, I have a Sony Vaio laptop with Internet Security 2012 installed. Up until about 4 or 5 days ago it was working fine. Now the machine is unusably slow, and there is constant disk activity (but very low processor usage). If I turn Computer Security off it's fine again. Whilst it was off I checked for F-secure updates and…
"System Check"
One of our company's laptops has been infected with "System Check". This is a particularly nasty bit of spyware / malware / virus. The only way to recover this, as far as I have experienced is a total rebuild of the PC / laptop. Why hasn't F-Secure recognised this and provided suitable detection, clean-up facilities for…
Updating to 2012
I have an older Version of F-secure (Shaw Secure 9.01 build 105), which is no longer supported by my ISP. It now seems to be giving me issues. Such as not allowing programs to appear in my taskbar, does not allow IE to connect (but FF has no problems) and at times it freezes installs. So, 2 questions. 1) Can I uodate to…
Can not find the right anti virus?
A store near me installed F-Secure anti-virus on my computer. For about a month ago.Last week I had to restart the computer and everything on the computer was deleted. I have F-secure key, but I can not figure out what type of anti-virus they have installed. I miss having anti-virus on my PC.
error 27 while running f secure
I have encountered this error. What I did is I reinstalled the program and it suddenly vanished.
Any progress for BP compatibility with Firefox 10?
Just curious why F-Secure was caught not ready after doing farly good job of preparing Browsing Protection on time for last few FF releases.
Hi! I have a problem since 3-4 weeks. Ping.exe is running in the background on my PC and uses 75-99% of the processor capacity and a lot of internal memory. I have read a lot and it seems to be a trojan or a malware. F-secure did not identify it and I have tried a lot of free malware trojan remover program without any…
F-Secure cant remove trojan virus!?
This just recently started and I dont know what to do...It wont stop popping up about it and only "Blocks" it but it keeps coming back. Went to the folder this was inside...the file was unaccesible. Please help!
For all those who are tired of Mozilla's never-ending updates
I just found out that you can download an "Extended Service Release" ("ESR") copy of Firefox. This version of Firefox will receive security patches every 6 weeks, and after a year, the ESR "jumps" to the most current version of Firefox. So, right now, the ESR version is Firefox 10. Firefox 10 ESR will receive security…
Scan stopped, no malware found.
Hello, I have a problem, when I run a full scan it stops around 1600 files and says it is finished. I have "Scan inside compressed files" and "Use advanced heuristics" enabled. Even after an uninstallation with the UninstallationTool it keeps stopping just minutes after I run the scan. I have consulted other forums posts…
anyone having issue with internet security 2012 and quickbooks
anyoone having issues with 2012 and quickbooks