I want to see my s ubscription info on Freedome about screen

I wan to be able to see how many activations I still have left on my 5-pack subscription with intstalling Freedome and seeing if it takes or rejects my key.
I also want to see my account info. Apparently I have an account tied to the same email I received my subscription receipt from that was just a trial (that I subsequently converted to registered) and that was the only account I could use to "sign in" to your site. I can't remember, do I have an F-Secure account with my paid subscription or not?
I don't like guessing and I don't necessarily remember how many activations I have made. Please make this easier.
Hi @NotTelling,
I have moved your post to the Feature Requests board as this post gives more ideas for the Freedome product. I will pass on your feedback to our Freedome team.