Option to stop automatically logging on.

RtheD Posts: 4 Observer

I would like the option to turn of automatically logging onto a website. My passwords are not complete and (as extra security in case your website is comprised) I add my code to complete the final password.

2 votes

Completed · Last Updated


  • K_P
    K_P Posts: 53 Enthusiast


    I think the suggestion is something that should be implemented. Useful also in my use cases.

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager


    Coming in IDP PC version 5.2.


  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @RtheD

    This idea has been implemented and now in production.

    The Idea is now considered completed and closed!

    Thank you for your suggestion.

This discussion has been closed.