itunes credit card fraud
To All Mac Users please take note.. See the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqsa3S9TZG4 Inform your friends, parents, sibling to be extra carefull.
Failed installation
I downloaded the beta today and tried installing but the conflicting software scanner stops at 25%. It says "There were some issues during installation" and ends the installation there. I keep trying but without success.
DNS Changer
Please take note about the DNS Changer. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57467580-263/how-to-detect-and-fix-a-machine-infected-with-dnschanger/?tag=txt;title Artice from the FBI http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2011/november/malware_110911 http://www.dcwg.org/ http://www.dns-ok.us/ Provide a Fix http://www.dcwg.org/fix/…
"The Find and Call" apps was removed from Apple Apps Store and Google
Hi Please take note of that The Find and Call Apps was removed from the Apple Apps Store and Google due to Malware. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57467274-83/apple-google-remove-trojan-spamming-app-from-stores/?tag=txt;title
CPU usage
Hi all :) I noticed that the F-Secure 2013 for a few minutes is a demanding system after loading the desktop. I know that this might be normal behavior, but is it possible to shorten the time this big usage? Regards
Mac OS X Hardening Tips
(Please do not remove from this post) I found this on Apple Forum page. And I find that this is a very useful tip! https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3291 This is not written by me but of the user in the Apple forum.
New Variant of Tibet, FileCoder A & B malware virus for Mac OS X
11 seconds ago Please take note of the new variant Mac OS X Malware. Tibet mac os x malware which detected by Kaspersky. And Eset Threat Center detects FileCoder A & B variants. Dated 7 June 2012 and 29 May 2012. See link below:-…
All cookies disabled
Yesterday I helped my parents update the f-secure Internet Security Technology Preview. This is the information after the update. F-Secure Startområde 1.62 build 365 CCF Agent 1.62 build 280 CCF CUIF 10.01 build 33962 CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 299 CCF Automatic Update Agent 1.05 build 1020 CCF Upstream 2.00 build 107 CCF…
FSIS 1.58 - Build 653 - ewerything works like a charm :-) - But ??
Hi Have been testing FSIS TP, for some time now, and i can understand from the newly mail i received that F-Secure IS don't deliver a build in firewall, only some filters for MS-Firewall ?? (on my test windows 7) I have told everybody, that one of the great security that F-Secure is, that the antivirus and the firewall…
Apple ID itunes & Apple Apps Store securing tips!
I came across a video in you tube that teaches how to prevent from itunes Apple ID from compromise. As you would already know many Apple iTunes users have a habit of keeping Credit Card number details in your Apple ID. One way to prevent of these from happening is to log in to your Apple ID and delete the details of your…
Something wrong with the servers?
Hi! today F-Secure (2013 beta) is very long conneting with servers, and sometimes it does not want to even connect. Only I have a problem? Regards :)
quarantine problem
I'm not able to add manually files to quarantine. Seems that there is no option to do that from GUI...
Public view of community/beta reported bugs
Hi, is there any list where beta testers could see what bugs have been reported and the status (open, fixed,...) of those? "Track Bug Reports" will only show issues reported by myself. Sorry, if it's already available and I have just missed the link ;-). Thank you! Best regards, Johann
monitored application
Again, as in case of quarantine I can't add manually files that I want to block. On the list I see only files that hasn't been recognise by deep guard module. It shoud be option to add files manually.
Problem when installing Internet Security Technology Preview
Hello! I have a problem when installing Internet Security Technology Preview in Windows 8 Release Preview. I started with Windows 7 and Internet Security 2012 (finnish version). Then I upgraded to Windows 8 Release Preview. Everything went well. According to your www-pages only Internet Security Technology Preview works in…
DeepGuard doesn't block Rootkit ZA sample.
Hi! I ran in a virtual machine rootkit ZeroAcces. Antivirus detect this rootkit, so I turned off real time protection to verify that DeepGuard is able to block the rootkit. Unfortunately, he did not. Rootkit is launched. To me this is a very big mistake and you have to solve it. I am running this virus on Windows XP SP3,…
Account Error-1
Hi, I've Got An Email That Got A Message Like This... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This E-mail is to inform you that your F-Secure user account has been updated. Please contact Community Support if you did not make these…
Is there an Online backup beta forum
Is there a forum for Online backup beta? Where can i find more details on what the online backup beta 3.0 does? and beta testing unstructions? Martti K.
TP 58 - quick feedback
Hi, First of all - those are indeed great GUI changes and, what have you done with software? I haven't seen most of those little bugs that all other ISTPs had(e.g.. Crashes and inappropriate slowdowns). By the way, in the tools/tasks(why those things have different names?.. please rename them with the same name for both…
Account Error
Hi, I've Got An Account For The F-Secure Beta Program. But I Dont Know What Happened To My Account. I Can't Reset Subscription Or Add Online Backup Subscription Or Add SelfCheck Subscription. Every Time It Just Came Out " Unknown user. (152) " And " Reset failed. (114) " So, I Still Only Can Use Internet Security…
New ISTP (54) released with Windows 8 support
Hi, we just released the new ISTP54 with support for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview when it becomes available from Microsoft. No other builds of Windows 8 are supported at this time, and F-Secure will not provide any further information about Windows 8 at this point in time. Other new features in this release are: * Added…
Remove Flashback
See the link for methods below:- http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Protection/Flashback-Mac-OS-X-Remover/td-p/10887 http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57410096-263/how-to-remove-the-flashback-malware-from-os-x/?tag=txt;title
Known Mac OS X viruses-updated
Hi Please take note there seems to be a new variants of trojans, backdoors viruses for mac. Namely at this time of writting. Olxy backdoor Blackhole RAT version 2 (also known as Musminim) Bancos FakeAVZp-B Bckdr-RID FakeAv-DD Please check the following links for known detections:-…
Is Tech Preview still running
I signed up to test the Mac Tech Preview today, and received a license key by email. But the email says the license code expires 2012-01-14. I tried the code anyway, and F-Secure says it is an "Invalid keycode". Is the program still open? How can I get a key? Thanks, Richard
F-Secure firewall and Windows Security Center
Hello everyone, My F-Secure firewall is turned on and my Windows Vista Security Center reports that it's deactivated. The message was appearing with the ISTP48 and it's still appearing with the ISTP49. Ppopoyy
Greetings! I was thinking, and it would be much nicer if we(testers - idea givers) could see your future plans and wishes, what you want to add/remove/change in next product release(now in IS2013). So, we could give you ideas how it will be better. Also, it will be good to have wishlist. Cheers, G. J.
ISTP with OLB?
Greetings, I got OLB from TP management, and can it be used with ISTP? (on same computer, same OS)
The website cannot display the page
Windows 7 64 bit, IE 9 Is anyone else having a problem with IE9 being unable to find websites? There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this, except that it started happening with the last F-Secure IS 2012 beta update (was hoping the one installed this morning would help, but it didn't). I haven't changed anything on the…
firewall setting
Hi, i have the last RC and every time i set the firewall in "restrittivo" at the restart of windows it return automatically to "ufficio" Regards, Nicholas
Browsing Protection still incompatible with firefox 10... when?
When will there be an update for Firefox 10 for incompatability? Fsecure says my browsing protection is on..... Firefox has it disabled. Obviously FSecure can't figure it out that its disabled... and obviously I'm not protected. Will this be released soon? How will we know that it is fixed to reenable the add on?