Updates are delayed after waking Windows from Sleep/Hypernate mode
F-Secure (currently using version 19.0) is not updating right away after waking Windows (currently Windows 11) from Sleep or Hypernate mode. Usually F-Secure updates automatically right away after turning on/reboots. In cases when Windows wakes from Sleep or Hypernate mode, F-Secure takes about 1 hour to trigger the search…
Feedback on new F-Secure App in Windows
Hi, Nice to see new developments with your app. How ever, the usability has gone down: Previous, having separate ID Protection app, it was easier to open it for logins with one mouse click from the right hand corner icons in Windows taskbar. Now I need to first open F-Secure app, then from there select the vault. More…
Few fixes and features of old apps would be nice.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Feedback on new F-Secure App in Windows.
New F-Secure Total Application Launch and Community Updates
Dear F-Secure Community, We wanted to let you know about some exciting changes we've made to the F-Secure Community page. We've updated the look and feel of the page, and we're thrilled to announce the launch of our new application, F-Secure Total! This new application provides comprehensive protection for all your…
F-Secure Charter AntiBot Scanner
When I run F-Secure Charter AntiBot Scanner it tells me that I have items in quarantine and when I click "View Quarantine" there is Nothing there. What is the problem? I don't recall doing a previous scan that found anything to be quarantined.
Are there any plans for Freedome to add new locations in the list (e.g. Greece)?
Hi all, Do you know if there are plans to increase the locations from which to choose for the Freedome service? I am especially interested in Greece. Thanks in advance for any information.
je veux me désabonner immédiatement de ce programme
mon ordinateur est complètement déréglé avec f secure. Remboursez-moi !
Tilin sähköpostiosoiteen vaihto
Tämä uusi keskustelu luotiin viesteistä jotka lähetettiin alkujaan aiheeseen Tilin sähköpostiosoiteen vaihto.
Hittar ingen produktnyckel. Finns inte med i bekräftelsen. Har tittat även i skärpposten
Var finner jag min produktnyckel. Har betalat via mastercard idag men har inte fått någon produktnyckel i samband med bekräftelsen.
F -Secure lataus uudelle SBB tallennusasemalle
Koneeseemme laitettiin uusi SBB tallennusasema. On C asemana. Vanhakin on D asemana. F-secure safe on vanhalla Hdd asemalla D ja se ei nähtävästi toimi. Olen sen kyllä maksanut. En saa ladattua F-Secure Safea uudelle SBB asemalle.? Voisiko vastauksen saada sähköpostiin xxxxxxxxxxxxx Edit: Removed PII
Miksi TOTAL - versio ohjauksineen on muutettu SAFE - versioksi ohjauksineen
Aivan mystinen tapaus, kun My Secure ohjaukset ovat pudonneet aivan toiselle tasolle. Toki koneissa saattaa olla kaikki pyörimässä, mutta kun tuli vaikeuksia ja yksi laite tuli viedä perusasetuksille, niin F-secure ohjaukset ovat kaventuneet eivätkä toimi. PAH
New device
I have current code until 17.9.2023, 5 devices. How do i add this into my new Galaxy tab A8?
