A comment can be used for idea's

Please make it possible to choose if you want to execute a file , instead of it being removed at once by f-secure !!
Some files trigger f-secure , when I know it is allowed by me !!!
Unlocker for windows 7 , asks during install , if I want to install eBay , I said no....
Still f-secure says eBay is malware , it is NOT , I use the useful program many years , on different systems
I must say , I have never had a virus scanner that comments so much as f-secure !! (ask is on for everything , but there is not much to
choose , and setting ask is the only way to have some control)
And not be able to choose if a program is allowed to run is a definite no no.
My previous antivirus did gave me a choice , let it run once , run it only now , ignore this program do not scan , make this program a exception.
With my Qnap home server I had problems to , had to disable the f-secure firewall during creation of the network.
( f-secure did not ask questions quick enough , they are enabled , "ask for everything" )
After the network was created , I could make the new rules in f-secure firewall.
Hope there will be a update with the build in possibility to allow programs to run , with inside the antivirus configuration , a possibility to put programs inside that are allowed and have an exception rule.
Greetings Paul