fs protection - Add import export function to browsing protection exception
Dear FS team, Thanks for the great job in developing fs. In earlier days I use Privoxy to block ads system-wide but this didn't work well in Windows 8 so I dropped it and found some other solutions. Fast foward to now I've upgraded to Windows 10 and Edge lacks ad blocking functionality. Being extremely annoyed by the Flash…
Internet Security UI scaling on Windows 8.1 and high resolution displays
Please make the Internet Security UI scale properly on Windows 8 and high resolution screens. I have a 13" laptop with 3200x1800px screen resolution and Internet Security UI is pretty much unusable without a magnifying glass. Here's a screenshot (scaled down to 1920p). The text is physically about 1.7mm high...
Why F-Secure Search using Google ads is a really bad idea
I searched on "You Tube" using F-Secure Search and here are the results: 1) You Yuble - wow.com www.wow.com/You+Yuble Search for You Yuble Look Up Quick Results Now! 2) Funny videos, funny clips - video-funny.com www.video-funny.com/ Watch funny videos and funny clips. Funny images, funny pictures, pics. 3) You Tube -…
Gaming Mode options
Set gaming active always when a selected game is started, then exit game mode when the program is closed. Could have an option to "always activate gaming mode for this program" in the right mouse button menu on desktop.
Add start and stop times to scans
When malware is present, it sometimes messes with scans. I would like to see start and stop times added to scans so I can determine if the current scan is taking the same time as usual.
Key - Option to change listing of passwords
Suggested feature - I use apx 5 passwords alot ( banking, email etc) and would prefer to have them at the top of my list, instead of scrolling everytime. I would like to have either a Favourites option or a most popular listed top to bottom. Thanks Gav
Web browser addon that lets users to report websites that needs to be blocked
Even though f secure has a web filter, there are websites that are left out unblocked by web filter database. So let the user report websites that need to be blocked in certain category. Then F secure can analyse the submitted website and add it into there web filter database.
File location in virus and spyware history
Greetings, I have rather feature request to add location where those certain infected files were found. Currently it only displays name and date of found files. Edit: Sorry, actually to see its location you have to double click the found infection; but can you make it more identifiable and easily "thoughtable"?
Interface. To improve the image.
Hi, Do you now, how the typical user chooses applications, like Antivirus? Interface. They look at the interface. And it is amazing (for users), when interface changes every few versions. User see of first sight that a program was changed. But F-Secure has this same interface since 2010 version (except for small details).…
Online Backup uploading process
Greetings, Everyone knows OLB has problems regarding upload speed, and it's basically due to small files being uploaded serially(because in process of upload it checks file before upload, uploads it, checks if it is same on user's end as in the cloud and then begins same process for next file, files might be some bites in…
Sound to "Anti-theft"
Hi, I was thinking, and it would be really great if you'll add "beepability" to anti-theft software. With any custom sounds and so on. (you'll send sms with special code and anti-theft will play some sound... simple as is) So it will be easier to find lost phone, or stolen one.
I find website confusing to navigate
F-secure's website has a clean and modern look. It seems like it should be easy to find what I want, but I seem to continue to have a hard time finding what I want. I cant' really describe what the problems are, but two areas come to mind. The business and home sections seem to be intermixed in a confusing manner. The…
Don't Become Unnecessary Bloatware
This is not so much of an idea, but maybe of what not to do, and that is, don't try to do so much other stuff other than improving the Web Browsing and PC Security. I had run the trial version of Kaspersky 2012 Security Suite, and they have so many things you can click and tick, so many misc options, that it can become…
instruction in Finnish from the article
Instructions in the community's second language (Finnish) from the article: At least my oriental language skills are not as good as they used to be
Provide online transactions for warning reasons and operation selection button
Convey user improvement suggestions, (Use Google to translate Chinese to English, please forgive me) The following instructions provide an error response screen, It is recommended to analyze the reasons for the immediate blocking, and to provide a protection warning and then directly display the button to choose whether to…
Improve quarantine
I think it’s not difficult to implement the ability to automatically delete quarantine objects after a certain number of days that will select users (by default, for example, 30 days) and add the ability to change the size of the quarantine itself (by default, for example, 1GB). This will save space on your computer when…
CPU Hardware support for ransomware
Could future f-secure products get cpu hardware detection for (intel tdt) more accurate malware and ransomware detection.
Remove branding in F-Secure products
In F-Secure security products, if they are purchased from other sources (e.g. Vodafone Germany), then there is branding used. However, I would like to use the original F-Secure products with my contract without having a Vodafone (or other) branding. The disadvantage is also that apps in the Play Store or so are not as up…
Disable Pop-ups
Add the ability to NOT allow F-Secure to make pop-ups for ANY reason. Most notably for 'Browser Protection' Like many others I constantly get Pop-ups for browser protection even when I press 'Don't ask again.' In other threads, agents suggest it has been fixed in an update, but the feature must not have taken affect for…
Action button
The scan was successful with non of the virus detected now. When we scan the system and the viruses are detected, instead of locating each file (virus) manually in finder and deleting them one by one, it would have been much better if there was a drop down menu with the option to select "delete all" near the action menu.…
SAFE to safari on iPhone
Since apple allowed the use of extensions on safari on iPhone. It would be more practical to have a safari extension than a separate safe browsing app.
FSESS and Microsoft Exchange - Scanning for specific URLs in incoming emails / scan masked domains
Dear F-Secure Team, we are using FSESS in our Exchange 2016 environment to scan incoming emails for Malware, Spam, harmful links and malicous attachments. After using FSESS for some months we found out that the handling with harmful hyperlinks in emails needs a improvement. 1) It would be nice if F-Secure could provide an…
Export more "Device Details" in WithSecure EPP
As an administrator, I would like to extract more information in a list (e.g. CSV or HTML on the screen) from my devices. Up to now, EPP records details like vendor, model, BIOS version and date, etc. but this information can only be seen per machine on the details page of each machine. Up to now it's not possible to…
Global selection on Security Pilot Event
Hello, It's could be nice if we could do a multi selection on Security Pilot Event. Actually, if we have many events related we couldn't select all and confirm it. Thanks
Browsing through detections in MS365 Protection
As a user of the MS365 Protection backend, I would like to be able to easily manage the detections: browsing through new detections should be easier by clicking a "Next" or "Previous" button instead of going back to the list and choosing the next entry to be worked on changing the status should instantly save the change I…
Custom dashboards for Policy Manager
Hello, Would be possible to add some custom („real time“) dashboards to PM ? For example some line chart for number of malware detection in time. Or maybe at least option to add the charts from Web Reportion (even the custom ones created by data mining feature) and refresh them e.g. each 5/10 minutes ? Because in case that…
IP filter on Elements
Hello, Can you add on element an ip filtering ? Maybe a control on authentication to prevent the connection on our element console by an another public ip than ours. Thanks
Can save a device on 2FA
Hello, we want to activate 2FA on Element Console but we have to use 2FA each time we connect to the console. Can you add the possibility to save a device on 2FA for 15days/30days ? Thanks
Multiselect and Multitenant/Multi role options for Policy Manager users
Hello, we would like to have following features in Policy Manager - related to user adding/options: 1) For one user allow more use roles for different groups (different domain level). E.g. admin for one group and read only for all other or for few specific (another) groups. 2) Something like multiselect for adding user…
PSB Profile Application Control multiple SHA1 or/and
Right now only "and" conditions are contained in PSB SHA1 application control to allow applications. I suggest to extend this feature with a drop down "and/or", so you are able to shorten the list of exceptions, e.g. because of many subapplications for a single programm or due to different used versions.