Remove branding in F-Secure products
In F-Secure security products, if they are purchased from other sources (e.g. Vodafone Germany), then there is branding used. However, I would like to use the original F-Secure products with my contract without having a Vodafone (or other) branding. The disadvantage is also that apps in the Play Store or so are not as up…
ID monitoring & OTP and other feature suggestions
I appreciate the fact that you have detected sites that have accidentally leaked my account password. But now there are two problems: The first one: The website that leaked my account password no longer provides a member login system, nor does they have a member database. The second one: leaks from unknown websites, which…
Freedome F-secure VPN affiliate Programme
Dear Support, I would like you suggest you to have an affiliate programme for your your old users so that they can earn some penny from their recommendation to your products. That can boost your products and service much better in public. Giving some penny away doesn't really mean you lose your profit but it can increase…
Passwortmanageräre schön wenn man die Felder im Passwortmanager editieren bzw. weitere Felder hinzufügen könnte. Ebenso wie Dateianhänge
Feedback on new F-Secure App in Windows
Hi, Nice to see new developments with your app. How ever, the usability has gone down: Previous, having separate ID Protection app, it was easier to open it for logins with one mouse click from the right hand corner icons in Windows taskbar. Now I need to first open F-Secure app, then from there select the vault. More…
Few fixes and features of old apps would be nice.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Feedback on new F-Secure App in Windows.
Are there any plans for Freedome to add new locations in the list (e.g. Greece)?
Hi all, Do you know if there are plans to increase the locations from which to choose for the Freedome service? I am especially interested in Greece. Thanks in advance for any information.
Minimising Float Bar to Task Bar
The original F Secure allowed you to minimise the Banking Protection bar to the task bar. Now.. it floats away but comes down if the mouse is moved near the top. I need to have my spreadsheet open when I do banking and I keep clicking on END by mistake as the float bar comes down where the Excel minimise icon is.. This…
Ability to monitor and stop scheduled scan
For now scheduled scan is done in background. There is no window to see what is being scanned. Also there is no option to stop scheduled scan. It can go forever if I have very huge number of files. So there is a need to have window or tab in f-secure to monitor and stop scheduled scan.
Add Changelog, Known and Fixed Issues and Bug-Reporting (Button) to Website or Forum
Hi developers, would love to see some kind of Changelog page, a list of known- and fixed-issues as well as some kind of a Bug-Reporting Site or Button on your site or forum. * Inform customers about changes, fixes or new features. * Tell customers which bugs or issues you already know about, so we can be sure, that's on…
Relaunch a scheduled scan if the system has been shut down before
Hi all, Please add the option for F-Secure SAFE to start a scheduled scan as soon as possible after the previously powered off system is booted and running again. Example: The next scheduled scan is Sunday at 11 am. The system will not be up and running until 1 pm that day. Expected behavior: The automatic scan will start…
Adding multiple security level
SAFE product to add a new setting using overall security level such as Low, Medium, High(Strict) for easier setting, which means users wont need to customize each setting one by one like current setting.
Inbuilt sample/file submission option F-secure.
There should be inbuilt file submission option in f secure for submitting file/sample to fsecure lab for analysis. Presently you have to submit file using online submission platform which is little tiresome.
Start a scheduled scan when one has been missed
Sometimes my machine is switched off or hibernating when a scheduled scan is due. This appears to lose the scan entirely. This brings two suggestions: 1) If a scan is lost because the machine is switched off, to start a scan next time it is restarted. 2) If the machine is hibernating or asleep when a scan is due, wake the…
Banking protections
I would suggest that you enable exclusion for certain websites. For example exclude Binance . Now you can only turn on or of
Background scan
For manually initiated scans, no matter what type (complete, fast or manual), you should be able to close the window so that the scan continues to run in the background. Then it should be possible to call it up via the F-Secure event viewer and optionally also via the tray icon, e.g. with "All scans" or so where these are…
PUA protection
It would be nice to have an option for PUA protection and how F-Secure should react, e.g. ask, block or generally allow.
Free VPN for people of Iran
I admire you and your beloved team. When Ukrainians did not have access to the global Internet, unlike other VPN companies, you did not sit quietly and supported the equal rights of everyone to access the Internet and provided 6 months of free VPN services for Ukrainians. I am here to write to you, who support the basic…
Pin to top for ID Protection vault
Pin to top for ID Protection vault would be handy to find frequently used items quickly.
Disable Pop-ups
Add the ability to NOT allow F-Secure to make pop-ups for ANY reason. Most notably for 'Browser Protection' Like many others I constantly get Pop-ups for browser protection even when I press 'Don't ask again.' In other threads, agents suggest it has been fixed in an update, but the feature must not have taken affect for…
Allow SAFE UI to retain the same dimension set by user
Hello I suggest that once the FS UI has been extended it remains so (saùe dimensions) till next usen it's just a drag to have to re-extend it each time I re-open it thank u
Linux support for FREEDOME
Android devices have to be rooted to be able to configure VPN forwarding to access points. Are there even any plans to have Linux support?
Safe Banking
Although i much prefer F-secure, one thing that eset has that F-secure hasn't is being able to manually start safe Banking, this is great for sites like Amazon, Very shopping online etc that don't automatically go into safe Banking with F-Secure.
Request: (2FA) two-factor authentication for Protection
Hello eberybody I think I am not the only one with this request. A two-factor authentication for the ID-Protection product would certainly make sense in terms of security. The function would not have to be mandatory for everyone, but those who would like to increase security could activate it. At a later point in time, it…
It would be nice that the PC version of ID-protection could use a fingerprint to log in (Windows hello) 👆️ Most of the laptops are equipped with a fingerprint scanner so this would be quite a relevant feature. Also, many of your competitors offer this option. 😒
Monthly "volunteer work day(earning extra Badges)" for F-Secure personnel
Every month(12 times per year),every unanswered question in community could be investigated and answered if possible contributing "stucked" issues...
Help iran we need internet
The People of Iran need you now... #MahsaAmini
Implement new my.f-secure.com portal for Home Products
"the tolerable lightness of purchasing " and fluent product licencing and managing is somewhat poor in present one...
SAFE to safari on iPhone
Since apple allowed the use of extensions on safari on iPhone. It would be more practical to have a safari extension than a separate safe browsing app.