
Chrisjohno Posts: 4 New Member
AirPlay does not work with beta 9.3.3 any chance of a fix before I commit?


  • Hi Chrisjohno,


    What is the version of Freedome installed on your device?

  • Chrisjohno
    Chrisjohno Posts: 4 New Member
  • Hi Chrisjohno,


    As you are using Beta iOS 9.3.3, we have not tested Freedome on the beta version. Also, we had similar iOS9, Airplay and Freedome report before and it seems likely to be an iOS issue as we are using the VPN functionality built into the iOS. I could find a similar post here about Airplay and Freedome.

  • Chrisjohno
    Chrisjohno Posts: 4 New Member
    Tried last night with keeping VPN on while idel and that worked with Amazon and Netflix but if you wish to stream or equivalent it crashes.
  • Chrisjohno
    Chrisjohno Posts: 4 New Member

    The only way to get FREEDOM VPN to work is to turn off VPN go the the site on safari you want to stream turn on AirPlay ensure its connected to TVs and playing fine then turn on VPN which then it works 

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