Online Safety Statistics



Online Safety statistics page doesn't indicate anything in: month, week and day.




  • Hi,


    Did I understand correctly that when you open the Statistics page and select "Month", the statistics are showing 0 on every part?


    -- Tomi

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer

    I reinstalled windows OS and thus - ISTP too


    And, when you had selected "Month", "week" or "day" the statistics were showing 0, but statistics for "Year" worked out.



    But in fact, now - after reinstall - all of selective dates are showing everything as 0.



  • Nik
    Nik Posts: 1

    Hi there,


    same problem with me. Although I am browsing with my IE like mad, all statistic counts are 0.

    Why this ?


  • tripodzid
    tripodzid Posts: 32 Observer

    This will be changed differently if you will use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome which works best for me.




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