Installing Freedome
Hi! How can I install the Freedome in my cell phone? I have a license for 3 different machines. I needed to remove Freedome and now I am trying to install it again. I can not log into my account because I will get a page where there are listed places from where I might have bought my Freedome. I bought mine from any of…
Hello, Free tool to scan breached data on web/dark web shows my Sensitive data ( such as e-mails and passwords ) are breached February 2023 , Raccoon Stealer Breach. Other than F-Secure ID Theft Checker, No free or Paid compromised data checker shows no information about this. I'd like to learn more about this. How…
Charter Security Suite Workgroup file share fail
After installing Charter Security Suite on my wife's Windows-10 desktop machine, other computers in the local workgroup can no longer access shares on her computer. Her computer can access shares on other machines in the workgroup (running samba on linux), but those machines can no longer access shares on her machine. Is…
Freedome lahoaa macOS Ventura 13.1 (ja edellisellä versiolla)
Marras-joulukuun vaihteesta lähtien seuraava ongelma vaivannut: Freedome aktivoituu normaalisti, kytkeytyy jne. 5-15 minuutin kuluttua huomaat, että Apple Mail spostiliikenne on pysähtynyt (ei yhteyttä serveriin) ja nettiliikenteelle käy samoin. Ongelma korjaantuu on/off tempulla, mutta sitä joutuu nyt tekemään jatkuvasti…
Lisenssien vähentäminen
Miten poistaa ylimääräisiä tilauksia/lisenssejä
Maksoin F-Secure FREEDOMEN ja Haluan peruuttaa sen. Tilaus 10.2.2023. Viitenumero: XXXXXXX
Timo Ruohonen
tilauksen uusiminen tökkii
Sain ilmoituksen että torjunta vanhenee. Klikkasin linkin uusimisesta. Maksoin laskun ja sain viitenumeron. Mutta tilausta en pääse uusimaan?
Minimising Float Bar to Task Bar
The original F Secure allowed you to minimise the Banking Protection bar to the task bar. Now.. it floats away but comes down if the mouse is moved near the top. I need to have my spreadsheet open when I do banking and I keep clicking on END by mistake as the float bar comes down where the Excel minimise icon is.. This…
Ability to monitor and stop scheduled scan
For now scheduled scan is done in background. There is no window to see what is being scanned. Also there is no option to stop scheduled scan. It can go forever if I have very huge number of files. So there is a need to have window or tab in f-secure to monitor and stop scheduled scan.
Add Changelog, Known and Fixed Issues and Bug-Reporting (Button) to Website or Forum
Hi developers, would love to see some kind of Changelog page, a list of known- and fixed-issues as well as some kind of a Bug-Reporting Site or Button on your site or forum. * Inform customers about changes, fixes or new features. * Tell customers which bugs or issues you already know about, so we can be sure, that's on…
Relaunch a scheduled scan if the system has been shut down before
Hi all, Please add the option for F-Secure SAFE to start a scheduled scan as soon as possible after the previously powered off system is booted and running again. Example: The next scheduled scan is Sunday at 11 am. The system will not be up and running until 1 pm that day. Expected behavior: The automatic scan will start…
Adding multiple security level
SAFE product to add a new setting using overall security level such as Low, Medium, High(Strict) for easier setting, which means users wont need to customize each setting one by one like current setting.
Inbuilt sample/file submission option F-secure.
There should be inbuilt file submission option in f secure for submitting file/sample to fsecure lab for analysis. Presently you have to submit file using online submission platform which is little tiresome.
Start a scheduled scan when one has been missed
Sometimes my machine is switched off or hibernating when a scheduled scan is due. This appears to lose the scan entirely. This brings two suggestions: 1) If a scan is lost because the machine is switched off, to start a scan next time it is restarted. 2) If the machine is hibernating or asleep when a scan is due, wake the…
FS Protection PC 19.0 releases
FS Protection PC 19.0 releases will be posted under this thread.
Miten laitemäärän saa pienemmäksi?
Uusin tilaukseni, mutta en mitenkään saanut vaihdettua 7 laitteen tilalle 5. Nyt minulla on kalliimpi tilaus kuin olisin tarvinut. Miten tuon laitemäärän olisi saanut viideksi?
Tilauksen uusiminen epäonnistuu - käskee ottamaan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun?
Tilauksen uusiminen epäonnistuu - käskee ottamaan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun?
Is there any way to migrate from KEY to ID protection?
Now that I have a new phone I decided it would be good to upgrade to ID protection and get premium. I tried to follow the instructions at "How do I move from KEY to ID PROTECTION on mobile devices?" but have been dismayed to find that no sync code is generated in the KEY client. Searching through old forum threads leads me…