How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors
Hello, I've written an article that explains [url=http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-report-malware-or-false-positives-multiple-antivirus-vendors.htm] How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors[/url]. I apologize if this is in the wrong section of the forum. Please feel free to move it…
Scanning stops too early
Hi My first query. The scan option now stops after about one minute after only scanning 6387 files. It used to take hours after doing many more files. I am worried that it has hit a file it cannot deal with and then stopping. There are no error messages or any thing found. Many thanks Alan
how do i locate my lost nokia e700 with f- secure anti theft software
i'm in kumasi, Ghana West Africa. please help me cause my phone contains vital infomations also very expensive.secondly if i type the message #locate#**** which number do i send this text to.
Here's an original one! How about being about to contact F-secure when you have a problem? From 8.30 am this morning I have been being disconnected by live chat - every 10 minutes. I have tried your premium rate 0870 number - but after 2 minutes of having someone explain to me that the world isn't flat - without actually…
I have just installed F secure on my phone, and having just installed it, played around on it a bit, and then tried to unlock my phone, it has told me my keypad pattern is incorrect, 20 attempts later, still incorrect, and has asked me to enter my login (email) details- it now says that these are incorrect! (there's no way…
Mobile Anti-Theft: Software flashing
Hi there, I just read about your great (promising) product but I have a doubt. Let's say my cell phone gets stolen with your Anti-Theft soft installed. I can lock it and get notified when the SIM card is changed. All that works only, if the software is running. What happens, if the thief is flashing a new OS to my phone…
I missplaced my subscription key.I bought from F secure and have it on two computers and need to add
I bought F secure Internet Security 2011.I have it on 2 computers and want to add my notebook as my 3 rd one,but have misplaced my subscription key.How do I get it it?
F-Secure stopped then a problem appeared
Hi, I want to tell what happened before the problem exists: This morning F secure IS 2012 suddenly closed.Later I understand that Launchpad updates itself.After installing it's update it asked me to restart computer and I did.After restarting my laptop, F secure didn't showed on launchpad menu for 15-20 min and f secure…
Rescue Disc False Positive?
A few weeks ago I ran the Rescue Disc and it found one malware inside the "sda3/$Recycle.Bin/.....". Today I ran it again and it found one malware in the "sda3/$Recycle.Bin/...". Nothing else was found. I use CCleaner to shredder files, which can be started over the rightclick menu. Could it be that the malware is just a…
fssm32.exe using all CPU
Using IS2011. FSSM32.exe is using all the cpu and a chunk of memory. This is after a scheduled scan which I start at 5am but never appears to finish. When I restart the machine everything is fine until the next day when the scheduled scan starts again. Any ideas?
Free version
Is there any free version of your anti virus
comparison and trial version
hello, can anyone tell me if there is a difference between F-Secure and McAfee Internet Seccurity, and if so, which one do you think is better? Does the trial version have the same options as the paid version? thanks all!
Retrieving Fsecure Password on Nokia E7
Hi I recently bought a Nokia E7. activated F-secure but now I forgot my password. And i cant put any other sim card into the phone. Plz help Thanks
how to renew my subscription with the service offered
F-Secure internet security 2012 causes global system crash when using Opera browser
Hi After several months of tracking, it has become clear that F-Secure Internet Security 2012 is causing global system freeze (i.e. system not responding at all and a hard reboot is necesary) after a few hours of using the Opera browser. You can see the thread on the Opera community website here:…
i-phone 3g
just purchased mobile security, does this work on an i-phone 3g ? if so what download version, any help.
Rescue CD 3.14 build 44905 does not permit offline definition update from USB drive
Yesterday I attempted to perform a malware scan using F-secure Rescue CD 3.14. The affected machine was a notebook about 5 years old and my guess is that it has 1GB of RAM or less. The internet connection we have is a USB 3G modem which meant that machines could not be connected to the internet when the F-secure live…
Apple ID itunes securing tips!
I came across a video in you tube that teaches how to prevent from itunes Apple ID from compromise. As you would already know many Apple iTunes users have a habit of keeping Credit Card number details in your Apple ID. One way to prevent of these from happening is to log in to your Apple ID and delete the details of your…
FSIS 2012 key registration failed during installation behind a http proxy
Dear all, today I tried to install FSIS 2012 on a Win7 32bit professional PC behind a proxy via the launch pad. The message after entering the license key (translated back from German) is "registration service currently unavailable, please try later". I've set the right proxy settings in the launch pad, a test for updates…
Online Security updates force me to restart computer
This is annoying, even Windows is less of an annoyance forcing me to restart!
Forget Password
Hi, I am using Nokia E7 cell & I"ve use F-secure in cell phone but i forget Mobile Security Code. i need your help in this regard Thanx Faisal
Use of ftp://ftp.drivehq.com/ giving false positive.
So i'm building a FTP client in .net and I have a link label that when clicked shows a message box, it just gives the user an example of what an FTP server address is. The exact code is; Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles…
Browsing protection incompatible firefox gets updated too slow
Why are you updating Browsing Protection so slowly? It never works with Firefox Aurora
browsing protection and poor performance problem
IE9 keeps nagging me that Browsing Protection slows it down!
F-secure as antivirus?
Is F-secure an anti virus? if yes how is it better than others which are well known and reputable
Is it better to use malwarebytes antimalware + F-secure Internet security 2012, or just F-secure Internet security 2012? I ask in case it cause any conflict.
Mobile Security Android 4.0.3 Galaxy SII Orange UK
Hi I am currently trailing new PBS with mobile security. We all have Samsung Galaxy SII on ICS 4.0.3 from Orange UK, Download and installed mobile security 7.6. When you launch MS sits with a black screen for 30 seconds or so. Then error message pops up “Unfortunately, F-Secure Mobile Security has stopped” Anyone else come…
Fraud iPodApp ?
My F-secure Internet security detected portscanning "Syn Fin scan" from an IP address in my local network that turned out to be an IPod. Source port 56521 and knocking local port 1119. My son whose iPod is in question said that he had only downloaded the following applications from the AppStore. Impossible Game + Maps COD…
AppStore safety ?
I think I have discovered an interesting case on iPod touch which was detected by the F-secure internet security on a PC in the LAN. I have not been able to find similar reports in the web and I am wondering if this is a new finding or a false positive. I did report this first in the mobile-group but maybe this is the…
Device is not present, not working or they are not all necessary drivers installed. (Code 24)
I send this to F-Secure support.Felt sorry last time they said ,go to your internet provider. I talk to them and said i understand that you can't help me. You did not build the program. Anyway ,here is my longtime problem. F-Secure E-mail Scanning drives. Yellow Trianglel in the Drivers that are not Plug and Play Type…