Guest account for mobile
Greetings, I was thinking, and maybe you'll make "guest account" ability for your mobile products? There are few similar things on the web or stores... But, if you'll make it for your own product, or as your, it won't be bad at all... It will be a little PR element for your company...
notif update database
I have an idea what if after DB update will be out notif. but it can be set notif want to appear or not.
no parental control password
no parental control password
gui boring
What team whether team f-secure did not have any idea to make the design of the new f-srcure?
Hello?... is anyone out their?...
Is it just me?, or are their a HUGE number of Forum Questions &/or Comments going un-answered?. Regardless of the perceived importance?, each & every thread should be addressed by an informed member of the F-Secure team IMO.
IPv6 (and IPv4) attack log tools (abusable use reporting and solving)
Hi, I use the PC Protection version (F-Secure's ISP product sold direct to ISP's customers by them). There is that log viewer where is firewall alerts log and you can watch more information like resolve dns address of the attackers. Not very usable one while can't even copy&paste IP. One thing I figured out is that 6to4…
Interface for Windows 8.
Do you plan to do a specially interface of F-Secure for Windows 8? It will be nice
Cloud space for smartphones
Greetings, You has storage services, and why you won't make one other? Most of today's smartphones don't use "additional" storage space (e.g. SD cards), and users are in need of additional space for their devices, many smartphone OS providers(microsoft, google) provide cloud space, but they are very limited. Users should…
F-Secure E-mail Scanning drives ,and i post this some an Idea to get som help from F-Secure.
I send this to F-Secure support. Felt sorry last time they said ,go to your internet provider. I talk to them and said i understand that you can't help me. You did not build the program. Anyway ,here is my longtime problem. F-Secure E-mail Scanning drives. Yellow Trianglel in the Drivers that are not Plug and Play Type…
Add a few options
I would like F-secure to add a few options like the ability to.. Exclude processes from real-time scanning. -------------------------------------------------------------- Its very useful when using streaming applications.. Exclude Safe Websites from real-time scanning.…
Windows Home Server 2011 Anti-Virus
Hi, the Windows Home Server community is in need of a good supported anti-virus product. Could F-Secure provide such a product for the home user as the business server software is way too expensive. Or maybe offer a cut-down version of the business software for use with home servers.
A comment can be used for idea's
Please make it possible to choose if you want to execute a file , instead of it being removed at once by f-secure !! Some files trigger f-secure , when I know it is allowed by me !!! Unlocker for windows 7 , asks during install , if I want to install eBay , I said no.... Still f-secure says eBay is malware , it is NOT , I…
Launch Pad As A Gadget
I think the Launch Pad would work better as a Desktop Gadget, enabling the features to run from there. As it is now, in clicking the F-Secure Notification Area icon, thus loading the Launch Pad, then loading the console, is one unnecessary click. Just have it launch into the full console mode with one click, and again, the…
Helpful Tools
Hello! I have some suggestions on how to improve the version of 2013,and more specifically, the tool should add. First of all: -the ability to create rescue CD from the program. This option really missing me. Currently, almost all programshave the useful function -scanning of removable media when connected to…
Online Backup - Icon
Fairly simple, really. When online backup finishes the icon is still grey. That seems to indicate that it's not running, isn't completed or that something else might be wrong. I figure it might make more sense to make it green or something? Just imagine having both a green and a blue F-Secure tornado in your system tray.
Greetings! Make third app for IS in launch pad - SAS app. So it will be kind of "premium rate anti-virus". Make very simple GUI design(as usual), first window should be all known malware(with their definition)(use IS help GUI design for that window)(I guess it will be nice if users will get information…
Ok, here's one idea, although I don't know if this is a great one. Since all browsers are getting a minimalistic look, with fewer toolbars as possible, how about removing the f-secure toolbar and do the url filtering at the http level? This way all the browsers are supported and there will be no need to release fixes for…
Suggestion : Less clicks to access firewall logs and activity
Why are firewall logs (action and alert logs) and the Activity tab inside the Settings option? Every time I want to check what applications are communicating or what the firewall is working on, I have to go through the Security Center, enter the Settings, pass the UAC check, then browse in the firewall settings. Since both…
Suggestion : Firewall Learning Modes
Provided F-secure has checked and found no malware on the host pc, is it possible adding a Firewall Learning mode where the firewall allows all connections and applications while it's on Learning Mode and makes rules for them, you know, something like calibrating the network without having to troubleshoot what's wrong with…
Help iran we need internet
ID monitoring & OTP and other feature suggestions
I appreciate the fact that you have detected sites that have accidentally leaked my account password. But now there are two problems: The first one: The website that leaked my account password no longer provides a member login system, nor does they have a member database. The second one: leaks from unknown websites, which…
Feature suggestion
Hi! I have used ID PROTECTION now for quite a while and therefore I have a lot of accounts in there. I think it would be great to have a feature in the product that lists accounts that have not been used for a while to help a user keep a "healthy" digital hygiene. By locating these rarely used credentials, a user can…
REQUEST: Add the option to save Identity items and Secure notes
Bitwarden has the option to save ID Cards, Passports, Driver's licences, Permit cards, etc with information such as Name, SSN, Issue date, Expiry date, License number, Notes regarding the item AND attachments for images of the identity item. Secure notes would be super useful for saving recovery codes as text or QR-code…
Feedback on ID protection, request for features
Thank you for the product, I have been using this since I left F-Secure about 10 years ago, so ex-employee here. I have been missing two specific features on the product to streamline the usage experience: When creating new key: auto-complete for username, based on other usernames stored in the Vault. When opening Vault,…
Add multiple URLs to ID Protection / Key
It is almost essential to add multiple URLs to a Password Entry. I am surprised that this is not a feature (should be super easy to add, right?).
Continue scan after gaming
When a scheduled scan is executed and during that scan a game is started then that scan is terminated by the gaming mode. The scan does not continue where it had been stopped, it's cancelled instead. The correct behaviour would be to pause the scan during gaming 6 and continue when gaming mode is turned off. This is an…
Please may a shutdown when complete option be added to the scanning interface?
With my previous antivirus software there was an option which could be selected while scanning to shut the device down once the scan was complete. Please may this option be added to the F-Secure antivirus? It is a very useful feature when conducting large scans before leaving you device.
Allow SAFE UI to retain the same dimension set by user
Hello I suggest that once the FS UI has been extended it remains so (saùe dimensions) till next usen it's just a drag to have to re-extend it each time I re-open it thank u
need better user interface in F-Secure ID Protection password manager, folder structure to organize
Hi, I would like to request that the password manager F-Secure ID Protection would have some better UI options for PC especially. "The Long List" style of storing passwords is not very well organized for PC users, although it might be ok for the mobile and touchscreen. (and I do infact use ID Protection for both android…