Fingerprint/Face recognition unlock

Is there in the roadmap of the F-Key unlocking the Windows Client with computer's fingerprint or IR-camera facial recognition? Could be more useful (and safer) to use biometric unlock than basic master password.
Hi @MarkusLintuala,
Just to inform you, I have moved this post to the Feature Requests board.
We appreciate your input on this feature. However, there is no plans for this feature currently.
Markus, you should be aware that both fingerprint and face unlock have serious security problems.
All face unlock methods are easily fooled by a photograph of you.
All fingerprint unlock methods are easily fooled by a fingerprint lifted from your phone screen (glass is an excellent surface for getting fingerprints!).
Basically, fingerprint and face unlock are both next to useless in really securing your data - fingerprint being especially bad, as there is no need to do a second step (take/get a photo) other than stealing your phone.
Face recognition with IR-camera is not foolable with photograph.
Fingerprint is already really spread authentication method for several applications and devices so it can be counted as one trusted biometric authentication method. You can buy stuff e.g. from Google Play with Fingerprint, you can authenticate yourself in to F-Secure Key for Andorid with fingerprint, you can authenticate yourself to you bank applciation with fingerprint, you can unlock your personal device (andorid, ios or windows 10) with fingerprint etc..
Windows Hello (biometrical authentification) is a great and convenient way to unlock a device! Like the ideay of biometrical authentification rather it is Apples fingerprint reader on iPhone/ipad devices or iris scanner/facial recognition on some windows devices! Would also appreciate support for biometrical support for Windows!